Provide introductory paragraph that defines cultural competence and describes its significance for professional nursing practice.  

Provide introductory paragraph that defines cultural competence and describes its significance for professional nursing practice.

This is a formal written paper documenting the student’s assessment and analysis of two diverse cultures.  Emphasis is focused on healthy and unhealthy cultural practices and relevance for nursing intervention. This will help provide students a foundation for addressing and meeting cultural needs of patients in their nursing practice. The student should read the entire instructions, criteria, grading rubric and the Concept Diagram for Cultural Competence before writing this paper. Instructions: 1) Cultures must be chosen from the given list of cultures from separate geographic continents/regions. Only one culture per continent/region of the world may be used.  For example, if the student chooses an African culture the other culture must be from Asia, Europe, North or South America. 2) Do not compare countries (cultures) within 1000 miles of each other. 3) Neither the American culture nor the student’s own culture may be used. If either the American culture or the student’s own culture is used, the student will be required to re-do the paper in its entirety. 1) The student should write this paper in the same sequence indicated in the instructions/outline/criteria. The body of the paper should be a maximum of 10 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference list). 2) Follow APA format in entirety. 3) Submit the completed paper on Canvas by due date stated for completion of written work. 4) At the instructor’s discretion, the student may be required to redo any part of the paper that is partially met or not met. The original grade will stand even if revisions are submitted. Outline/Criteria for Paper: 1) Introduction Provide introductory paragraph that defines cultural competence and describes its significance for professional nursing practice.  Include reference. Provide a brief introduction to the two cultures, including prevalence of the culture in the North Texas/East Texas area.  Include appropriate references. 2) Cultural Assessment and Implications for Health Care Compare and contrast your chosen cultures in each of the areas of cultural assessment (comparing and contrasting means describing the ways that the two cultures are the same and ways they are different. Based on your cultural assessment of each area, analyze and describe the implications for nursing care. After analyzing the implications for each culture, compare and contrast how care for each would be the same and ways it would need to be different. For example compare and contrast cultural assessment of communication and then the implications for health care before moving to family roles and organization. Include a minimum of one paragraph for each area.  Include only what is relevant for your culture. Cite appropriate references. 1) Communication a) Primary languages and dialects b) Ability to share emotions with family/friends/health care providers
  • Nonverbal communications such as tone of voice, eye contact, gesturing and facial expressions
i) Use of touch, body language and spatial distancing practices (personal space) ii) Privacy iii) Acceptable greetings (formality)
  • Orientation to time
I) Family Roles & Organization i) Head of household ii) Decision makers
  • Gender roles
  1. Developmental tasks of children and adolescents
  2. Roles of aged and extended family
  3. Individual and family social status in the community
  • Acceptance of alternative lifestyles (i.e. birth out of wedlock, divorce)
  1. Biopsychosociocultural Aspects
    1. Physical, biological, and physiological variations among ethnic and racial groups
    2. Genetic, hereditary, endemic and topographical diseases
  • Modesty, skin care, hair care, nail care, toileting, special clothing, self-care
  1. High-risk health behaviors (i.e. smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, lack of exercise, not wearing seatbelts)
  1. Nutrition
    1. Meaning of food
    2. Meal patterns
  • Common foods and rituals
  1. Cooking methods/preparation of food
  2. Nutritional deficiencies and food limitations
  3. What food are eaten when ill
  • What foods are avoided with ill
  1. Pregnancy and Childbearing Practices
    1. Culturally sanctioned and unsanctioned fertility practices
    2. Views on pregnancy
  • Prescriptive, restrictive and taboo practices related to pregnancy, birthing and post-partum period
  1. Death Rituals
    1. View of death and euthanasia
    2. Rituals to prepare for death
  • Burial practices
I) Bereavement behaviors II) Spirituality i) Primary religious/spiritual affiliations ii) Religious practices/rituals
  • Use of spiritual healing/healers
  1. Health Care Practices
    1. Focus of health care – acute versus preventive
    2. Beliefs about causes of physical illness
  • Beliefs about causes of mental illness
  1. Beliefs about causes of genetic defects
  2. Views on physical disabilities
  3. Health promotion activities
  • Use of over-the-counter medications & prescribed medications
