151+ Best Health Argumentative Essay Topics for Students


A state of complete mental and physical well-being is defined as health. Diet, lifestyle, and society all have an impact on an individual’s health. A layperson may not be interested in understanding the factors that influence their health, whereas educated people constantly seek to understand every factor that influences their health. In the case of students, they learn about their health by reading about it, researching it, and debating it on various topics.

While some students find it easy to find health topics for their studies, many students struggle to find them. We want to help every student, so we’ve compiled a list of exciting health argumentative essay topics that students can use in their studies. We consulted with experts from the best nursing  coursework writing services to add the most exciting and popular health argumentative essay topics to the list below. Because all of the topics below are simple enough for average students, students will quickly know what to write or say about them.

Topics for Argumentative Essays on Health

1) Surrogacy should not be used solely for medical reasons.

2) Vaccination of children should be mandatory.

3) Cosmetic surgery is dangerous.

4) The government should outlaw products that are produced at the expense of people’s health.

5) Exercising can harm your health.

6) Birth control pills have the potential to harm the reproductive system permanently.

7) The government should regulate all fast-food restaurants in the country.

8) People who live an unhealthy lifestyle do not deserve organ transplantation when their organs fail to function correctly.

9) Do technological devices make people more susceptible to cancer?

10) Vegetarian diets increase longevity


11) The Perils of Being a Gay Couple

12) Do mental health clinics in high schools in the United States benefit students?

13) Intelligent devices are harming human health.

14) Political corruption influences patient healthcare decisions in European countries.

15) Excess water in the body can be harmful to the body’s system.

16) Is female circumcision healthy or harmful?

17) Should people leave their home country for medical treatment in other countries?

18) The majority of drugs are prohibitively expensive.

19) Things to do every day to stay healthy and cut down on doctor visits

20) Could alcohol consumption be wholly prohibited in high schools?


21) Is the government really taking advantage of people in need of health care?

22) Herbal extracts and chemical compounds used to treat cancer are ineffective.

23) The actual costs of medicine in comparison to the costs in health care facilities

24) Doctors’ salaries should never be the highest in the world.

25) Technology has more positive than adverse effects on healthcare systems.

26) Who does the actual work: doctors or nurses?

27) Law enforcement in healthcare systems plays a minor role in ensuring public health.

28) Oversleeping has no adverse effects on the body.

29) Human beings endanger their lives through the things they do on a daily basis.

30) Patients who have been in a coma for several months still occasionally dream while in a coma state


31) The world’s deadliest diseases are receiving less attention

32) The advancements and significance of AI in medical systems

33) Cosmetic surgeries are not required to be insured

34) Do governments play any role in providing high-quality healthcare services?

35) Some people are afraid of going to hospitals, not because of the cost.

36) Diets can make people look younger, even in their late 70s.

37) Doctors are not financially compensated for their services.

38) Alcohol consumption is to blame for several health issues that senior citizens face.

39) Should adequate healthcare services be considered a human right?

40) Many parents unknowingly endanger their unborn children’s lives


41) Exposure to radiation emitted by communication devices can cause cancer

42) Artificial internal organs outperform natural internal organs in terms of dependability.

43) Cancer is a hereditary disease.

44) Traditional Chinese Medicines are more effective than Western medicines

45) Acupuncture is more effective than radiotherapy in treating health problems

46) There is a link between poor he and poverty

47) Will diabetes be cured soon?

48) Should homeless people be entitled to free health care?

49) Unconventional forms of medicine as part of the national healthcare system: is this a good or bad thing?

50) Should euthanasia be prohibited?


51) Which is better: womb transplantation or surrogate pregnancy?

52) Mental health vs. physical health: which is more important?

53) Can human cloning save lives?

54) Human medical tests should be limited in some way.

55) The cost of healthcare services in Western countries is prohibitively expensive.

Approach to a Health argumentative Essay

Your essay will be more impressive if you choose a topic that is familiar to you or writes about something with which you are familiar. It will be simpler for you to write a health essay paper and construct a convincing argument. Another approach is choosing a topic that is unfamiliar to you but interests you. It would be an excellent opportunity for you to further your education.

If you choose an intriguing essay topic idea that is too broad to cover in your essay, you should conduct additional keyword research and look for specific aspects of this topic to narrow it down.

Keep in mind that you should look for a narrow the research topic with plenty of available resources for research.

Make sure you have enough evidence and examples to support your argument before you begin writing. Create a working outline or a mind map for your essay to help guide your writing and keep you focused on your key points.

First, develop a strong thesis statement and consider several key points to back it up.

If you’re looking for health topics to write about but don’t know what to write about, we’ve compiled a list of exciting ideas that you won’t find on any other essay-writing websites.

Feel free to use them as inspiration for your own topic ideas or as a starting point for writing your essays.

