This is a reflective professional assignment. Choose five positive characteristics and five characteristics that need improvement in your professional behaviors and practice. Use nursing leadership theory, leadership theory, and change theory discuss how these characteristics developed, how you intend to maximize the positive and what you will do with those needing improvement. Include short and long term plans to re-assess these characteristics and the effectiveness of your use of them. Finally describe how this reflective assignment would assist with assessing behaviors in your colleagues.

This is a reflective professional assignment. Choose five positive characteristics and five characteristics that need improvement in your professional behaviors and practice. Use nursing leadership theory, leadership theory, and change theory discuss how these characteristics developed, how you intend to maximize the positive and what you will do with those needing improvement. Include short- and long-term plans to re-assess these characteristics and the effectiveness of your use of them. Finally describe how this reflective assignment would assist with assessing behaviors in your colleagues.


Academic Level College
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Admission - Application Essay
Number of Pages 8 Page(s)/2200 words
Sources 4
Format APA
Spacing Double Spacing

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