Academic Essay Writing is a large part of university and high school education. They are most effective at demonstrating students’ subject knowledge and their ability to gather and present information and data. Let’s dive into the article below to help you understand what an academic essay entails and other informative sections.
What is an Academic Essay
An academic essay is a structured form of writing that students must complete as part of their curricula in school, college, and university. The most common goals of this type of writing are to either present new information or to use existing facts and knowledge to convey specific ideas.
This project allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and creativity while encouraging them to develop ideas for communicating a message. Essays are typically shorter than other types of academic writing and present the authors’ opinions to support their arguments. Here are some essential aspects of an academic essay to remember:
- Conciseness — Essays are typically short, ranging from 200 to 500 words.
- Topic — Since essays are so short, a good topic should be narrowed down and not too broad.
- Well-structured text — While essays are one of the minor formal types of writing, they still require a solid structure and adhere to proper academic paper format.
- A clear central idea — each academic essay should make a specific point that is both clear and robust (i.e., thesis statement).
- Personal motivation — Unlike other types of writing, essays frequently imply that the authors are personally interested in the topics being discussed.
- Facts, evidence, and examples to back up claims — While essays may present an author’s personal beliefs and ideas, they should also provide arguments to back up those beliefs and ideas.
It is beneficial to develop your academic writing skills early on, as they will serve you well throughout your studies and life. People who are good at writing academic essays tend to be able to articulate themselves more clearly and speak with more confidence.
Academic Essay Example Types
Academic writing can be divided into four essays, each with its purpose—though some have similar structures. There are four academic papers: narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive. Since they are more scientific and objective, expository and persuasive types are most commonly seen in university curricula. Narrative and descriptive essays are more subjective and allow you to express yourself. Now, let’s dissect each type and examine each academic essay definition.
· Essay on Narrative
In other words, it’s a sped-up version of a novel. Students must demonstrate their creative abilities in this type of essay.
As a result, it necessitates the constant use of strong adjectives. Their use will assist an essay’s author in creating a complete graphic picture for their story and improve the audience’s perception of the topic. Although telling a compelling story is the primary goal of this type of essay, there is much more to it than meets the eye.
A well-written narration should also include a “written between the lines” point. Simply put, there should be a clear message conveyed via text. Including a hidden message between the lines encourages the reader to read the entire paper because it piques their interest.
· Essay Descriptive
In short, the author chooses a specific thing, experience, emotion, or idea to describe for the reader in this type of essay. This style, like narrative writing, requires the author to be subjective and creative. And, as with a narrative essay, the author is expected to paint a picture in the audience’s minds.
Another important aspect of writing a descriptive essay is carefully choosing words. A paper of this type should elicit certain emotions in the reader and connect them to the topic under discussion. Finally, the subject should be described in simple terms in the paper. When the reader understands the subject thoroughly after reading an essay, you know you’ve written a tremendous descriptive paper.
· Expository Writing
An expository essay is another type of academic writing that assists readers in understanding the subject matter by providing grounded information and facts. This type of writing requires the author to provide valid evidence to back up all of the information in the paper. Opinions or personal views on a subject have no place in an expository paper.
A good paper should use analysis based on factual information about its subject. The author’s primary goal is to inform and educate the reader using clear logic and facts. For example, this “How to Write an Academic Essay” article can be classified as expository writing.
· Essay on Persuasion
Writing a persuasive paper necessitates taking on the role of a salesman (or saleswoman). You can express an opinion, project, or idea you must sell to your reader (s). The logic behind how you provide information to the reader(s) should be impenetrable
To avoid being pushy, cater your points carefully and conceal your sales tactic behind well-thought-out sentences. When defending an argument, you can use logical, emotional, or a combination of both, depending on what you’re attempting to argue.
Academic Essay Topics
Topics will vary logically depending on the style of writing you are producing. Sometimes the same topic can be found in different academic essay categories, but the main content will always differ depending on the category of paper you write about. Here are some excellent topics for writing an academic essay:
Topics for Narrative Essays
- Explain how you and your family got through the quarantine. Describe how it affected you.
- Tell us about your experience with remote learning. What effect did it have on your grades and overall performance? Do you think online education is better or worse than traditional education?
- Create a story that explains the significance of technology in modern life.
- Create a story that explains the importance of each individual’s contribution to the global problem of climate change.
Topics for Descriptive Essays
- Describe a person who has had the most influence on your life.