Topics for writing about health

1) How Can We Assist Children in Keeping a Healthy Body Weight?

2) Surrogate Pregnancy Ethical and Legal Issues

3) How Dangerous Are the Long-Term Effects of Anorexia?

4) Hospital Medical Error Prevention Principles

5) How Can Doctors Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle?

6) Why is Homeopathy considered a pseudo-science?

7) What Are the Risks of Blood Transfusion?

8) Eating Disorder Types

9) Is a Vegan Diet Healthy?

10) Best Ways to Maintain a Healthy Body Weight


11) Breast Cancer Psychological Issues

12) The Importance of Organ Donation Following Death

13) Can Cloning Save Lives?

14) Human Experimentation Ethics

15) Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

16) Will Diabetes Be Curable in the Future?

17) How to choose topics for a good medical persuasive speech

Interesting Health Argumentative Essay Topics to write About

1) What Is the Difference Between Western and Alternative Medicine?

2) Eating Disorders’ Health Consequences

3) Organ Transplantation in the Future: Bioprinting

4) Application of Stem Cell Technologies in Cancer Treatment

5) Cosmetic Surgery’s Ethical and Social Issues

6) What Effect Does Advertising Have on Healthy Food Choices?

7) Nutrition Education’s Role in Promoting Healthy Diets

8) Obesity and Fast Food Consumption

9) How Can Exercise Aid in Senior Strength and Balance?

10) Weight Loss Surgery Benefits and Drawbacks


11) Obesity as a Medical and Social Issue

12) Heart Disease Prevention Strategies

13) How Long Can We Expect to Live?

14) The Benefits and Drawbacks of Clinical Trials

15) Alternative Treatments for Depression

16) Is There a Cure for HIV/AIDS?

Health Argumentative Essay Topics that are contentious

1) Is There a Connection Between Sugary Drinks and Cancer?

2) Caffeine’s Health Consequences

3) Can a child’s eating habits indicate autism?

4) Should Euthanasia Be Made Legal?

5) Medical Marijuana’s Advantages and Disadvantages

6) Is Alternative Medicine Risky?

7) Is it always healthy to participate in sports?

8) Is it better to follow a low-fat or low-carb diet?

9) Discuss Communicable Disease Prevention Measures.

10) Social Factors Influencing People’s Well-Being


11) Are Doctors to Blame for the Opioid Crisis?

12) Is Religion a Mental Illness?

13) Is Nuclear Waste Really Dangerous to Humans?

14) Is a Low-Carb Diet Safe?

15) Are Antibiotics Making Us Too Dependent?

16) Are Natural Medicines a Good Replacement for Pharmaceuticals?

17) Can Blockchain Help Improve Trust in Clinical Trial Data Accuracy?

Topics for argumentative essays on mental health

1) The Effects of Environmental Factors on Mental Health

2) Substance Abuse and Mental Disorders

3) The Social Impact of Mental Disorders

4) Alcoholism and Psychiatric Disorders

5) Teen Depression Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

6) How to Protect Your Mental Health from the Dangers of Social Media.

7) Social Isolation and Loneliness’ Effects on Severe Mental Disorders

8) Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Total Isolation

9) The Mental Health Advantages of Physical Activity

10) The Relationship Between Exercise and Mood

11) Homeless People’s Mental Health Issues

12) Stress as a Precursor to Mental Disorders

13) The Influence of Violence On Mental Disorders

14) Common Mental Disorders in the United States

15) Adults with Depression and Anxiety Disorders

16) Anxiety Disorders: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

17) The Economic Costs of Depression and Anxiety Disorders

18) The Impact of Anxiety Disorders on Quality of Life

Topics in Healthcare Management

1) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of healthcare management.

2) Why are patients treated differently in private and public hospitals?

3) Is it possible for a registered nurse to become a doctor? What are the challenges to overcome?

4) What is the surgeon’s role in guiding the operation?

6) What is the hospital administration’s responsibility for the patient’s life?

7) Can humanity have an impact on healthcare work if safety rules are followed?

8) How well educated are nurses in private and public hospitals?

9) What kind of relationship should hospital employees have, and can the manager influence their work?

10) Why does the healthcare environment frequently change the way employees work?

11) List five management principles that healthcare should follow.

12) Do hospital employees work for patients’ health or personal gain?

13) Who should manage the revenue of healthcare facilities?

14) What is a nurse’s role in a hospital?

15) Should medical personnel upgrade their credentials every year?

16) Why is healthcare management failing to improve the quality of life of medical staff during the coronavirus outbreak?

Disputed Medical Issues

1) Can carbonated beverages influence the development of a disease such as cancer?

2) Do you believe that caffeine is harmful to your health or that caffeine has health benefits?

3) Can a child’s simple junk food habit influence immune system development?

4) Should the use of marijuana for medical purposes be legalized?

