Reflect on your personal growth as a reflective eLearning professional

Assignment: Course Reflection Now that you have researched and discussed the history, digital citizenship, geopolitics, ecosystem, design, diversification, and sustainability of eLearning, reflect on your experiences and how the course has influenced your thinking. You have analyzed and evaluated many issues that surround the vast eLearning industry. Now, you are ready to report your findings. To prepare: Reflect on your overall course experience. In 1 page, articulate your enduring learning throughout the course, your personal growth as a reflective eLearning professional, and list your most important takeaways from the course (1 paragraph each). By Day 7 of Week 11 Create a word cloud by copying and pasting the text from your Reflection into Wordle ( or Tagul ( Then, copy and paste the generated word cloud on Page 2 of your Reflection document. Paste the assignment Rubric to Page 3. Submit the Reflection and word cloud by Day 7 of Week 11.


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Assignment
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 3
Format APA
Spacing Double Spaced

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