Against Animal Testing Essay: Topic Ideas and Examples


Animal testing is a contentious worldwide topic. Many animals are employed in scientific studies because of the prevalence of pandemics and epidemics and the expansion of the cosmetics business. Animal testing, also known as in-vivo testing, animal experimentation, or animal research, is the use of animals in various levels of trials to examine the responses, performance, and potency of various treatments, pharmaceuticals, cosmetic goods, and meals.

Animal experimentation has received widespread acceptance in biological, medicinal, and cosmetic investigations. When writing an against animal testing essay, you will most likely be assigned an animal testing study topic. The economic and pharmaceutical interests, as well as the ethics surrounding everything that happens around us, make writing an animal testing argumentative or persuasive essay intriguing.

When we surveyed 100 students who had purchased custom persuasive or argumentative animal testing essays from our website, they admitted that writing the essay seemed simple on the surface. Things grow more complicated when they plan, study, and produce animal research articles.

What should your introduction contain?

Avoid using too many words in your introduction to animal experimentation. Instead, compose an opening that draws readers in, piques their curiosity, and keeps them reading until the finish. This implies you should have an (a)hook, a (b)background statement (where you investigate the subject at hand), and a (c) thesis statement on animal testing.

Most of our top essay writers acknowledged that they look for animal testing essay examples online for inspiration: it helps them understand the general environment around a contentious issue. With this foundation, writers may create a thesis statement explaining their position and the topic of their animal research essay.

Here are some excellent beginning sentences or hook ideas:

  • Anecdote 
  • Statistics of animals killed annually for study 
  • Animal facts are commonly utilized
  • Society’s perspective 
  • Catchy information 
  • Controversial remarks on animal research 
  • Shocking facts regarding animal experimentation, for example, Surprisingly, according to People for the ethical treatment of animals, almost 100 million animals are slaughtered in laboratories in the United States for research purposes such as biology education, experimentation, food, medicine, and cosmetic testing. Consider how the figures would change if we considered the whole world’s population of animals slaughtered every hour.
  • Rhetorical questions: these are used to pique the reader’s interest in reading more about the issue. For example, would you instead employ a drug tested on a volunteer human or other effective animal-safe alternative research methodologies or a medicine tested on animals with a little higher failure rate? Or Do you think morality should be enforced in medical research, particularly when animal rights are violated?

The following can be included in the start of your animal testing in modern world research paper:

  • Animal testing definition 
  • Animal testing scope.’
  • The historical backdrop of animal testing 
  • Animal testing breakthroughs 
  • Expert opinion on animal testing 
  • Problem description 
  • Animal testing controversy

Outline/structure of an animal testing essay

Your outline will differ depending on whether you are writing a research paper supporting or against animal experimentation. Here is a generic example of an animal testing essay outline.

A well-structured essay about animal experimentation will immediately gain you points. In most situations, it adheres to the traditional five-paragraph essay style, separated into an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

The introduction and conclusion each account for 10% of the total word count, while the main body accounts for 80%. Your professor may request that you structure your work in APA, MLA, or Harvard style. Read the prompt and guidelines of the animal testing essay carefully to understand the formatting requirements.

Remember to keep each paragraph to a single idea. That concept must be reflected in the paragraph’s main sentence so that your readers can distinguish between your primary points. The body paragraphs’ substance must also support the thesis. If you have a counterargument, state it in the second last paragraph before the conclusion.


  • 10% of the total word count
  • Begin with a fantastic hook phrase
  • Provide background on your chosen topic
  • Have a thesis statement
  • Transition to the significant body of your essay.

Main body

  • Accounts for 80% of the total word count
  • It might be as few as three paragraphs for short essays or as many as ten paragraphs for a long-form research study.
  • If required, provide a history of animal experimentation.
  • Examine the roles of regulation and law in animal cruelty prevention.
  • Investigate the many organizations working to prevent or oppose animal experimentation.
  • Investigate the advancements in animal testing 
  • Investigate the many alternatives to animal testing: why they can work and why they cannot
  • Move on to your conclusion.


  • Write a summary of the paper 
  • Highlight your main points and counterpoints 
  • Make recommendations if required. 
  • Restate your thesis statement and demonstrate how evidence in your essay supports it.

Animal testing alternatives to include in your paper

According to Cruelty-Free International, non-animal testing methods are less expensive, more trustworthy, and more effective. You might include some of these ideas in your animal testing research paper or essay because they broaden the conversation on this seemingly contentious subject.