5) Does alternative medicine have a positive or negative impact on health?

6) Is participating in sports bad or good for your health?

7) Is it better to follow a high-fat or low-carbohydrate diet?

8) Do I need to seek medical attention for infectious disease, or can I stay at home?

9) Is it possible to argue that social determinants influence how people live?

10)  Is it the doctors’ fault that millions of people die as a result of the coronavirus?

11) Is it possible to argue that rejecting religions is a psychological disorder?

12) Do you agree that industrial waste is hazardous to human health?

13) Is it safe or dangerous to follow a carb-free diet?

14) Is Antibiotic Dependence Treated?

15) Are traditional medicines superior to those produced in pharmaceutical plants?

Health Care Argumentative Essay Topics

1) What are the benefits and drawbacks of technology-assisted treatments?

2) What impact does electronic patient data have on the evolution of health care?

3) Why are alternative medicine metrics regarded as a health risk?

4) What are the main ethical and legal principles in nursing?

5) What urgent issues must be addressed in the US healthcare system?

6) Why isn’t the healthcare system fighting charlatans who treat patients online?

7) What steps should be taken to ensure that healthcare providers treat all patients fairly?

8) Can healthcare providers refuse treatment if he has dark skin?

9) How should school health care be equipped to assist students properly?

10) Why can’t school health care provide the necessary assistance in crisis situations?

11) How can health care help to lower suicide rates?

12) Is it necessary to get vaccinated as an adult?

13) What human rights can have an impact on the concept of public health?

14) What medical care is required to reduce heat-related deaths?

15) What living conditions should each individual have in order for their health to be expected, and how can health care accept it?

16) What steps is health care taking to combat chronic diseases?

Medical Technology Topics

1) PediaSIM baby and adolescent robots made in Canada for pediatricians.

2) Obstetricians can use childbirth robots.

3) American robots Code Blue III for practicing resuscitation skills.

4) Sick robots – used to train dentists, otolaryngologists, urologists, and gynecologists.

5) Virtual reality simulators for doctors and patients.

6) Intelligent digital hospitals.

7) 3D printing technologies are gaining traction in the medical field.

8) What makes Pfizer’s Arthritis Treatment Equipment Case unique?

9) How are medical students taught to use technology to heal?

10) Smart technology versus traditional medicine.

11) How do rural hospitals deal with coronavirus when they lack the necessary equipment?

12) How much money does the public health service set aside for modern equipment?

13) How does technology assist with cancer organ transplants?

14) Why can’t doctors keep up with new medical technologies?

15) What steps should health care take to ensure that all hospitals have modern equipment?

Medical Research Topics

1) Adult generation rational nutrition and nutritional characteristics in old age

2) Medical nutrition for a variety of pathologies

3) Non-traditional methods of treating various diseases, such as herbal medicine and honey treatment.

4) Fundamental principles of hardening as a means of preventing infectious pathology.

5) Evaluation of risk factors for the emergence of various pathologies during childhood and adolescence.

6) Modern cardiology’s problems Cardiovascular diseases are conditions that affect the cardiovascular system—prevention of structure and prevalence Factors that increase the likelihood of pathology developing.

7) Establishment of a health-promoting environment in the educational system.

8) Medical aspects of family formation and healthy childbirth

9) Social and medical issues confronting today’s youth.

10) Student and computer health.

11) Preventive medicine is a healthy way of life.

12) Identify the risk group in children for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

13) The effect of tobacco smoke on physical growth.

14) The impact of noise on the human body.

15) The effect of sports on health.

Medical Ethics Issues

1) Medical ethics, stages of formation, and the primary moral and ethical problems

2) The position of medical ethics within the framework of moral standards.

3) Characteristics of professional ethics include medical ethics.

4) Medical Ethics in the Past.

5) Medicine’s highest moral values.

6) Doctor and patient: ethical interaction models Patient rights and deontology

7) Relationship ethics in the medical team

8) Medical errors in medical workers’ activities.

9) The doctor’s moral culture is the foundation of medical professionalism.

Abortion’s ethical and medical issues

1) Ethical issues with new reproductive technologies.

2) Prenatal diagnosis moral issues

3) Transplantation moral issues

4) Observance of biomedical ethics principles in handling deceased bodies and anatomical preparations.

5) Ethical guidelines for using animals in biomedical research.

Topics on Medical Policies and Practices

1) Should religion have an impact on medical laws?

2) Can donor organs be used without permission after death?

3) Should the doctor inform the patient about treatment methods or act solely on his convictions?

4) Can people who are unrelated to medicine and lack education work in health care?

5) Do you believe obesity is a health issue?

6) Can a doctor provide first aid to children if their parents object?

7) How do advertisements for cosmetics affect people’s health?

8) What is the best age for organ transplantation?

9) Who should have authority over drug use: medicine or the government?

