Every mother count responds to one of the questions we get asked the most often: what does the term “maternal health” exactly mean? Even though the mission of every mother counts is to promote healthy pregnancy and childbirth, one of the questions we are asked the most frequently is, “what exactly does maternal health mean?”. The question is straightforward; the response is highly involved.
What are maternal health issues
According to the world health organization, “maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.” however, “maternal health” encompasses more than just those three stages of a woman’s life.
Many think it means maternal healthcare (doctors, midwives, trained birth attendants, hospitals, and clinics). While that is undoubtedly an important part, it is not what we mean when discussing maternal health.
What is the importance of maternal and child health nursing?
Not only does having access to quality maternal healthcare ensure that a mother will have a healthy pregnancy and delivery, but a healthy mother also helps to ensure that her newborn child and the rest of her family will have healthy outcomes.
Professionals in the field of maternal and child health work to improve the health of pregnant women and their children, as well as to raise the overall rate of vaccinations, as well as to provide information on and access to sexual reproductive health services and methods of family planning.
What are the objectives of maternal and child health?
Maternal child care’s specific objectives center on reducing maternal, perinatal, infant, and childhood mortality and morbidity and promoting reproductive health and the physical and psychosocial development of children and adolescents within the context of their families. Additionally, MCH care seeks to improve the quality of life for mothers, infants, and children.
It includes the care of the woman and her family throughout pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the prevention of illness and treatment of disease for the families’ children and children’s families.
The mission of maternal and child health (MCH): is to ensure that every pregnant woman and nursing mother enjoys good health, acquires knowledge of the art of child care, has a standard delivery, and has healthy children.
Leading causes of maternal mortality
A woman’s risk of maternal morbidity and mortality is increased when certain factors are present. It is possible that the woman and her healthcare provider can make adjustments to some of these risk factors to reduce the overall risk. Not all of the elements can be altered. In addition, some women experience maternal morbidity, severe maternal morbidity, near misses, or even death without having any known risk factors.
Which factors affect maternal health
Several factors1, including the following, can increase a woman’s risk of developing maternal morbidity and mortality:
- Conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, asthma, or an immune system that is not functioning properly;
- Older maternal age
- Several factors related to one’s way of life, such as one’s current or past status as a smoker
- Delivering two, three, or more babies than expected at once
Different complications during pregnancy
An increase in a woman’s risk of developing high blood pressure, blood clots, and stroke later in life is associated with preeclampsia, characterized by a sharp rise in blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy.
Women who have gestational diabetes, which is high blood sugar during pregnancy, have a higher lifetime risk of developing diabetes (typically type 2) and fatty liver disease. Gestational diabetes can also be called pregnancy-related hyperglycemia.
How does maternal health affect child growth and development?
According to the findings of a study supported by the niche, first-time mothers who gave birth vaginally were at a greater risk for pelvic floor disorders.
Women with certain types of incisions are at a higher risk for rupture of the uterus. This rare but serious problem can occur during vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) procedures. However, VBAC procedures are safe for some women. A rupture can cause various problems, including infection, bleeding, and other issues. 5
Backgrounds in terms of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. According to research conducted in the united states, there are disparities in maternal deaths, with black women and American Indian/Alaska Native women at the highest risk for pregnancy-related deaths.
A high-risk pregnancy is when the mother, the fetus, or both are at a higher risk for problems than a typical pregnancy. Many of the same factors that increase a woman’s risk for maternal morbidity and mortality also increase the likelihood that she will have a high-risk pregnancy. Several factors can lead medical professionals to classify pregnancy as high-risk, including the presence of twins or an existing medical condition. Medical professionals may modify the care they provide in the case of a pregnancy with a high risk of complications to monitor the pregnancy closely.
Even if a woman has more than one of these risk factors, it does not necessarily mean that she will have complications with her health or pass away while pregnant or giving birth. Additionally, most pregnant women will not have to deal with any difficulties.
What is the major focus of nursing practice in maternal and child nursing health practice?
The nursing specialty of maternal and child (or newborn) health encompasses a broad range of clinical specialties. It is not only connected to having children. Still, it has also developed over time into caring for the woman before, during, and after her pregnancy, including caring for her newborn child. This is in addition to its association with having children. It doesn’t matter if the patient is pregnant, a fetus, a partner, or a woman with health-related problems; nurses use their knowledge, skills, and passion to assist in meeting the care needs of their clients throughout the client’s lifetime. The overall objective of maternal and newborn nursing is to promote and maintain the woman’s and her family’s highest possible level of health. Nursing students studying this complex web of ideas may feel like they are getting lost in the expansive field of maternal and child health nursing during their studies.
All in all
The term “maternal and child health” refers to a broad category of medical care that encompasses a woman’s health before, during, and after childbirth, as well as the health of her newborn and preschooler from birth to age five. This category encompasses all aspects of a woman’s health. If you pay us at nursingpapersmarket.com to complete all of your nursing assignments relating to maternal health topics, we guarantee that you will receive the highest possible grades in every one of them.
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