Evaluate the statistical-analysis packages available for quantitative research. Which statistical-analysis packages would be most beneficial for the examination of quantitative data within your study?

Evaluate the statistical-analysis packages available for quantitative research. Which statistical-analysis packages would be most beneficial for the examination of quantitative data within your study?

Respond to discussion Include citations/Use in text citation where needed All sources must be 5 years old or newer Only needs to be about a paragraph long More like a discussion rather than a paper Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” Each response needs to have a citation POST 1(Judy) Statistics is a vital part of research studies, whether quantitative or qualitative in nature. With respect to quantitative research, there are two basic forms of statistics; descriptive and inferential. For my research study regarding the effects of music therapy on behaviors and anxiety in patients diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's Disease, the data would be analyzed using inferential statistics. Inferential statistics refers to a technique utilized to infer that a study represents a sample of the population, when it is not possible to study an entire population ("Descriptive and Inferential," 2018, para. 7). For example, my research would ideally look to study all people that have anxiety and behaviors with a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's Disease. Unfortunately, it is near impossible to achieve this task, therefore, I would only be studying a small sample of that population with the idea that the sample I choose would represent the population as a whole. In order to analyze this data, the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) may be best. The SPSS is a widely used analysis package that is versatile and user-friendly. It can be utilized to calculate many different types of data, is useful in filtering out missing data, and can import and export files to Excel - a widely used spreadsheet program ("Quantitative Analysis Guide," 2020, para. 5). In addition to having the ability to be used with Microsoft Excel, the program has the ability to create various chart types. For example, for my research study, I might consider creating a scatterplot chart. This type of chart would allow the data to show any relationships that may occur between music therapy and its impact on anxiety and behaviors. ("Sactterplots," 2020, para. 1). If the research question were being conducted utilizing a qualitative approach, the data would be analyzed using descriptive phenomenology, which is defined as the researcher subjectively placing themselves in the lives of the participants and their experiences. In doing so, the researcher can carefully retrieve key points from observing the patients during music therapy and documenting their reactions, for example, whether it decreases anxiety or behaviors, formulate conclusions from this data and document any trends or differences in patient reactions ("Week 10 Lesson," 2020, p. 12). Reference: Descriptive and inferential statistics. (2018). Laerd Statistics. https://statistics.laerd.com/statistical-guides/descriptive-inferential-statistics.php Quantitative analysis guide: Which statistical software to use. (2020). NYU Libraries. https://guides.nyu.edu/quant/statsoft Scatterplots and dot plots. (2020). IBM Knowledge Center. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSLVMB_24.0.0/spss/base/chart_creation_scatterdot.html#chart_creation_scatterdot Week 10 lesson: Analysis in research. (2020). Denver College of Nursing. https://media.pearsoncmg.com/pls/us/edaff/1323465561/nur400_lps/nur400_rebpn_10_01_09.html POST 2(Desiree) Evaluate the statistical-analysis packages available for quantitative research. Which statistical-analysis packages would be most beneficial for the examination of quantitative data within your study? Quantitative research has two kinds of statistical forms which are descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Data Analysis in Quantitative Research, n.d.). Descriptive statistics is defined as a group of statistics that are organized and summarized and include the numerical data obtained from populations and/or samples (Data Analysis in Quantitative Research, n.d.). Inferential statistics is defined as a group of statistics that are concerned with the characteristics of populations (Data Analysis in Quantitative Research, n.d.).  It can use sample data to make an inference about a population (Data Analysis in Quantitative Research, n.d.). The quantitative statistical packages include Microsoft excel, XLSTAT, STATA and SAS (Data Analysis in Quantitative Research, n.d.).  For the study of lack of personal protective equipment has caused healthcare professionals to become ill, I would use a Microsoft excel statistical. This is because the Microsoft excel spreadsheet would be able to show a numerical comparison of the workers who became ill because of lack of proper personal protective equipment and the ones who did not. What statistical calculations would you have the proposed statistical-analysis package calculate to help you interpret your findings and formulate conclusions? The statistical analysis package I would use to help me calculate and interpret the findings of the numbers of health care professionals who worked with positive COVID-19 patients without personal protective equipment is Microsoft excel spreadsheet. This is because Microsoft’s flagship spreadsheet program has been proven to have a better statistical package than other packages offered (Data Analysis in Quantitative Research, n.d.).  This program allows the users to select and add to the spreadsheet (Data Analysis in Quantitative Research, n.d.). I would need to use this program, because it will me to different and add multiple columns. The separated columns will help me provide statistical data for the audience. It will also give a clear view of what is exactly being compared. For example, about 9,300 U.S. health care workers contracted COVID-19 (Framer, 2020). There has also been a report of 27 health care workers deaths (Framer, 2020). Majority of the workers who tested positive think they were exposed of work because of lack of personal protective equipment (Framer, 2020). Discuss the qualitative data-analysis procedures you would employ to analyze data and interpret the findings obtained in your proposed qualitative study. Qualitative data is defined as a non-numeric information that includes data from an interview transcript, note, video, audio recordings, images and text documents (Qualitative Data Analysis, n.d.). Qualitative data analysis includes content analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, framework analysis and grounded theory (Qualitative Data Analysis, n.d.). For the study of health care professionals who worked with positive COVID-19 patients without personal protective equipment have fallen ill, the bet qualitative data analysis will be the narrative analysis. This is because the narrative analysis is a method used to reformulate stories presented by respondents (Qualitative Data Analysis, n.d). The narrative analysis takes into account context of each case and different experiences of each respondent (Qualitative Data Analysis, nod). The narrative analysis will be a great qualitative data for the lack of personal protective equipment has caused health care professionals to become ill with COVID-19, because it will allow each respondent or sample to actually state their personal experience with the virus. I will also be able to record the data required to prove that lack of personal protective equipment has caused health care professionals to face illness and even fatal outcomes such as intubation and death. Reference Data Analysis in Quantitative Research. (n.d.). Analysis in research. Topic 2, Retrieved from https://media.pearsoncmg.com/pls/us/edaff/1323465561/nur400_lps/nur400_rebpn_10_02_07.html Farmer,. B. (2020 April 15). At least 9,000 U.S. health care workers sickened with COVID-19, cdc data shows. The Coronavirus Crisis, Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/15/834920016/at-least-9-000-u-s-health-care-workers-sickened-with-covid-19-cdc-data-shows Qualitative Data Analysis. (n.d.). Research-Methodology, Retrieved from https://research-methodology.net/research-methods/data-analysis/qualitative-data-analysis/


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Assignment
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 1
Format APA 6
Spacing Double Spacing

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