10) Do you believe euthanasia should be legalized?

11) What is the penalty for a pharmacist changing a doctor-prescribed prescription drug?

12) Should a doctor refuse a patient for a liver transplant if he is a smoker who has shown no concern for his health?

13) Should people with mental illnesses be separated from their loved ones?

14) Should teenagers be supervised in school because 30% use illegal drugs?

15) Should medical laws be subject to government regulations?

Health Argumentative Essay Topics for High school students

1) Internal psychological issues in cancer patients

2) Physical activity that is both recommended and affordable for school-aged children.

3) I am training family members to care for patients.

4) Orthopedic products for the correction of disorders in cerebral palsy patients.

5) A speech therapist’s role in treating speech disorders.

6) Health essay topics in high school.

7) A nurse’s role in the care of children with burn injuries.

8) Infectious disease prevention

9) The origins of burnout syndrome

10) Use of health-saving technologies in high school.

11) Characteristics of coronavirus hand treatment

12) myopic disease

13) The nurse’s role in the school.

14) I’m working on my agility in ball games for health.

15) The appearance of a nurse as a cultural element in nursing.

Contentious medical issues

1) Should you be an organ donor after death?

2) The contentious issue of bacterial antibiotic sensitivity.

3) Is there an association between metabolic syndrome and prostate cancer?

4) The issue of vitamin and mineral use in human life.

5) Should fever be treated or not?

6) Preventive medicine, or how to halt disease progression?

7) Doctors who smoke and assist patients in quitting.

8) Controversial issues in cellular technology regulation.

9) Breast cancer treatment that is targeted. Is it true or false?

10) Irritable bowel syndrome and its controversial issues

11) Is it true that Analgin is illegal?

12) Evidence-based cardiology and contentious anticoagulant therapy issues

13) Urology oncology’s contentious issues: from theory to practice

14) Controversial issues in healthcare payment for medical care

15) Document flow in a medical laboratory: controversial legislative issues

How to write an argumentative essay

Many college and university students find it challenging to craft a good argumentative essay. However, our team of experts have developed the following key points to be followed as writing guide.

1) Because the purpose of an argumentative text is to explain a specific situation through arguments, you must avoid ideology and other types of judgments.

2) Create an argumentative essay outline to ensure you don’t overlook essential text details and evidence.

3) Before you begin writing an argumentative text, consider submitting a proposal explaining why you chose the topic. This is usually true for the first paragraph.

4) In the following paragraphs of the argumentative text, the author must present his evidence and justify his earlier proposal. The reasons for this argument are defended here.

5) It is also critical that the argumentative text reflect various points of view.

6) We must conclude to complete the argument text. This is known as closure, and it should be included until the article’s final paragraph.

7) The text should be simple, clear, and accurate.

Use appropriate terminology and avoid using overly complicated words. Furthermore, recognizing authors’ ideas are added and cited is much better because others’ statements help preserve what they are discussing. This will help the reader understand the author’s point of view and draw their own conclusions.

Difference Between an Argumentative Essay And Persuasive Essay

The argumentative essay genre necessitates that we know how to express and defend our opposing viewpoints while also being aware of other points of view. That is why we must present arguments in reasoning not only in defense of our own but also in defense of another opinion that is not unique to us.

Argumentative essay requirements include:

Presentation sequence;
Use of logical communication means;
Careful selection of language tools.

The most common type of academic essay is a persuasive essay. This essay addresses a contentious issue. For example, consider the issue of abortion and the utility of raising taxes on medical services. The use of the pronoun “I” in such a composition is unacceptable.

The introduction to this essay should include a brief overview of the topic under consideration, the main idea, and your thesis, supporting or refuting this idea. Following that, several paragraphs are dedicated to revealing the main idea. The conclusion expresses your point of view on the subject, attempting to persuade the reader that you are correct in your assertions.

The Goal of an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is a method of persuasion that uses other evidence to substantiate a statement rationally. An argumentative essay persuades the reader to accept the author’s theory. The scientific, domestic, legal, and political spheres are all represented in the argumentative essay. The ultimate goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the audience of the truth of a position, persuade people to accept the author’s point of view, and elicit thought or action.

Several essential rules must be followed in order to create a viable argument:

1) You must work with convincing, precise, clear, and simple concepts.

2) The data must be accurate.

3) It is advised to avoid using business jargon that makes it difficult to understand the information. It is preferable to use visual arguments.

4) When discussing negative information, the source must be mentioned.

In Summary

Finding amazing heath argumentative essay topics will be easy for someone who is familiar with the subject. But, more often than not, if you need to persuade your reader, it is best to stock up on convincing arguments ahead of time.

For example, you could make a list of them and then analyze and determine which ones are the most effective. You now have a plethora of resources at your disposal for working with argumentative essays. You will succeed if you apply themes and tips to texts.


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