  • Use of herbal teas and folk medicines
  1. Sick role
  2. Symptom management: pain, dyspnea, nausea/vomiting, constipation/diarrhea, fatigue, depression
  3. Attitudes about birth control, abortion, sexual orientation, gender identity, menopause
  • Individual responsibility for health
  • Acceptance of blood and blood products
  • Acceptance or organ donation and transplantation
  1. Traditional health care practices (i.e. acupuncture, aromatherapy, coining, etc.)
  1. Health Care Practitioners
    1. Use of traditional health care practitioners
    2. Gender of health care provider
  • Use of healers
3) Conclusion Provide a concluding paragraph for the paper summarizing the implications for providing culturally competent care for clients from these two cultures. 4) References Use a minimum of four references to document the information presented in the formal paper. Appropriate Internet references, professional journals, and books/textbooks may be used as references.  References must be cited correctly in the body of the paper and be listed in correct APA format on separate reference page. Wikipedia is not an acceptable internet reference. 5) APA Format Use accurate spelling and grammar (<3 errors per submission). Use APA format including title page, abstract, running header, and reference list. Use correct font and font size, paragraph format and page numbers. 6) Similarity Score Recommended to have less than 10% similarity score.  If more than 20% similarity score, student must revise and re-submit within a week. List of Culture Choices:
North America Asia Africa Middle East Oceania
Mexican Chinese Nigerian Arabian Philippine
African-American Japanese Kenyan
Native American Indian
Criteria Met Partially Met Not Met
Introduction 2 – 1.75 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 1.5 – 1 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 0.75 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Cultural Assessment & Implications for Nursing Care: Communication 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Family Roles and Organization 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Biopsychosociocultural aspects 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Nutrition 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations.   1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Pregnancy & Childbearing Practices 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Death Rituals 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Spirituality 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Health Care Practices 6 – 5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 4.75 – 3 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 2.75 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Health Care Practitioners 3 – 2.5 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 2.25 – 1.5 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations.   1.25 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
Conclusion 2 – 1.75 Completely addressed each component of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows evidence of critical thinking and analysis. Included appropriate citations. 1.5 – 1 Incompletely addressed or omitted one or more components of the section as outlined in the instructions.  Submission shows little evidence of critical thinking or analysis. Insufficient citations. 0.75 - 0 Multiple areas incompletely addressed or omitted. No evidence of critical thinking or analysis. No citations.
References   5 – 4 Cited at least four appropriate references in the paper Cited references according to correct APA format Included reference list in correct APA format. 3.75 – 2.5 Cited less than 4 appropriate references in the paper Cited references but didn’t use proper APA format Included reference list but didn’t use correct APA format 2.25 - 0 Cited no appropriate references in the paper Did not cite references in the paper Did not include reference list
APA Format   5 – 4 Used accurate spelling: 1 – 2 errors only Used accurate grammar  (1 – 2 errors only Included  title page, abstract, running header in correct format 3.75 – 2.5 Used accurate spelling: 3 -5 errors only Used accurate grammar: 3 – 5 errors only Included title page, abstract and running header but not in correct format Over 10 pages 2.25 - 0 Had multiple spelling errors:  6 or more Had multiple grammatical errors:                                       6 or more No title page, abstract or running header
Similarity Score 5 – 4 Less than 10% similarity score on first submission. 3.75 – 2.5 Less than 20% but more than 10% similarity score on first submission   2.25 - 0 More than 20% similarity score on first submission.
Total: 50 points
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                J/Level III Concepts/Rubrics/Cultural Competency Paper                                                          Revised 06/18       


Academic Level College
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Term Paper
Number of Pages 10 Page(s)/2750 words
Sources 6
Paper Format APA
Spacing Double Spaced

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