key metrics used to assess physician or nurse practitioner performance in a practice is "total patient or procedure revenue" generated.

According to, one of the key metrics used to assess physician or nurse practitioner performance in a practice is "total patient or procedure revenue" generated. This makes intuitive sense from the standpoint that physicians/nurse practitioners should be required to generate at least as much revenue to cover their salary and benefits costs with some margin on top. Otherwise, the practice cannot be sustained as a business. However, there are some significant ethical considerations to consider. First, does having a revenue goal force physicians/nurse practitioners to "see patients faster or perform procedures faster" to increase volume throughput? How does "operating faster" impact overall healthcare delivery? Does operating faster result in increased risks of mistakes and errors that ultimately increases medical malpractice exposure? Furthermore, are physicians/nurse practitioners incentivized to order more tests resulting in more revenues to the practice? What happened to cost management and optimization of use of services? As you can expect, medical and nursing schools are faced with properly educating graduates to balance out these considerations. What is your advice to providers in consideration of revenue generation without compromising optimization and quality? DO NOT use any other outside sources than and answer ALL questions into the paper.


Academic Level High School
Subject Area Medicine and health
Paper Type  Article
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 0
Spacing Single Spacing

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