Nursing Community Health: Stroke Education and its importance to young adults. Research/Review of Literature paper

The paper is my Review of Literature. Choose a topic of interest in community health. Think about the site that you want to visit and the health concern that you want to create education on (my site will be presenting this information to college students). This term paper provides the opportunity to complete an in-depth exploration of a contemporary community population health issue. Students must orient their topic towards the area of community health in which they will be involved in NUR 433 (Global Health Care Practicum) (Again I will be presenting this to college students and other young adults). The overview of this Review of Literature (ROL) learning activity is that each student selects a community issue AND population of interest, completes an in-depth exploration of literature, and demonstrates senior-level writing abilities. The student completes an annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed literature to demonstrate information literacy skills and to inform and guide the ROL term paper product. The student completes a comprehensive formal term paper to integrate course content and appropriate literature sources. I will attach the assignment grading rubric, as well as an assignment outline. The community health issue I have selected is "Importance of stroke education", the population of interest will be "young adults". Major items that must be accomplished with this review of literature assignment are: Introduces Review of Literature (ROL) term paper, Uses several sentences about topic area "in general" (e.g., selected community issue and "the type" of selected community learning setting for CLE). Builds a case about importance of selected issue and population, States purpose of paper, Uses major template headings to list contents of paper, Uses literature support, Captures reader's attention. Names and describes selected community issue/topic. Writes the name of selected community issue. Describes issue in brief. Discusses factors related to selected community issue/topic. Addresses THREE factors in-depth from this list: social, demographic, economic, political, legal, cultural, ethical, epidemiologic, health, conflict. Uses citations to support texts. Applies critical thinking to thoroughly analyze the health topic and the impact on community health. Includes relevant "Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators". Lists AT LEAST TWO leading health indicators that are relevant to the ROL issue and population. Provides an in-depth analysis of how the two selected are relevant. Uses literature to support the analysis. Uses correct method of citations to support work. Discusses implications for nursing practice, education, and research based on current literature. Demonstrates review of concept of "implications" Demonstrates use of questions that ROL description poses for this section (effect on nursing practice, nursing actions, nursing education curricula, research areas) Presents/gives examples/states rationale of: nursing practice implications, nursing education implications, nursing research implications. Demonstrates current literature support. Uses citations to support texts. Reflects about current literature findings. Demonstrates use of tips that ROL description poses for this section: look across lit and discuss types of sources, research topics, sources of data & information that are related to particular ROL elements (e.g., CHN roles, factors related to issue, implications, etc.). Describes annotated bib lit (does not just insert the annotated bib). Describes literature found (moves beyond annotated bib). States gaps in literature. Presents implications for global health. Uses citations to support texts. Integrates paper in conclusion. Restates major points for each section of ROL. Restates nursing implications. Does not introduce any new references. Writes in objective voice and avoids use of first person "I" or use of "you". Uses citations. Demonstrates analysis and critical thinking throughout ROL work. Evidences critical thinking/reasoning throughout project development. Uses a variety of mechanisms to indicate significance of the ROL work. Uses expected formal writing qualities. Uses headings to organize and logically present writing. Uses correct mechanics such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, topical and complete sentences and transitions to connect ideas. Exhibits clear, focused, and precise texts. Uses active voice. Displays objective perspectives and respectful tone. Demonstrates information literacy for full ROL product. Selects current & relevant literature with appropriate number and majority primary sources. Use sources other than textbook. Uses variety of sources and disciplines. Selects peer-reviewed professional journals, research studies, national organizations, national institutes, accreditation organizations, evidence-based publications, government publications, and other documents. Includes annotated bib sources as indicated. Accesses, uses, and evaluates reliability and validity of information. Attributes information (ethically paraphrases, cites, quotes sources properly). Demonstrates in-depth lit exploration and use. Shows use of faculty's annotated bib feedback. Presents paper elements. Uses major sections of a formal term paper. Uses correct APA format for paper elements (title page, spacing, margins, headings, etc. and appendices with label, title, order of references & appendices). Shows intentional use of ROL template. Indicates use of ROL evaluation rubric to guide product. Submits adequate length ROL to address the expected contents. Meets assignment guidelines per faculty's specific directions. Presents citations and references. APA 7. Uses correct APA format to document citations and references. Matches citations and references. Overall, evidences comprehensive senior-level ROL learning experience and product. Submits ROL product to inform about issue and population of interest, inform about "optimal characteristics" of type of selected NUR 433 CLE setting, and give points of comparison for NUR 433 Global Health Care Practicum CLE log work. Integrates course content and appropriate literature sources. Demonstrates senior-level information literacy and writing abilities. Overall, substantiates engagement with the ROL experience and confirms scholarly expectations.


Academic Level College
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Research Paper
Number of Pages 12 Page(s)/3300 words
Sources 15
Format APA
Spacing Double Spacing

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