Write a brief (300-word) personal reflection describing interprofessional collaboration during your experiences in the clinical setting

Write a brief (300-word) personal reflection describing interprofessional collaboration during your experiences in the clinical setting

Throughout this course, you have been describing your clinical activities in your journal. This week you will focus on a specific topic related to your practicum experience. Write a brief (300-word) personal reflection describing interprofessional collaboration during your experiences in the clinical setting. Reflect on your efforts as a team member to move a client along the health continuum. Please consider the following areas: What professions did you interact with? What challenges did the interprofessional team have to overcome to deliver competent care? How did the interprofessional care enhance the status of a client/population? How might this experience affect your future practice?


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Essay
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 0
Format APA
Spacing Double Spacing

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