Describe the current situation, state of practice, and summary of existing conditions

Instructions Business Case for Quality Grading Rubric /1) Introductory paragraph (one paragraph). The paragraph must end with a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be no longer than 1 sentence summarizing the purpose of the paper./ 2) Describe the current situation, state of practice, and summary of existing conditions - Describe the present situation and why change is needed. This should include organizational specific data to support need for improvement. Include relevant data regarding cost and productivity with the current state of practice within your organization. Describe what is not working and make it clear why the proposal should be accepted within your organization. 4 /Describe the new program or proposed solution – Presenting the differences in the current state and the future state is considered the gap - your proposal should close this gap. Explain in detail the solution. The proposed change in practice is based on the best available evidence using Evidence Based Practice Guidelines, research studies or quality improvement studies, and literature from professional organizations and regulatory agencies to assure that your analysis and subsequent recommendations are evidence-based. Make your suggested practice change as specific as possible. /2 Market analysis – This rubric section will be submitted as an appendix. Using the provided template, perform a SWOT analysis – a review of the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. /4 Implementation plan – Explain in detail how the program will be implemented into practice and describe what needs to be done. A clear and realistic implementation plan and timeline is critical. What is the timeline for implementation? Things to consider - Where will you begin? Will a team need to be created with designated roles and responsibilities? Will job descriptions need to be developed? Will a policy need to be revised/developed? Committee approvals? Materials/supplies purchased? Provider/staff education? /6 Evaluation plan - Discuss how you will measure effectiveness. Once the proposal has been implemented, how will you know it is effective? Each section is worth 3 points each / 6 points total. (A.) Identify structure, process and outcome measures to evaluate effectiveness of quality efforts. Begin with the end in mind and identify the outcome measures and identify goals/benchmarks/metrics. Describe the processes (process measures) contributing to the identified problem and identify measurement criteria. Identify any structure measures that are present or needed to achieve outcome measures. /3 points (B.) Return on Investment (ROI ) -The administrative team will expect you provide an evaluation plan that best measures the ROI. Calculate the expected return on investment (ROI). Discuss and explain ROI analysis. /3 points /4 Financials – Develop a program budget. Include a line item breakdown (must include quantity, cost per item, and total costs) for each budget item. Differentiate direct and indirect costs. Consider projected program costs such as personnel expenses/salaries and operating expenses such as marketing, capital equipment, software, physical space, and revenue. Is the program revenue generating or expense reducing? The budget should be attached as an appendix. /1 Conclusions: Summarize the essential points of paper in one paragraph. /1 Executive summary (1 page max) – Attach as an appendix. Single space, use bullet point formatting and write using complete sentences. The summary should convey what the project is, why it is being proposed, what the projected results will be, and the ROI. An overview of the total budget should be included. If the proposed program or initiative will generate revenues, estimates of the revenue and profits should be included in the executive summary. /25 Total Points Please enter your choice for your Business Case for Quality paper in the Forum site for faculty approval. The due date for topic approval submission is posted on the course schedule. We want to be sure you get started on the "right track" so don't begin writing your paper until faculty approval is received via the Forum discussion. Failure to obtain this faculty approval for your topic by due date will result in a 10% penalty on the scholarly paper. You can also make suggestions to your fellow classmates within this forum site if you choose to do so. The paper should be written in a formal, scholarly style, and based on primary resources. Correct APA format is required. The paper should be between 6-7 pages in length (excluding title page, reference pages, and appendices) and should have a minimum of 10 peer reviewed references. References should be timely; published within the previous five (5) years. For a paper of this length, students are expected to use to use heading consistent with the rubric sections. In addition, students should follow the order of the grading rubric. For submission: each paper should be “named” according to the file naming policy of the course. Each paper should be submitted to Submit appendices to Turnitin. Remember to remove title page, reference pages prior to Turnitin submission. Appendices are to be submitted to turnitin. A copy of the turnitin originality report should be merged behind the paper to the Assignment section. Submission instructions: each paper should be submitted in PDF format to the appropriate category of Assignments section. Your Turnitin report should be merged with your scholarly paper (behind your paper) prior to submission. There will be one document uploaded to the Assignment section. Up to 20% of the total points for this assignment may be deducted for an overall lack of scholarship to include: APA errors, grammatical errors, incorrect spelling, over the page limit, failure to attach turnitin report, etc. You may see a resubmit button. Please understand that course policy does not permit re submission of assignments; however, we have included this re-submission option for incidental mishaps occurring prior to assignment due date, such as someone forgetting to convert their assignments to pdf format, need to edit/revise paper based on turnitin report, etc. Assignments not submitted properly will not be graded and will receive a 10% deduction. If this occurs, students will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to resubmit correctly. I work in a small rural hospital were we currently have no intensiveness. The hospitalist and specialists take care of the 6 ICU beds and 6 step down/CPCU beds, which ICU nurses also work. The Tanner System includes 4 hospitals total: 2 critical access along with the Tanner Carrollton hospital (largest) and Tanner Villa Rica. The Tanner Health System has found intensivists that are willing to take care of the Tanner Carrollton ICU. The proposal is to use an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP) as the stand in intensivist at the Tanner Villa Rica location. The ACNP would be available to the unit always and able to handle the duties of an intensiveness and able at reach to the intensiveness in Carrollton for support or the hospitalist. The ICU nurses at Villa Rica would reach out to the ACNP with all patient care needs. The ACNP would also be available to help the hospitalist in times when ICU census is low, or the patient acuity allows to help with admission and discharges as needed. After speaking with the Hospital administrator about the proposal and asking for input. Initially the model should start with 2 fulltime ACNPs that would do 7 days on and 7 days off on from 7am to 7 pm the same schedule as the hospitalist. The night shift would still call the ACNP that is own for problems but ACNP would either give orders over the phone or call the hospitalists if needed. Timeline 2 months to search and hire 2 fulltime ACNP - start within 30 days from this time possibly hire part-time or PRN to cover when needed 2 computers in separate space for providers that the ACNP can use Need to update staff on new policies


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Research Proposal
Number of Pages 7 Page(s)/1925 words
Sources 10
Paper Format APA
Spacing Double Spaced

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