  1. Computer simulation
  2. Cultures of cells
  3. Tissues from humans
  4. Volunteer research
  5. Utilization of egg embryos
  6. Utilization of unicellular organisms
  7. LAL examinations
  8. Methods used in vitro

Now, while writing an argumentative essay about animal testing, including these alternatives can help enhance your case, especially if you oppose it.

Tips for finishing an animal testing essay

There is no other method to finish an animal experimentation essay than to end any other essay. As a result, as you read our cheat sheet for concluding an argumentative essay, you will see that the most important thing is to have a clear conclusion.

It is not appropriate to propose fresh concepts in conclusion. Instead, in a revised version, you will summarize the central arguments of the essay and repeat the thesis. Show your authors the link between your key points and the suggestions you’re making. Explain your reasoning for any counter-statements.

When writing the conclusion, strive for clarity, conciseness, and coherence. An effective animal-testing essay conclusion, for example, will have the opening sentence, a summary of the main body, and the closing sentence.

Strive to leave your reader wanting more: you get to tease even the stingiest professor’s highest grades. Weave the last paragraph with suitable sentence transitions, but don’t go overboard. Keep it concise, and you’ll get the essential points for a logical conclusion. Now that we’ve covered everything, let’s have a look at some of the critical subjects that may be used as animal testing essay topic ideas

Controversial animal testing essay examples topics

We asked our best writers to provide some subjects for an animal testing essay. We received fifty submissions, from which you may choose and write something. If you are stuck and need an essay example quickly, we can produce one for you in a few hours because our website assists students in writing essays quickly. You can select one of the following animal testing essay topics:

  1. Animal testing should be prohibited.
  2. Animal testing is not moral.
  3. Animal testing pros and drawbacks 
  4. Alternative approaches to utilize animals in drug development
  5. Animal testing controversy in medical and cosmetic research
  6. Neglected interests and inhumane animal testing techniques
  7. Animal experimentation is horrible.
  8. Animal testing is a nightmare.
  9. Mishaps during animal experimentation
  10. The Ethical Implications of Transporting Caged Animals for Animal Research

Argumentative animal testing essay topics

You will be asked to produce an essay or a project as part of your coursework. To be effective, you must comprehend the subject matter. Lecturers and instructors alike typically enable students to select topics of interest to them. A student can select from a variety of the arguments concerning animal testing. However, coming up with a theme in a short period is difficult. Fortunately, this website is dedicated to assisting people facing this difficulty in their projects.

Students must be well-versed in zoology and its scope for an argumentative essay topic on animals. Consider selecting engaging themes to boost your chances of creating a successful essay.

Working on this project will become more pleasurable and less of a chore. Consider selecting the most excellent suggestions from your friends and lecturers. To assist you with your assignment, the material below concentrates on argumentative essay themes about animals, concepts, and theme proposal samples. Furthermore, they are entirely free. So, if you’re stuck for ideas, consider selecting a topic from the list below.

  1. In what ways are people in the city promoting animal cruelty?
  2. Humans should be prohibited from poaching.
  3. Is Animal Health a toy? 
  4. Is Animal Testing Beneficial? 
  5. Do Animals Have Legal Rights?
  6. Are Dogs and Cats Treated Humanely?
  7. Are the reserves for wild animals safe for all species?
  8. Should Bullfighting Be Outlawed?
  9. Do you agree with tethering dogs and other animals outside? 

Reasons to stop animal testing

The reasons why animal testing should be stopped are highlighted in this section. Animal experimentation is immoral and hence unacceptable. According to the article “Animal Experimentation,” “many people oppose using animals in scientific experiments since the animals are deprived of their freedom and sometimes suffer major harm and misery.” People are opposed to animal experiments since animals cannot choose. Animals cannot talk for themselves and cannot decide whether or not they want to be experimented on; as a result, the tested animals endure a great deal of agony and injury.

A small afterword

Essays about animal experimentation are significant because they emphasize the gravity of the issue. Writing an excellent against animal testing essay necessitates substantial study and devotion. Animal experimentation has received widespread acceptance in biological, medicinal, and cosmetic investigations. You will most likely be assigned an animal testing study topic when writing persuasive or argumentative essays on animal testing. The economic and pharmaceutical interests, as well as the ethics surrounding everything that happens around, make writing an animal testing argumentative or persuasive essay intriguing.


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