How to write an extended essay: Best guide


This post will provide helpful information on your IB Extended Essay (EE) requirements. Consider this your IB Extended Essay Checklist, which includes all the information you need to be aware of for your EE.

IB Extended Essay: What Is It?

One more of your IB Diploma Program requirements is the IB Extended Essay (IB EE). You create a mini-thesis with the guidance of a mentor or adviser. An IB instructor from your school will serve as your mentor. The students must do Independent research on a topic of their choosing, such as picking from history extended essay topics, which cannot be more than 4000 words. You start by selecting a research question as your subject, which IBO will then further approve. Writing a conventional research paper or an experiment/problem-solving kind of EE paper is up to you.

How to write an extended essay

I could offer you pages upon pages of pointless material, but let’s go to the point and acknowledge that the heart desires what the heart desires. You’ll choose the adviser or mentor with whom you connect the most. The option is obvious: listen to your brain if your judgment is muddled between an adviser you want to pick because you connect with them better and a mentor who is educated about your chosen field and can help you enhance your research work. Get rid of your toxic relationship and choose a skilled mentor as your replacement. If you’re fortunate, the mentor with whom you click and the one who has a thorough understanding of the subject you’ve selected will turn out to be the same person. In light of this, take into account only two factors while selecting your advisor:

  • An expert on your discussion topic
  • Someone who will encourage you to do your best

Refer to this chart to get insight into the grade distribution before moving on to subject selection and essay format for your IB extended essay. This will be beneficial for the planning stage.

The next stage in “how to write an EE” is selecting a subject with the assistance of your mentor’s advice. The same holds for our TOK essay and TOK presentation.

How should I choose my ib extended essay topic?

When choosing your subject, bear the following in mind:

  1. Pick ib extended essay topic ideas that grab your attention.
  2. Choose extended essay topics with a sufficient amount of information.
  3. Select an extended essay ib topics that are neither too specific nor too general so that you have enough information to write about (to avoid exceeding the word limit of 4000 words)

The IB Extended Essay Format

Have you ever wondered how to write an extended definition essay or maybe wondered how a GED extended response essay sample should be formatted? Well, for you to write one, you need an outline. Mostly, this is maybe a strict requirement in the extended essay rubric. The following is an extended essay outline example:

Before moving on to the structure, let’s be clear: a title differs from a research topic. Your research question and its title are not the same things. Your research question serves as a concise and focused summary of your findings. You can also check for extended essay examples, such as extended definition essay examples, which contain outline examples like the one shown below to enhance your understanding of how your outline should be.

1.     Research Problem

Does aging affect the effectiveness of rods and cones?

“How efficient are L-cones compared to M-cones and S-cones?”

How much more effective are rod cells than the three cone cells?

Does gender affect the effectiveness of rods and cones?

2.     The Table of Contents

In an extended essay outline example, The following will be part of it:

Introduce yourself

The methodology

Primary Body

In conclusion

List of references

The appendices

Please note that the material on this page will not count against the word limit of your essay.

ABSTRACT IS NOT REQUIRED. According to the most recent IB guidance, an abstract is no longer required to be included in EE.

3.     Initialization

Introduce the subject of your EE and provide further details.

Clearly state what you’ll investigate and how you’ll accomplish it. If a specific company or sector is your target, describe the issues it is currently experiencing and how you plan to investigate them.

It would be best if you addressed the circumstance that led to the query to offer context.

Declare your research issue and stress how crucial it is to find a solution.

Describe how your audience will benefit from, find interest in, and value in your study.

4.     Technique

To ensure you cover all the crucial details, you should divide this part into two substantial pieces.

Chapter 1: Citing your sources

Related subjects, ideas, and arguments that you will utilize to examine in Section 2

Note: Be careful to highlight the theories’ flaws and limits and give the readers an understanding of the arguments, sources, and theories you intend to employ in your study.

Section I: References

Describe each of your principal and secondary research sources.

Inform the readers of the value of these sources.

To provide the readers with a hint as to a flaw or a restriction for each source. For instance, your study could have been biased or had a narrow focus. The additional data you utilized may also be inaccurate or unreliable for various reasons.

