How to Write a Descriptive Essay Latest Guide


Students learn the fundamentals of writing and self-expression through descriptive essays. You may continue writing descriptive essays well into your professional career, depending on your line of work and writing goals.

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay provides a vivid description of a specific subject. Newspaper articles, book reports, research papers, accounts of a single event, travelogues, and memoirs of a personal experience are all examples of good descriptive writing.

Descriptive Essay Definition

Descriptive essays provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of a topic by fleshing it out with concrete details and figurative language. It would be best to have a clear picture of the subject after reading a descriptive essay, whether it’s a historical episode, a geographical location, or a work of art. Descriptive essays are also advantageous to the writer. Whether your essay topic is personal, such as your favorite movie or food or something culturally significant, this type of essay is essential for learning the art of descriptive writing.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

Consider organizing your work in the following manner when writing a descriptive essay. If you organize your writing in the following steps, you will save time and make writing easier:

Step 1. Choose your subject and create a topic

It would be best to have a clear picture in mind when writing an appealing paper. Try relating to your personal experiences, vividly imagining your favourite restaurant, a close friend, or any other subject specified by the task guidelines. Remember that the best descriptive essay topic is one that interests you. If you are having trouble coming up with a topic, you can use some descriptive essay topics we have already prepared.

Step 2: Create a thesis statement

Consider your notes and write a descriptive essay thesis statement. Make sure your thesis statement includes two parts: a statement about the described subject and reasons to back it up. Provide your evaluation of the location, person, or other described subject in the statement section, and then briefly explain how you arrived at such conclusions. For example, explain why instead of simply stating that Sarah is a great friend.

Step 3: Choose specific details

Consider the significant impressions this subject frequently produces on you when describing a person, place, experience, or any other subject. What do you like or appreciate about it in particular? Which aspects of this topic pique your interest the most? For example, to describe a restaurant, begin by deciding whether you think it’s a good or bad place. Then consider specific reasons why you hold such an assumption. Make a list of your main impressions and the described subject’s corresponding features.

Step 4: Descriptive essay outline

Create a detailed outline after you’ve come up with an idea, such as a descriptive essay about a place, and list some features you’d like to discuss in the essay.

It is advantageous when students create detailed outlines. These outlines should include all of the information they intend to include in their essays, including their thesis statement, topic sentences, several supporting details, and concluding sentences for each of the body paragraphs, as well as a thesis restatement for a concluding paragraph.

Step 5: Create a draft based on your outline

Students will efficiently complete their first drafts if they use outlines: it is sufficient to present all of the information from an outline in an essay format. At this point, focus on the details you want to describe rather than your writing style. Remember that this is not yet an essay. It is more of a framework for your future paper.

Step 6: Revise your essay and include more imagery

Reread your draft and focus on your writing style now. Keep in mind that descriptive essays are about showing rather than telling. Rather than simply telling readers that the restaurant is good, try showing them by appealing to their senses. It is not necessary to appeal to all six senses; instead, use your own experience to select the senses most relevant to your topic.

Would you not appreciate a cat description in which the author appeals to your sense of taste? Students add significant impact to their drafts by including imagery and dynamic language.

Step 7: Edit and format your final paper

After you’ve added all the imagery and checked that your writing style and speech are appropriate, proofread your text and format it according to the professor’s specifications. MLA formatting works well for this type of essay, especially if you are a student at a US college. If you have questions about formatting or need proofreading assistance, writers on the platform will gladly provide affordable editing services.

Writing a Descriptive Essay Format

For structural reasons, a descriptive essay must adhere to the format outlined below. They are as follows:


How to write a descriptive essay introduction.

  • Even if it’s a well-known topic, don’t assume your audience is familiar with it. It would be best if you described it in terms of the essential points. Give a basic structural overview of the problem.
  • There is no need to go into detail about the subject just yet. Give an overview of the subject.
  • To draw your audience into your article, start with a hook sentence that immediately captures their attention. Following that, provide a brief context for your paper.
  • Then you must write a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a brief sentence that summarizes the entire article. It should include the reason for describing your chosen terms.

Body Paragraphs

There should be a minimum of three paragraphs in a descriptive paper.

  • Using the five senses, use each paragraph to paint a different picture of the same topic.
  • Begin the essay with a simple acknowledgment of your concern. You can then proceed to the following paragraphs for more indulgences.
  • Use prominent transition words such as even though, similarly, on the other hand, and so on. It would be best to end each paragraph by introducing the next one.
  • Using this technique smoothes out your article. Please describe how your matter appears, how it appeals to you, and so on.
  • Include small details to help your readers visualize your story. To create immersion, insert transition statements between them.
  • With this technique, you will not appear to be writing dry facts.


