Different Types of Research Methodology


Are you wondering what is research methodology? This refers to the the procedures and strategies utilized to present a study successfully. It relates to the systematic planning of research to ensure outcomes that satisfy the goals and objectives of the investigation. The researcher is in charge of outlining the concept and the various research methodological methods that were applied. In the information below, we review different research types while presenting research methodology samples.

Types of research methodologies

According to many criteria, the research technique is categorised. They include a broad category, the nature of the study, the goal, the research strategy, and the kind of data. Additionally, there are case studies and interviews based on research techniques. The researcher uses more than two methodologies in certain studies and a handful in others.

Qualitative analysis

Qualitative research may be used alone or in conjunction with a quantitative study to deepen our world knowledge. Focus groups, participant observation, structured and unstructured interviews, and other techniques are used in qualitative research to develop hypotheses that can be more thoroughly tested with quantitative research. They help researchers dig deeper into the quantitative research data and comprehend what it means, and its meaning implications.

Researchers can better grasp what is happening via qualitative research, particularly when things are difficult to classify. Phenomenological, ethnographic, grounded theory, historical, case study, and action research are common types of qualitative research. It is important to note that qualitative and quantitative research exists, and to know the difference, check on the comparison; Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research.

Quantitative research, as the name implies, depends on determining the size or number of a certain phenomenon. It is centered on collecting and analyzing numerical data and may be used to discover averages and trends and make predictions.

It utilizes numbers and is one of the two main types of research. It makes a conclusion based on graphs, tables, and data. This kind of study is often used in scientific and field-based research.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research:


It makes it possible to analyze the data thoroughly, use bigger sample sizes, and derive more general conclusions about your target market.

Since surveys, experiments, and real-time data collecting are used in quantitative research, acquiring the study’s data moves forward quickly. As a result, the researcher evaluates the data under investigation rather quickly compared to other research approaches.

Researchers usually employ quantitative data while researching delicate subjects because of anonymity. As a result, this option reduces the likelihood of generating erroneous data


Since the researcher may not be able to carry out the study in the individuals’ normal settings, it can come out as controlled and unnatural. The replies provided by participants may not accurately represent how they behave in real life.

Because survey answers are constrained, you cannot delve further into respondents’ behaviors, attitudes, and motivations than you can with qualitative research.

Quantitative Research has a financial component to take into account since it might be expensive.

Descriptive analysis

A sort of analysis called descriptive research describes the characteristics of the population or topics being studied. This descriptive technique emphasizes the “what” than the “why” of the research topic. The researcher can only accurately describe the facts as they happened or are happening since they cannot change the variables in this study design.

In descriptive research, surveys, case studies, and observations are the main types of research methods used. In descriptive research, several factors may be used to illuminate the data.

Its benefits include the ability to analyze subjects and problems that cannot be quantified, the ability to be observed in the natural environment, and the fact that it takes less time than quantitative trials.

Exploratory research

Proven facts serve as the foundation for analytical study. Researchers typically do further studies to bolster and validate their prior conclusions. It also aids in the development of novel research-related ideas. Analytical research, therefore, brings together little facts to create more plausible theories. Thus, the analytical investigation clarifies the reasons a claim is true

This study may entail research methodology examples such as via meta-analysis, literary or scientific trials, or public opinion polls.

Additionally, the researcher uses this approach to critically evaluate the data. Quantitative techniques are often used in analytical processes.

Considering the study’s objectives:

Applied research

Applied research is action research that only examines a single topic and often generalizes the results. Since the researcher anticipates and treats the variables as constants, it is simple to identify the methodologies in applied research.

A present problem affecting society or a business/industrial organization is the focus of applied research. Applied research is a kind of non-systematic inquiry that a company or a government agency often carry out, or a person to solve a specific problem. When looking at types of applied research, an example would be a study of marketing strategies in China that target the aspirations of millennials.

