Module Two: Overview of the Research Process

Module 2 Overview It is helpful if you think about the research process in terms of the nursing process. Assess – Define the problem Diagnose – Purpose Plan – Methods/Design Intervention – Findings Evaluation - Discussion This week you will primarily work with the problem, purpose, and theoretical framework. Although the theoretical framework is not part of the process listed above, it is imperative for guiding the study. Another important part of a study is the literature review. The literature literature reviewreview is a review of the research about that particular topic. It usually also includes a review of how the theoretical framework has been used in healthcare research. Learning Objectives After completing this module, you will be able to: Analyze the steps of the research process. Analyze the problem and purpose of a specific study. Distinguish how the theoretical framework guides the study. Reading & Resources Read Chapters 3-6 In Polit, D.B., & Beck, C.T. (2016). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing research (10th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. Last modified: Thursday, September 6, 2018, 2:39 PM Discussion 2 Choose a quantitative research article (not a systematic review) that relates to a problem at your facility. Discuss the problem, purpose, theoretical framework, and literature review for the study. Use a URL or permalink from the university Library for your research article in your post (do not upload a PDF of the research article). Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for Participation Guidelines & Grading Rubric. Read: research questions and hypothesis


Academic Level College
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Article
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 3
Format APA 7
Spacing Double Spacing

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