Reflect on the initial points mentioned at the end of your article to refresh your readers’ memories.

  • In the end, highlight all of the essential facts. You can explain why the subject impacts you or why you chose to write about this specific topic in the first place.
  • To add a personal touch, explain why and how it impacts you in conclusion, including a clincher statement.
  • The clincher statement will ensure that your audience does not forget the purpose of your essay.

Tips for a Great Description

Here are some tips on how to start a discriminative essay example. Descriptive essays examples are nearly impossible to write without the following:

·        Appeal to various senses

Include vivid sensory details rather than simply listing characteristics or features of the described person or object. Show details that create impressions rather than telling about them by appealing to the senses.

·        Use dynamic speech and pay attention to word choice

It is critical to use descriptive language throughout the text. This brief example demonstrates how important word choice is in such essays. Consider the following two sentences: The teacher entered the classroom, and the teacher stormed into the room. In the first sentence, a neutral word (entered) is used, making assumptions about the teacher impossible.

The word choice (stormed) in the second sentence adds some emotional value, as one can conclude that the teacher is in a particular mood. In your text, try to replace neutral verbs with more dynamic alternatives.

·        Make use of your own experiences

The most appealing descriptions are those in which the author expresses their emotions. As a result, try to show how the subject described makes you feel.

·        Include moment-by-moment descriptions

They are very appealing, mainly when students include some humorous or frightening details. You can discuss your own experience in this way, depending on the purpose of your writing (for instance, your last dentist visit).

·        Use imagery such as similes and metaphors

Use imagery and figures of speech such as similes and metaphors in your story. Comparing things, objects, and people is a highly effective way of describing them.

·        However, avoid overused similes (also known as clichés)

Avoid overusing clichés such as “as cold as ice,” “straight as an arrow,” and “run like the wind,” among others. When used too frequently, such similes lose their impact. Look for more creative options when writing a descriptive essay.

·        Gather sufficient information

It may be necessary to conduct research depending on the topic. Sometimes students lack the necessary personal experience to create genuinely appealing illustrations. However, promising research fills in the gaps.

·        Include all sources

Students must cite all information obtained from outside sources. If they refuse, plagiarism charges will be leveled against them.

Descriptive Essay Ideas

Based on their approaches, descriptive writing can be divided into two types. The latter is the descriptive writings assigned in schools. The type of descriptive writing you desire depends entirely on your requested type. The following are examples of descriptive essays:

1)     Personal Statement

In a personal descriptive paper, you must describe a personal incident or occurrence that has significantly impacted you. This type of writing aims to elicit empathy or feelings in your readers.

  • An excellent descriptive essay focuses on the emotional side of the issue.
  • Use your emotions to express your entire perspective on the subject.
  • It would be best if you were not afraid to use personal, vivid imagery to make your piece more relatable so that it touches your readers’ hearts.
  • Birthday experiences, swimming events, competitions, your favorite movie and its impact on you, and so on are some examples of descriptive pieces.
  • Personal essays are used to create a welcoming environment for your readers.

2)     Formal Definition

A formal descriptive essay differs significantly from a personal one.

  • Formal description, to some extent, resembles an argumentative article. As a descriptive writer, your primary goal is to communicate the essential points of a subject with as much structural detail as possible. In this type of writing, there is no need to mention any emotional experiences.
  • Formal descriptive writing is required in school curricula. Rather than focusing on your own experiences, you should give your readers as much information as possible.
  • It would be beneficial if you could fill your essay with cold, hard facts.
  • You should include every detail to fully communicate your understanding of the subject to your readers.
  • While writing this piece, you should maintain a formal tone while avoiding sounding overly formal.
  • A news summary, climate change, pollution, the importance of renewable energy, and other informative subjects are examples of formal topics for a formal descriptive essay.


Writing a compelling piece of descriptive essay writing can be difficult, especially if you are new to descriptive essay writing. Reading a wide range of writing styles and practicing, practicing, practicing are the two keys to becoming an expert at descriptive writing. This does not imply that you must write an immersive novel or begin churning out poems by the page—you can strengthen your descriptive essay writing muscles by incorporating a little bit into your future assignments. Perhaps you’ll include a metaphor in the introduction to your following history essay or incorporate similes into your upcoming economics presentation.

If you need some help writing a descriptive essay, contact our custom essay writers


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