Fundamental research

The main goals of basic research are theory development and generalizations. It looks for information that has a variety of uses and may add to theories currently accepted in a certain sector or business.

The goal is to learn how to alter established practices or create new ones by connecting several disciplines. The summary is available in common English, and the study may use logical conclusions.

Research into the generalization of human behavior or the study of pure mathematics is two instances of basic research.

Considering the research strategy:

Exploratory research

The foundation of exploratory research is theories and their justification. Its only objective is to look into the study’s issues rather than provide final answers to the current problems.

Exploratory research doesn’t aim to provide a solution; rather, it aims to deepen our knowledge of the problem. The approaches provide a flexible and curious approach; however, the framework is flawed. Consequently, the hypothesis is not tested, and the outcomes do not benefit society. The fact that the results often connect assists the study.

Although large-sample exploratory studies may be quantitative, experimental research is often qualitative. It is sometimes referred to as interpretative research or a grounded theory method because of its adaptable and open-ended character.

Conceptual research

Conceptual research is a process that involves monitoring and evaluating material that is already available on a certain issue. Conducting actual experiments is not a need for conceptual research. It has to do with thoughts or notions that are abstract.

Formalized research

Human knowledge is ever-expanding. Researchers and scientists strive ceaselessly to comprehend and explain our planet, ourselves, and one another. Formal research is a sort of study undertaken in a certain manner to answer a question and acquire and comprehend new information. An example of a formal study would be determining the efficacy of a certain drug. To do this, researchers need to test the medicine on individuals with the disease. They must work closely with the participants and document every investigation aspect. If the treatment is effective, the data collected might be used to demonstrate the drug’s efficacy or to enable other researchers to run the same experiments to confirm the findings.

Resolving research

Conclusive research aims to answer the research topic and has a defined technique design. A well-planned framework aids in formulating, resolving, and presenting the hypotheses and outcomes. Here, the outcomes are general.

Furthermore, it is crucial to define this investigation’s research goals and data needs since conclusive research results often serve a function. A conclusive research strategy may be used to confirm and quantify the findings of exploratory investigations.

Most of the time, quantitative data gathering and analysis techniques are used in conclusive study designs. Additionally, deductive research methods are widely used in conclusive research.

Tips to keep in mind while choosing a research approach

Before starting any study, it is important to have a clear purpose since a solid research question will be accurate, useful, and insightful. This shows that you can completely handle the problem and form opinions based on it.

The researcher must guarantee an accurate representation of the relevant population for the study to be trustworthy. To guarantee accurate representation, you must design comprehensive surveys and questionnaires.

In addition to gathering the relevant information, your interview questions should gently address your research topics. It is crucial to establish rapport with the subjects to do this.

The amount of time you have is another thing to think about. If there are time constraints, think about convenience sampling, random sampling, and techniques that make it possible to gather data in a few days. If additional time is available, methods for data collection include in-person interviews and observations.

The researcher uses various techniques throughout the research to clarify the concepts; in this piece, we’ll examine the different kinds. There are no limitations on the procedure; the choice is totally up to the researcher.

Benefits of using the Mixed Method Approach

These numerous approaches assist in achieving the research’s objective, successfully analyzing the topic data. They provide fact-checking and verification, which are essential in a critical assessment. Additionally, it offers many angles from which to examine a subject.

Surveys are a kind of quantitative approach that aids in gathering research-related numerical information. Researchers may avoid lengthy theses and easily get the required findings using numerical surveys.

Case studies and other qualitative techniques aid in understanding the research. The examination of the behavioral pattern may be done directly by the researcher by going further into the issue.

The many approaches support the study’s findings and increase its dependability. Additionally, it aids in generalizing the findings for the largest possible audience.

Bottom line

In all areas, researchers advance knowledge and their research benefits society. Understanding the research methodologies to check and authenticate the study in many domains is crucial. It also provides a comprehensive framework that helps keep researchers on track and makes the process easy, effective, and manageable.

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