Steve Kim

170 Analytical Essay Topics for your Paper

If you are a student, you will almost certainly be required to write an analytical essay. Such an essay is essential for students to demonstrate their understanding of a topic and analytical skills. Analytical essay topics can range from books or poems to real-life events or stories. The goal is to research the chosen topic,…

How to Write an Interview Paper: Full Guide

We go over the most typical formats for interview essays in this article. Hire a professional writer to help you with your academic paper if you have no idea what to ask or how to write an interview essay. An outline for writing an interview paper is also provided in the article. What is an…

100 Unique Race and Ethnicity Essay Topics and Examples

Ethnology, also known as ethnography or anthropology, is a science that studies the origins of various peoples, their history, settlement, peculiarities of life and culture, and ethno-psychological diversity. These subjects are always relevant because they allow students to learn more about their ethnic and cultural backgrounds and the history of humankind in general. An essay…

150 Latest Human Rights Essay Topics and Examples

The first step in writing a proper human rights paper is to be inspired by some creative ideas on the subject. This will assist you in learning all of the possible angles this subject can be discussed from and will prepare you to write a compelling and outstanding essay. Human rights essay topics must always…

How to write a definition essay: Latest topics and examples

A definition essay, as the name suggests, is an essay that elaborates on a specific term or concept instead of being limited to a simple dictionary definition, which usually takes a few phrases. Notably, such essays present your viewpoint on related concepts. Knowing how to write a definition essay necessitates a thorough understanding of the…

120 Latest Economics Essay Topics for Students

One of the most important social sciences is economics. It impacts almost every aspect of our lives because it discusses and studies the flow of value in our society. It can also be used to improve our modern society effectively. The list of economics essay topics is endless because the field focuses on various human…

Compare and Contrast Essay: Step by Step Guide

Compare and contrast essay is very common among college and university students. Professors encourage their students to use their analytical and comparative skills while paying close attention to the subjects of their comparisons. This type of essay tests observance and analysis helps establish a frame of reference and makes meaningful arguments about a subject. What…

150+ Latest Film Research Paper Topics

The most complex aspect of writing a research paper may be deciding on a topic. It is critical to select one that is interesting, compelling, and thought-provoking to engage the reader and demonstrate your knowledge. Thanks to decades of filmmaking, there are so many film research paper topics to choose from that it can be…

150+ Inspiring International Relations Essay Topics

Students who choose to study International Relations can contribute significantly to political management once they complete their studies. The right research topic is critical because it addresses one of the most pressing issues. Teachers may occasionally provide international relations essay topics, usually in the form of long lists from which students can choose. All of…

Best 170 Extended Essay Topics: Ideas, Examples, Writing Tips

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global educational foundation founded in 1968 that provides education programs to students aged 3 to 19. In 2017, over 4,650 schools worldwide taught International Baccalaureate programs, serving approximately 1.4 million IB students from 152 countries. There are 1700 schools in the United States alone. The Diploma Program, aimed at…

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