Annual reports from companies, news stories, magazine articles, business textbooks, and encyclopedias are a few valuable sources for secondary research.

Mention any modifications you made to your research (at least one) as your EE developed.

Section 2: Corresponding issues, hypotheses, and claims

Briefly explain the theories you want to employ and why (what are you aiming to support by using these).

Discuss some topics for the extended essay, theories, or associated arguments’ flaws or limits.

Mention any modifications you made to them as your EE developed.

5.     Body

The most intricate section of your essay will be this one. Research, analysis, debate, and assessment will take center stage.

We suggest you divide this section into two sections, one demonstrating your comprehension of the IB ideas gained in your business management class and the other addressing the enlightening content outside of your course to retain the flow of your preceding section.

Section 1: Corresponding claims, hypotheses, and subjects from your course learning

Include 4 or 5 of them in your list if they will aid in resolving your research issue.

If at all feasible, it is advised that you include at least one financial component. Before using your quantitative tools, take care of your qualitative ones.

Section 2: Course Expansion

Use this part to inform your reader and evaluate.

More thoroughly than the course, go through several related ideas and the extended essay topic.

Give the impression that you are very knowledgeable about the specific business to wow your reader. Showcase your understanding of the subject or information you have learned through professional advice on various areas of your issue.

Instead of only being descriptive in this area, if at all possible, provide some analytical insight. Make sure all of your hypotheses in this area are assisting you in answering your research topic by taking great care to do so.

A graph may be used in this case, but it must be related to the study issue.

Use ideas and justifications pertinent to your study and go beyond what you learned in class (if relevant).

Just a reminder: Connect each paragraph to your research topic.

6.     The Verdict

The majority of this section is self-explanatory. It’s time to connect all of your parts.

Here, it would help if you focused on integrating your EE portions.

Describe your research and how it contributes to resolving your research topic.

In your conclusion, don’t add anything new.

Make a strong impression by giving summaries at the end of your essay.

Several analytical insights may also be included, if appropriate.

Mention some of your research’s flaws and restrictions and how they affected it. You may discuss any errors these restrictions may have introduced and explain why.

Describe at least one thing you would do differently if you could go back in time.

Just a little reminder: Leave out the recommendations area of your EE.

7.     Literature

This part primarily serves to inform the reader about your research sources. It might contain:

Additional Resources

Textbooks, online materials, academic papers, competitor interviews, periodicals, etc.

Primary Resource: Interviews and data, if appropriate (focus group, survey, etc.).

Just a quick reminder: The words in your essay will not contain the material of this page.

8.     Annexes

Consider this area more of a formality to demonstrate the effort you have put in.

Interview transcripts, additional analyses you conducted that didn’t fit your EE’s body, etc.

Any more intriguing information that you want to include in the body of your work?

Just a quick reminder: The words in your essay will not contain the material of this page.

This brings us closer to the conclusion of our post on what an IB extended essay is and how to write one. It is not that tough, as we just explained. All you need is commitment, deadlines, and proper research. Therefore, you should not worry since you cannot pluck any rabbits today. Check out our Extended Essay Guide for “5 never heard before” advice on producing a high-caliber essay if you want to get a 36 on 36 on your extended essay.

Checklist for IB Extended Essays

Make a checklist for the IB Extended Essay! I must stress this point again and again. Your EE must be submitted at the same time as your examinations, which are due soon. You will need to keep track of a massive number of items. There is a reasonable probability that you won’t remember to make the last change or won’t have time to polish your EE’s introduction amid the chaos.

Consequently, having an IB Extended Essay Checklist will ensure you do all the necessary steps. The IB Extended Essay Checklist will come in handy during the last few days of submission. Also, be smart enough to compare some ib extended essay examples on the internet. This can be in various forms, such as extended essay questions or even an extended definition essay.


To help you navigate your extended essay, we want Nail IB to be your virtual partner. You may find many helpful posts on our site that can guide you through IB. In addition to our articles, we also provide a “Take A Test” tool that aids IB students in assessing where they are within the IB Program. Verify your talents and shortcomings by taking a test. Finally, we have put together customized student packages for your convenience to make sure you have all the tools you could need to ace the IB.


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