Policy and Politics in Nursing and health Care

Please read below student post, comment on in it, remember to answer the question she asked at the end. no more than one page required, use apa 7th edition referencing style and 1-2 sources to support your comment, thank you. In what ways is, or is not, the nursing profession a special interest group in American Democracy? Identify at least two. One of the ways in which the nursing profession is a special interest group in American Democracy is because the job is mostly a female profession and lack of nurse's involvement in politics. Nursing generally is a special interest group in American Democracy because we share the same interest and common goal. To be a part of special interest group means to share a common idea with a group of people, which in this case is with other nurses for the benefit of influencing change in the profession. The American Nurses Association (ANA)is one of the most popular nursing special interest group that continues to advocate for healthcare reform and the interest of nursing career. ANA have lobbied for several health care topics to protect the public and nursing profession. Nursing generally is a special interest group in American democracy because we share this same interest and common goal. What strategies would enhance the effective influence of nurses as a collective special interest group in policy advocacy and electoral politics? Share at least three, with one of the three being a specific example of using media. Professional and policy advocacy involves nurses actively participating as a collective special interest group. Nurses are human advocates, and whatever it is that concerns nurses focus on health. Mason et al. (2020) stated that the best way to prepare nurses for their role as advocates is from school. Nursing curriculum at both undergraduate and graduate levels should incorporate the skill set necessary to be an effective advocate. Some of the strategies that would enhance the effectiveness of nurses as a collective special group in policy advocacy and electoral politics are lobbying, grassroot mobilization, shaping policy opinion and influencing elections. As nurses we can be a better part of collective special interest group by shaping public opinion. We can shape public opinion through our use of media to persuade the public about trending health issues and this can change the way policy makers see such issues. The goal is to win the general public's heart to support the course, which would in turn get the attention of policy makers. Another to be a collective part of a special interest group is through grassroot mobilization. Nurses can be of influence in every little area that they function. As nurses we can contact our local representatives about major health issues in our communities. Nurses can become lobbyist and actively participate in educating electoral officials about important health issues (Mason et. al., 2021) In what ways do nurses (you) benefit from the work of professional nursing organizations? Identify at least two Professional nursing organizations (PNOs) are important part of the profession because of they serve as collective voice in ensuring guidance in practice and influence health systems policy. Professional nursing organizations support nursing profession through their support of patient safety, the socioeconomic nursing socioeconomic welfare, and nursing professional practice. Two of the benefits of professional nursing organizations is that they make available variety of networking opportunities and educational resources and they also advocate to advance nursing practice and to improve the health of populations, communities, and individuals (Crumley, 2020). Describe 2 aspects of globalization that are important for nurses to understand. Why are each of these aspects important to you as a nurse? Mason et.al. (2021) explained that globalization as the interrelationship among countries of the world in which they share idea, trade, practices, and cultures. As a result of globalization, countries become interdependent of each through trade and migration, leading to movement of different disease across the globe (Mason et. al., 2021). Another important aspect of globalization is the migration of people from different countries with different languages and cultural practices, and as a we have patient with beliefs and values that we need to understand to better care for them. What are 3 major points that you learned in this course? I learned from this class how to engage in grassroot advocacy and policy changes in nursing profession. The second thing I learned in this class is the different plans option for people to choose from through the marketplace, which include bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Catastrophic. I also learned about eligibility criteria for enrolling in the Affordable Care Acts. The third thing I learned from this course are the steps the Center for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) take to protect public funds, which including penalties for fraud, abuse, and waste Mason et al., 2021). How will the information you learned in this course change the way you practice? The information learned has helped me to understand the different marketplace plans and what is covered under each plan and this would help me in my future practice to educate my patient about their different options and I will be able to provide them with adequate resources about different plans when the need arises. This class has also provided me with education on steps the Center for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) take to ensure that everyone billing for service is not exploiting the system or committing fraud. Create a plan for increasing your involvement in professional nursing organizations and advocacy. Address both professional nursing organization involvement and advocacy in your plan. Your plan can be 3 to 10 goals. Plan Actively involved in American Nursing Association (ANA) to have gain more networking opportunities and educational resources. Continuous professional network and connect with other professionals in the field of nursing to share ideas about trending topic and issues. Become involved in local and state advocacy groups to improve on healthcare delivery in the community. Be involved in grassroot mobilization and be a steady contact to local representatives. Question to peer As future advanced practice nurse, what would you do to ensure you prevent abuse and misuse in your practice? Reference CMS MLN. (2018). World of Medicare. MLN. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://www.learner.mlnlms.com/ContentDetails.aspx? id=16C30CA1F49742F593C3CC31730D9D6A Crumley, C. (2020). The Benefits of Active Engagement in Nursing Professional Organizations. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 47(6), 547. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000700. Mason, D. J., Dickson, E.L., Perez, G.A., & McLemore, M.R.(Eds.). (2021).Policy & politics in nursing and health care(8th ed.) Medicare and Medicaid Fraud, Waste and Abuse Prevention (2020) https://cmsnationaltrainingprogram.cms.gov (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.).


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Discussion Post
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 2
Format APA 6
Spacing Double Spacing

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