- What is the most recent significant event in global history?
- Describe your first love experience. What effect does it have on one’s personality?
- Describe the most moving work of art or music you’ve ever seen. What characteristics do you believe define influential art?
Topics for Expository Essays
- Why is the number of teen suicides increasing? What drives young people to commit suicide?
- What can each individual do to help prevent climate change and reduce its threats?
- What strategies can our society use to recover quickly and painlessly after a global pandemic?
- George Floyd’s death and police abuse of authority: What can we do to prevent similar incidents in the future?
Topics for Persuasive/Argumentative Essays
- Should the government amend the constitution to limit the actions permitted by police officers during arrests?
- Should we continue to follow self-distancing rules now that the danger has passed?
- Gun control: Make a case for stricter gun control in the United States.
- Should technology (other than those used for educational purposes) be prohibited in colleges?
Academic Format Essay
An academic essay usually has five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Furthermore, each section will have its distinct internal structure. The introduction’s primary goal is to introduce the topic and reveal the central message of the essay (the thesis statement).
The primary task of the body paragraphs is to defend the thesis with three sub-arguments—one per paragraph. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the entire argument and leaves a lasting impression in the form of an overall concluding statement. We’ve included a graphic organizer that illustrates the breakdown below.
Create an Outline to Begin the Writing Process
Before beginning any academic writing, you must first create four essential components that must be answered. The thesis statement, subpoints, a connection, and a summary are all included.
- Thesis Proposition: This is the focal point of your writing and one of the essential elements of your introductory paragraphs. It is the main message that the author is attempting to convey.
- Body Points (Subpoints): These are the main points or statements that will be used to back up your thesis.
- Connection: When writing an academic essay, it is critical to connecting it to the real world, either directly or indirectly. Explain why it is essential to you or relevant to society. This will add new meaning to your paper and highlight your distinct way of thinking.
- Summary: This brief and powerful statement summarizes your given points.
Here is a sample outline for a paper written about “Police Brutality and Its Impact on Society” to help you get a better idea of how to shape a perfect outline for your essay:
- Introduction
- Hook: According to statistics, nearly two thousand people were killed by police brutality in 2019.
- Historical context and definitions of key terms: “police brutality” refers to using excessive, unwarranted, and often illegal force by police officers. There have been numerous cases of fatal force in the United States and throughout history, ranging from assault to torture and murder. Furthermore, statistical data show that in the United States, the levels of violent crime do not determine the rates of police violence. As a result, police brutality has recently become a real and prevalent issue that is widely discussed and highlighted in the media.
- Thesis assertion: Unjustified use of force is a real issue that significantly impacts how people perceive their society. It must be addressed appropriately to prevent the spread of discontent and violence.
- Main Body
- Point 1 + evidence/example
- Point 2 + evidence/example
- Point 3 + evidence/example
- Conclusion
- A summary of the main points discussed in the body.
- Reiteration of the thesis statement
- A final sentence that gives readers more to think about.
It is time to begin writing your paper after you have created a proper outline, listed your main points, and gathered evidence to support your ideas. Many people prefer to create a title before beginning the writing process because it helps them set the tone for their work. Others prefer to write and then create a title based on what they’ve written.
Because the title’s meaning could be abstract, the second option is better suited for writing a narrative or descriptive essay. However, when writing expository and persuasive papers, choosing a specific essay title is critical and sticking to the general theme.
How to write an academic essay introduction
The academic essay format discussed in this article is quite simple. For many years, it has been widely used to generate high-quality essay examples for universities. Students continue to use it mainly because it is thought to be the most effective at delivering information to the reader.
Consider the following: A student should begin any academic writing assignment by developing a solid introduction.
A quick tip: If you are new to writing academic papers, don’t be afraid to look for an excellent academic paper example to help you figure out how to write a good introduction. Looking at good samples can help you get started.
Since a reader’s attention span is at its peak at the start of a paper, when they first begin reading, your introductory paragraph will essentially set the tone for the entire academic paper. Fortunately, we can share a few practical and highly effective techniques to assist you in creating a compelling introduction!
First and foremost, you should start with a strong hook. The term “hook” refers to the first sentence of the introduction paragraph, whose primary purpose is to capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to continue reading. Here are some of the best strategies for creating a successful hook to get you started:
- Quote: One of the most popular methods for introducing a paper is, to begin with, a creative and meaningful quote. When the quote is chosen correctly, it can strongly impact the reader and set the tone for the entire essay. As a result, quotes are frequently used as effective openers. However, it is critical to choose the correct quote that is directly related to your topic and does not distract your reader from the main point of your topic.
