Organizational Development for Healthcare-- Healthcare organization evaluation

Select a data collection questionnaire or tool that has been designed by a healthcare organization to obtain feedback on their overall effectiveness or the effectiveness of a particular information system within the organization. These may be questionnaires that are administered online or in paper form. There are several ways to find such questionnaires. For example, they may appear in a journal article reporting on their use. To locate such instruments, search the library business database for business evaluation topics that may be of interest to you or for the names of particular organizations of interest to you. You can also search online for a survey tool used by one or more health organizations. Spend some time reviewing the mission and goals of the organization you select so that you understand what they are trying to accomplish and why the questionnaire was used for evaluation. The names (and sources) of the instrument and the company in which it has been used should be included in your work. Analyze the instruments to determine the following: Who is likely to receive and complete the questionnaire, and who is not? (Be sure to identify and briefly describe the organization in which the instrument has been used.) Why has the organization created the questionnaire or survey? Is it valid for this purpose? How difficult will it be for someone to analyze the answers? What is likely to be learned from answers submitted? What effect are the answers likely to have on the organization? What role would this information play in improving the organization's effectiveness? Finally, describe how you would redesign the survey and explain how your revisions would improve it.


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Medicine and health
Paper Type  Essay
Number of Pages 4 Page(s)/1100 words
Sources 3
Format APA
Spacing Double Spacing

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