Global Health Goals and Health Disparities

Activity 2 Global Health Goals and Health Disparities Baccalaureate education provides learning of globalization, diversity, and sensitivity to vulnerable populations' healthcare (AACN, 2008). This activity is designed for you to examine global health goals and health disparities among vulnerable groups. Start by selecting one of the eight Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs) from the World Health Organization (WHO). After choosing one of the MDGs, explore a specific outcome measurement (indicator) for a country of your choosing, from the list below, to determine the progress towards achieving the MDG. In addition, you will explore nursing roles that would be helpful in achieving the MDG. France Italy Singapore Spain Japan Greece Iceland United Kingdom Ireland Sweden Germany Israel Switzerland UAE China Rwanda USA Cuba Iran Iraq Venezuela Syria Ethiopia Brazil Sudan Kenya North Korea India South Africa Saudi Arabia Nicaragua Ecuador Australia Chad Haiti Canada South Korea Russia Central African Republic of the Congo Also, you will explore health disparities among vulnerable population groups. The term "health disparities" describes the phenomenon of different health outcomes of varied vulnerable groups of citizens. Access the Virtual Library and search in the CINAHL full text database the term "health disparity." Choose at least two articles that describe health disparities of a particular vulnerable population or group of people (gender or sexuality identity-based groups, children, elderly, disabled, ethnic, or cultural minority). Resources: From MDGs to SDGs, WHO launches new report Millennium Development Goals (MDG) World Life Expectancy Kaiser Family Foundation World Health Organization Additional Instructions: All submissions should have a title page and reference page. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines. Submission Options: Choose One: Instructions: Paper 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages.


Academic Level College
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Essay
Number of Pages 5 Page(s)/1375 words
Sources 3
Format APA
Spacing Double Spacing

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