- Fact: Another common way to start an essay is with a factual statement or statistic. This is especially useful when writing an expository or persuasive essay, as such an opener will lend credibility to your paper. Furthermore, beginning with a fact will demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched your topic.
- Rhetorical Question: Another way to start your essay is with a rhetorical question. This technique will assist you in connecting with your reader more effectively (s). An excellent rhetorical question will stay with your reader as they read the rest of the paper. However, it is critical that you answer the rhetorical question from the introduction in the body of your essay or, at the very least, guide your audience to a relevant observation.
Academic Essay Structure
Your audience will get their information from the body paragraphs of your essay. The main body is always the longest and most important part of a five-paragraph assignment. Your main points should be stated in the order of your outline and support your thesis statement with valid arguments and facts when writing your body paragraphs.
If you deviate from that, you will confuse the audience, especially those who are paying close attention to the flow of your essay. The following are the primary requirements for writing a solid body section:
- Accuracy: Use caution when gathering information and avoid contradicting yourself. Include the relevant subpoints from your thesis (based on the body paragraphs).
- Word Choice: Pay attention to your vocabulary, especially when writing persuasive or descriptive papers. Your information should be accurately represented by the words you use. Make use of vivid adjectives and powerful adverbs. Misused words, jargon or technical terms that confuse readers, slang or inappropriate language, cliches, wordiness, and so on are all things to avoid when it comes to word choice.
- Maintain Consistency: A body paragraph should consist of 5-7 sentences. Logically, they should all have a similar structure, with the main difference being how the subpoint is presented. We always recommend that students look at an excellent academic writing sample to get a good idea of how the entire piece should look.
The goal of the main body is to answer any questions that have arisen in the reader’s mind following the introduction. Every new point should bring the audience closer to comprehending the overall concept you present throughout your essay. Ideally, you want to bring them up to the same level of knowledge on your subject. After accomplishing this, it is time to move on to the conclusion.
Academic essay writing thesis
In any assignment, you must start strong and finish even more vital. As you near the end of your paper, your reader may forget what the first paragraph you wrote was about. As a result, you must remind them. A reasonable essay conclusion will include the following:
- Summary: A brief paraphrase of the information presented in the thesis and subpoints. (Only when writing an expository, descriptive, or persuasive paper.)
- Personal or Social Connection: Why is this information relevant to society? Making such a connection highlights the subject’s overall significance and contemporary relevance.
- Overarching Conclusion: This is usually the final sentence that serves to tie a knot around your work. If you began with a rhetorical question, it would be a nice touch to provide an answer to it here. If you wrote a quote, rewrite it in your own words. It is critical to leave the audience with a strong statement that will stick with them.
The Drafting Process
The drafting process takes you from a collection of facts to the structured presentation of your idea within your essay. No outstanding paper has ever been written in a single draft. The process starts with a rough draft, in which you use all of the information from your relative outline.
Then you narrow this information down to the most pertinent parts that add actual value to your academic essay topic. Every new draft must be free of content issues, structural flaws, and simple typos. An essay’s final draft may be significantly smaller than its initial draft.
Word Choice One factor determining an academic essay’s quality is word choice. It is also frequently overlooked or neglected. It is no secret that some words communicate ideas more effectively than others.
It’s also no secret that vocabulary is essential in the writing process. When writing a descriptive essay, attention to word choice is significant because you want to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. If you are writing a paper on a specific field of study, you must use words related to that field rather than simple neutral words that add nothing to the text.
Completing the Submission
Your content should be well polished at this point in the writing process. After submitting your essay for peer review and red pen editing, make sure to:
- Correct all grammatical and punctuation errors
- Complete your title
- Include a bibliography if necessary (basically, a “references” or “works cited” page that also includes the sources you used but did not reference in the text)
- Ensure your paper meets the academic paper formatting requirements
We hope we’ve given you a good start on your journey to becoming an expert academic essay writer. Remember that the goal of an academic essay is to develop your ideas so that you can deliver a message. As you improve your academic essay writing skills, you will be able to articulate yourself more clearly and write and speak more confidently. You can also contact our academic writing services for an academic essay format breakdown. Good luck with your project!