The explanation of how nurses apply the selected theory in part A to plan excellent nursing practices is logical

The explanation of how nurses apply the selected theory in part A to plan excellent nursing practices is logical

RUBRIC: RUBRIC A: NURSING THEORY   TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 5: THEORIES OF NURSING PRACTICE, STARTS ON P. 75 COMPETENT =  A nursing theory that has influenced the candidate’s values and goals is identified. (FIRST PERSON)       A1: EXCELLENT NURSING PRACTICES  (same as part A) COMPETENT =  The explanation of how nurses apply the selected theory in part A to plan excellent nursing practices is logical. (THIRD PERSON)   A2: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE NURSING THEORY COMPETENT =  The discussion of how the theory from part A fits the candidate’s professional practice is relevant, and it accurately addresses the identified theory. (FIRST PERSON)   B: CONTRIBUTIONS OF 19TH OR 20TH CENTURY HISTORICAL NURSING FIGURES  TEXTBOOK: chapter 1: the evolution of professional nursing,STARTS ON p. 1                                                                                                                          COMPETENT = The contributions of 2 historical nursing figures in the nineteenth or twentieth century is identified.   B1: DIFFERENCES IN CONTRIBUTIONS (same as part B)                                                                             COMPETENT = The comparison accurately addresses the differences in the contributions of the 2 historical figures identified in part B and is logical and well supported.   B2: DESCRIPTION OF HISTORICAL FIGURES  (same as part B)                                                                                COMPETENT = The description of how the contributions of the 2 historical nursing figures in part B have influenced the candidate’s nursing practice is accurate. (FIRST PERSON)   C: STATE BOARD OF NURSING VERSUS ANA (TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 4: NURSING LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION, STARTS ON P.62) OR USE THE SBON AND ANA WEBSITES                                                                                                          COMPETENT = The explanation of the functional differences between the State Board of Nursing and the ANA is accurate and well supported.   C1: ROLES OF ORGANIZATIONS  (same as part C)                                                                                                 COMPETENT = The definition of the roles of the State Board of Nursing and the ANA is provided and supported.   C2: INFLUENCE OF THE STATE BOARD OF NURSING AND ANA  (same as part C)                                                                   COMPETENT = The explanation of how the State Board of Nursing and the ANA influence the candidate’s nursing practice is accurate and relevant. (FIRST PERSON)   C3: REQUIREMENTS FOR PROFESSIONAL LICENSE RENEWAL (TEXTBOOK:CHAPTER 8: LEGAL ISSUES IN NURSING AND HEALTH CARE: STARTS ON P. 118)  THE VIRGINIA SBON WEBSITE WOULD BE BEST FOR THIS SECTION                                 COMPETENT = The explanation of the requirements for professional license renewal in the candidate’s state is accurate and well supported. (FIRST PERSON)   C3A: FAILURE TO MAINTAIN LICENSE REQUIREMENTS  (same as part C3) THE VIRGINIA SBON WEBSITE WOULD BE BEST FOR THIS SECTION                                                                                                                                           COMPETENT = The discussion of the consequences of failure to maintain license in the candidate’s state is accurate. (FIRST PERSON)   C4: COMPACT VERSUS NON-COMPACT STATE(TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 4: NURSING LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION, STARTS ON P.62)  MY STATE, VIRGINIA, IS A COMPACT STATE                                                                                                               COMPETENT = The comparison accurately addresses the differences between registered nursing license requirements in a compact state versus a non-compact state and is well supported. (FIRST PERSON)   D: AGENCIES FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENCES (TEXTBOOK:CHAPTER 22: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND PATIENT SAFETY, STARTS  P. 378) CAN USE FDA AND CMS WEBSITES FOR THIS                                                                                                    COMPETENT = The discussion of the functional differences between the given agencies is accurate and well supported.   D1: INFLUENCE ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE  (same as part D) CAN USE FDA AND CMS WEBSITES FOR THIS                                 COMPETENT = The discussion of how the regulatory agencies influence the candidate’s professional nursing practice is relevant. (FIRST PERSON)   D1A: NURSE’S ROLE AS A PATIENT ADVOCATE (same CHAPTER as part D)                                            COMPETENT = The discussion of the candidate’s role as a patient advocate in promoting safety when the patient has selected an alternative treatment is relevant. (FIRST PERSON)   E: PURPOSES OF THE NURSE PRACTICE ACT (TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 4: NURSING LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION, STARTS ON P.62) can use the virginia sbon website for this                                                                                                                COMPETENT = The discussion of the purposes of the Nurse Practice Act and its influence on the candidate’s professional practice is accurate and well supported. (FIRST PERSON)   E1: SCOPE OF PRACTICE  (same as part E) can use the virginia sbon website for this COMPETENT = The discussion of the scope of practice for an RN in the candidate’s state is logical and well supported. (FIRST PERSON)     E2: RULES FOR EFFECTIVE DELEGATION  (same as part E)         can use the virginia sbon website for this                          COMPETENT = The discussion of how the candidate’s state defines delegation for the RN is logical and well supported. (FIRST PERSON)   F: APPLICATION OF NURSING ROLES  (see separate NURSING ROLES doc)                                                      COMPETENT = The discussion of the application of each nursing role to the candidate’s professional practice is relevant. (FIRST PERSON)   G: ANA CODE OF ETHICS PROVISIONS (TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 9: ETHICAL AND BIOETHICAL ISSUES IN NURSING AND HEALTH CAREM STARTS ON P. 161)   can use the ana website for this                                                                          COMPETENT = 2 provisions from the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics are accurately identified.   G1: ANALYSIS OF PROVISIONS  RECALL THAT I AM A HOSPITAL BEDSIDE NURSE TO HELP ANSWER THIS                   COMPETENT = The analysis accurately addresses how the 2 provisions identified in part G influence the candidate’s professional nursing practice and the analysis is reasoned. (FIRST PERSON)   G2: CLINICAL PRACTICE ERROR TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 13: WORKFORCE ADVOCACY FOR A PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT, STARTS ON P.236                                                                                                                          COMPETENT = The description of a nursing error in a clinical practice example is relevant.   G2A: APPLICATION OF ANA PROVISIONS TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 9: ETHICAL AND BIOETHICAL ISSUES IN NURSING AND HEALTH CAREM STARTS ON P. 161                                                                                                                                     COMPETENT = The explanation of how the ANA provisions in part G can be applied to the error from part G2 is relevant. (FIRST PERSON)   H: LEADERSHIP QUALITIES OR TRAITS TEXTBOOK: CHAPTER 17: NURSING LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT, STARTS ON P. 294 COMPETENT = 4 leadership qualities or traits that represent excellence in nursing are identified, and are appropriate for a nursing practice.   H1: DEMONSTRATION OF NURSING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES OR TRAITS  (same as part H)                            COMPETENT = The discussion of how the nurse uses the identified leadership qualities or traits in part H includes each of the 4 traits, includes each of the given roles, and it is relevant. (THIRD PERSON)   H2: WORK ENVIRONMENT           I WORK IN A MAGNET STATUS HOSPITAL AS A BEDSIDE RN; YOU MAY IMPROVISE AS YOU WISH HERE          COMPETENT = The submission identifies of how the work environment is impacted, and provides relevant details and examples of how each given point is impacted. (FIRST PERSON)   I: APA SOURCES : COMPETENT: The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style. J: PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION : COMPETENT: Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Term Paper
Number of Pages 10 Page(s)/2750 words
Sources 7
Format APA
Spacing Double Spaced

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