Week 4: Levels of Evidence and Common Statistics Used In Nursing Research

WEEK 4: LEVELS OF EVIDENCE AND COMMON STATISTICS USED IN NURSING RESEARCH CLO 5: Appraise evidence and research for rigor and applicability to improve outcomes. Assessed by: Discussion Question READINGS Module Overview Melnyk: Ch. 4 & 7 Polit: Ch. 9, 10, 11; 14 & 15 REVIEW READING Carlson, J.F., Geisinger, K.F., & Jonson, J.L.(Eds.) (2017). The Twentieth Mental Measurements Yearbook [Reference]. Lincoln, NE: Buros Center for Testing. OPTIONAL READINGS Polit: Ch. 13, "Mixed Methods and Other Special Types of Research" Ch. 18, "Meta-Analysis & Meta-Synthesis" Ch. 12, 16, 17 (Extended Discussion-Qualitative Research) https://buros.org/mental-measurements-yearbook [A compilation of 2,700+ research instruments with information about origin, constructs, reliability, validity for each instrument; covers fields of psychology, business, education, leadership. Available in most university library reference sections or for purchase. This resource is the gold standard for selection of research instruments used by researchers in most disciplines] Week 4: Discussion Question - Statistical Tests Discussion Prompt Select and describe one of the more common statistical tests used in nursing research. State which statistic you selected. which one you would prefer to use for your PICOT question research project. (PICOT question below). What level of measurement is required for using your selected statistical test? Provide an example of how your selected statistical test could be used in your nursing research study (see below the PICOT question that my research study will answer). MY PICOT QUESTION: Will hospice patients (P) who participate in Spiritual Care Improvement Programs (I) experience greater health-related quality of life and well-being (O) than hospice patients without spiritual care (C)? SEE ATTCHED Part 1 - Introduction and Overview of the Problem (Spiritual care in Hospice) Expectations Initial Post: Length: A minimum of 350 words, not including references Citations: At least 3 high-level scholarly reference in APA format from within the last 5 years


Academic Level College
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Discussion Post
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 0
Format APA
Spacing Double Spacing

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