Use careful sampling and data collection procedures (inclusion/exclusion criteria & PRISMA methods) to screen studies relevant to the research question for the systematic literature review topic selected

Use careful sampling and data collection procedures (inclusion/exclusion criteria & PRISMA methods) to screen studies relevant to the research question for the systematic literature review topic selected

Module 2 Week 2 Assignment #2 (A2) - SLR Introduction Assignment This written group assignment is aligned with the following course outcomes (CO) and associated program outcomes (PO) as listed in the syllabus and module objectives 2.2-2.4 including readings in modules 1 & 2. Module Objectives: MO2.2: Integrate research evidence about a specific searchable research question. (CO 2, 3) MO2.3: Use careful sampling and data collection procedures (inclusion/exclusion criteria & PRISMA methods) to screen studies relevant to the research question for the systematic literature review topic selected. (CO 2, 3) MO2.4: Using the IMRAD framework, write an Introduction narrative for systematic literature review. (CO 2, 3, 7) Assignment #2 Directions: Work with your group member/s to write the Introduction to your systematic literature review on your study topic. Your submission, approximately 1-1.5 pages should be written using Arial 11or 12 font and be double-spaced following APA format, include citations, and a reference list. Only 1 group member submits. INTRODUCTION Developing your Problem Statement; Scope/Significance Background; Consequences for your outcome variable (DV) Writing your Research (PICO) Question Developing your Purpose Statement Assignment Guidance: Systematic Literature Review (SLR): Students will progressively complete a systematic literature review using the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRAD) framework to answer a defined and important research question in your area of specialization (education or administration) by summarizing empirical evidence that fits the pre-specified eligibility criteria. There are various types of systematic literature reviews; however, due to time limitations, students will consider conducting a rapid or scoping narrative review (depending on your topic & research question), as typically some reviews such as meta-analyses may take as long as 24 months to complete. I recommend that you focus on either quantitative studies or qualitative studies but not both. The systematic literature review is a significant and high-level research assignment at the Mater’s level as such it should be carefully recorded and follow a rigorous approach. Plan carefully document everything. Items to consider to ensure that the review is useful to other practitioners and researchers include the following: are clearly stated objectives with pre-defined criteria for studies; explicit, reproducible methodology; a systematic search that attempts to identify all studies; assessment of the validity of the findings of the included studies (e.g., risk of bias); systematic presentation, and synthesis, of the characteristics; and findings of the included studies. In addition, there are a number of steps to guide you in conducting an SLR, which include the following basic steps. Basic Steps in a Systematic Literature Review Step 1: Framing questions for a review Step 2: Identifying relevant work Step 3: Critically appraising the quality of studies Step 4: Summarizing the evidence Step 5: Interpreting the findings Writing your Problem Statement: Your Problem Statement, which serves as the Introduction to your Systematic Literature Review, can be accomplished in as little as one paragraph. Most components of the Problem Statement can be covered in 1-2 sentences. For the Background component, you will want to include several sentences about your topic (which is your outcome variable [DV]). Make sure all the data and information that is not your original thought is appropriately cited in APA format (see APA for how to cite references with more than one author). Following this Background section, introduce your IV, and give some brief Background on that variable. Remember, the Background you are writing is not a review of the 8-10 studies you are including in your systematic review. This entire Introduction should not exceed 1-1.5 pages, in APA format (Arial, 11 or 12 font, double-spaced). By now, you should be finalizing your research question: Using the PICOT format, include at least the population, the independent variable (IV), and dependent (outcome) variable (DV) in your question. Your DV is your ‘topic’ and what you will develop in your Problem Statement (Introduction), including the six components of a Problem Statement (Polit & Beck, 2021, p. 73). Secondarily, you will provide a brief background on your IV after covering Problem ID; Scope/Significance; Background; Consequences for your outcome variable (DV). Your IV and DV also serve as the primary keywords for your Search Strategy. You will want to think of what ‘proxy’ terms might also be used for your IV and your DV. For example, if my question was: In college students, how does eating breakfast influence academic performance, proxies for my outcome variable of academic performance might include: grades OR GPA OR graduation. Finalizing your research question will help you begin to think about how to write your Problem Statement (Introduction), which should include the following six components: Problem ID and Significance; Scope of the Problem—how big is it?; Background—what do we know about the problem?—the longest part of the problem statement; Consequences of the problem—data on morbidity, mortality, and/or adverse outcomes; Gap in knowledge—this often reflects a gap in what is published on the problem—in your case, you do NOT need to include a ‘gap’ statement; Proposed solution—“The purpose of this systematic literature review is to identify, review, synthesize, and analyze the current evidence on ___write your research question here as a statement___ .”


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Assignment
Number of Pages 2 Page(s)/550 words
Sources 3
Format APA 6
Spacing Double Spacing

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