How can an illegal immigrant become legal in the US

How can an illegal immigrant become legal in the US

Reply with ½ page to each post , 1 apa per source     Post 1 Professor and Class, The factor that has most influenced my current political position is having the experience of growing up in a small Pennsylvania town and then moving to California in my late teens. I have since returned to Pennsylvania because of family, but I am very grateful for the chance I had to live in California for six years. For starters, my current political position is that we need to have better options from the Democratic and Republican parties. Both options in the last election were terrible (in my opinion), and I felt that we were, for lack of a better term, screwed either way. I have lived in the small town in rural Pennsylvania and have family members that own small businesses. Because of this experience, I understand 100% why so many people supported President Trump. However, I have also lived in a coastal city in Southern California and learned how important it is that we all learn about different cultures and embrace them. I also learned first hand how hard it is for illegal immigrants to get their Green Cards or apply for citizenship. Where I grew up, most people believed that the illegal immigrants flocked here to live off of our government and collect our benefits. Though when I lived in Southern California I saw a completely different side of illegal immigration. I had a good friend who was Hispanic. Her family was from Mexico and immigrated her legally when she was born, so she was considered an American Citizen. Her husband was brought here illegally by his parents in his early teens. He had hoped to apply for a Green Card/citizenship, but the laws made it nearly impossible. The way they explained it, he would have to pay a good amount of money for the application, wait for months to years to sit in front of a judge for a few minutes, then if he was approved (which rarely happens) he would have to pay more money to apply for Citizenship after he had obtained his Green Card. He had been a hard worker his entire adult life, and he even had obtained a tax ID so that he could pay taxes and prove it in the event he would finally get his opportunity, however our laws and rules continued to change and become more harsh and it became even more difficult for him to attempt this. When researching this topic online, I found that it is indeed quite hard, if not impossible for an undocumented immigrant to obtain citizenship. According to an article by Metro News in March of 2017, "People in the U.S. illegally are largely ineligible to apply for visas that would give them legal residency status." It does not matter how the person came to be in the US, unless they are seeking asylum or persecution from their home country it is very unlikely they will be able to obtain their visa. (How can an illegal immigrant become legal in the US, Metro, 2017) Seeing both sides of immigration and many other political hot topics has opened my eyes. There is a different attitude and idea of what being an American means in different areas, and I was fortunate enough to see and experience two total opposite ends of the spectrum. I now have a more broad way of thinking and am able to see things from different perspectives, and I don't think it would have been possible if I had never left my small hometown. My hopes for our next election include having at least one good candidate who deserves the title of US President. Sarah Reference:     Post 2   Professor and class, We were immigrants from Great Britain where the political system is quite different.  I'm not sure how much my parents knew about American politics, but I know they were trying to educate themselves.  They are democratic in their thinking, coming from a blue-collar background.  My father always wanted to emigrate for what he believed was a better life.  More jobs and opportunities, the American dream.  He had a great attitude when it came to work.  He loved his job, excelled at it and always did his best.  He was a loyal honest employee.  He led by example and showed us strength and courage.  I know this is not a typical political discussion, but it displayed a great sense of hope and possibility to me as a child. When I was 10 years old, the political situation in the United States was one of mistrust, shock, horror and abuse of power.  The year was 1972 and the Watergate scandal was among one of the most talked about issues.  The Democratic National Headquarters, located at the Watergate Hotel had been broken into and it was rumored that President Nixon was involved.  I remember it being on television nightly and people were saying our president was a crook.  "The public lost their trust in the government and with the media as well..."(Chouinard 2017).  At the same time, we were still involved in a very unpopular war in Vietnam which had already caused great upheaval and turmoil.  There were protests, and vets returning were treated unfairly and denounced as warmongers.  The most egregious political incident took place at the the Munich Olympics that same year.  The assault at the Olympic village is one of sports most terrifying events (Borden 2015).  The apartments where the Israeli athletes were staying was taken over by eight terrorists from the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).  The olympics are an international event, watched all over the world, and are supposed to be a display of good sportsmanship and elite athleticism between various countries.  Instead, we had 20 hours of televised terrorism.  This usually enjoyable event was marred by an international disaster that ended with a failed rescue attempt.  The victims were tortured and murdered due to their religious beliefs. However, it was not all bad in 1972.  The SALT talks was another very noteworthy event .  We discussed this in school, as it was an important treaty.  President Nixon met with Brezhnev of the Soviet Union to discuss limiting arms to ensure no attempt would be made to use nuclear weapons.  It was groundbreaking because it was the first time a president went to Moscow during the Cold War years.    My political educations has been sketch at best.  Some of it due to disinterest, or a feeling that why bother, nothing changes.  As I have gotten older, my thoughts and ideas have changed due to events in my life, and in the lives of family and friends.  I am more thoughtful and truly listen now and ask questions.  I want to be part of the political events and be able to discuss them and engage with others on topics that affect our lives. Annmarie References: Borden, Sam (Dec 1, 2015). Long-hidden Details Reveal Cruelty of 1972 Munich Attackers. TheNewYorkTimes. Chouinard, K. (2017). The Watergate Scandal and its Aftermath. J Pol Sci Pub Off 5:301 doi: 10.4172/2332-0761.1000301


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