How to Write an Observation Essay


In your observation essay, you can write about anything you see in everyday life. The observation’s subject does not have to be extraordinary. Your task is to take a closer look and write about everything you think or feel while looking at it; this is why the written observation assignment may appear complicated when completed for the first time. However, with a bit of practice and our essay writing service, anyone can learn how to write an observation essay in no time!

This academic essay merely describes the author’s personal experiences or perceptions. It’s a very personal statement from the author, and it’s one way for writers to figure out how they feel about things.

In an observation essay, the writer will describe things they have carefully observed so that others can learn from them. An observer will use details to make their point, describing what they have seen with adjectives and metaphors. In the course of observing something, the writer employs similes and metaphors at times. An observation essay does not just use descriptions to describe the setting or any objects in it; it also describes people.

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One significant difference between an observation essay and other types of essays, such as an argumentative essay or an informative essay, is that it focuses on the writer’s internal perspective by recording observations and feelings rather than information that could be obtained through research.

Another essential feature is that observation essays can be written in the first (I), second (You), or third (They) person. These three types are also referred to as ‘personal,’ ‘descriptive,’ and ‘narrative.’

Observation essay tips

These are the essential steps in writing an observation essay.

1.     Choose the subject

Choose an observational aspect to write about, such as sights, sounds, tastes, feelings, or smells. You could also observe people or ask yourself a question and base your observations on the answer.

  1. In five sentences, describe this aspect of your observation.

Because examiners frequently read out the first sentence to introduce the essay (for example, ‘I always see old ladies wearing shabby coats when I am passing through the street,’ your first sentence should be robust and attention-grabbing. Then write four more sentences that describe the same aspect of your observation in different ways, but don’t use any of the words you’ve already used. This can be not easy, so take your time to select the appropriate words.

  1. Write the following final sentence

Your final sentence can be a summary or evaluation of that aspect of observation (for example, ‘I think we should help those old ladies make clothes in the winter if we have any extra money). This sentence is not always present; at this stage, you can choose your ending based on your purpose and topic.

  1. Logical verification

 By using transitions such as because, for example, therefore, etc., ensure that all five sentences are related and form a logical structure. Use them wisely, but not excessively.

  1. Extend your essay

Add headings as needed and expand sentences to entire paragraphs to ensure that your essay has a logical flow of ideas and organization.

  1. Include any additional information

In conclusion, include additional information (for example, ‘I am pleased to see old people wearing colorful clothes rather than shabby ones’).

  1. Edit and proofread your essay

The final step is to go over the observation essay you just wrote and revise it to ensure the quality is excellent.

Following those simple steps, you have now written a custom observation essay. If you need assistance writing an observation essay, post a question here.

Observation Essay Outline

Observation essays have different structures depending on their purpose, topic, length, and writer. Still, they usually have five paragraphs: one for an introduction, three for details about that aspect of observation, and one for a conclusion.

An observation essay has three parts: an introduction, the main body of the essay, and a conclusion.


The introduction contains one paragraph that introduces the topic of the essay.

Body paragraphs

Following this introductory paragraph, there are three paragraphs describing various aspects of observation.


The conclusion can be included as a separate paragraph at the end of the essay. This can vary depending on your essay’s attempt to convey.

Sample of Observation Essays

A Place Observation Essay Example

This is an example of an observation essay about a place.

I spend most of my time in three rooms in my house: the kitchen, the living room, and the bedroom, which are all adjacent to one another. The kitchen is located in the house’s northwest corner. It has a large window with a stunning view. Because it is cozy and warm due to the sunlight, I always spend my free time there for breakfast or dinner.

The living room is in the center of the ground floor, near the kitchen and bedroom. I love this room because I can see the street from it; thank you for the large window! This location is also suitable for watching TV with family; all we need to do is watch it from the sofa while sitting together in front of the television.

How to Write an Observation Essay

Paying attention is the first step in writing a good description.

Consider your senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. Each sense contributes something unique to your observations. The more data you collect, the better your observer will be! Remember that new information can be added later but cannot be removed. Beginning with a pencil allows the writer to erase what they’ve written, if necessary, easily. Use simple sentences and keep your direct remarks positive—everyone appreciates compliments!

One way we make observations is through people. They function as observation and reflection mirrors. People are complicated to understand, but we do know that we all have ways of expressing ourselves through our actions. So, consider one way to describe people: they reveal themselves in what they do or do not do.

If you want to write an observation essay about someone or something, you should learn as much as possible about the person (or place) beforehand. Another thing to think about is taking notes on minor details. You’ll need these notations later to incorporate them into your essay. If you’re writing an observation essay about someone, try to learn more about them than just who they are. Could you find out how they got to where they are? Also, try to learn about them and why they are the way they are.

You can also write about various exciting or funny things you’ve witnessed people do. You can express your thoughts on these topics and generate new ones.

Another thing to remember when writing an observation essay is to be careful what you say. People frequently forget how their words can affect others. You might say something hurtful or stupid that won’t mean much in the long run.

When writing a good essay about your observations on people, you must exercise extreme caution in selecting your words and evidence that could potentially harm someone else’s reputation.

·         When writing an observation essay about someone, try to include all the facts while keeping it interesting.

·         The last thing you want is for your reader to abandon your paper because they are bored.

·         Be specific in your statements.

·         If possible, provide context for why or how something occurred (the situation).

·         Make confident that what you say is also true!

How to Start an Observation Paper

Observation papers are challenging to write because there is no topic of interest. An observation paper’s primary purpose is to collect, analyze, and synthesize information about a research topic or study. With these various types of information in mind, here’s where to begin:

  • Please choose a topic and use it as the basis for your research. You could, for example, choose to observe how well your professor conducts class meetings. Choose the professor and the meeting to be observed. This is a simple option because it is already in use in class.
  • Look for previous research papers on the subject. An observational study will supplement this coverage of a previously researched issue or event by applying the findings of previous studies to your observation. Look for articles or research papers that compare the effectiveness of one type of meeting to another.
  • Determine what information you’re looking for as you observe and organize it as it emerges during your observations. Use these as notes or quotes, and then return to these pieces of information to help you write your observation paper.

Finally, synthesize the research and make a recommendation for what works best. For example, you could advise history professors to use whiteboards rather than PowerPoint slides because it is easier to follow along with class content.

There you have it. This is how you begin a college or graduate school observation paper.

What is an observation essay?

An observation essay (also known as an observation paper) is a type of essay writing in which the writer must observe and record details about a specific person, thing, event, or location. A written observation paper aims to present the observations in such a way that readers understand what is being described. Readers can gain insight into what is described through detailed explanations and vivid word choices.

What are some example topics?

Some ideas for observation essays include: how to make a cup of tea, what happens at a birthday party, and how to make friends.

For an observation essay on tea preparation, one could watch other people prepare tea and describe the process in detail. One could watch several tea preparations videos on YouTube to observe the process. One could also research different types of tea, flavors, and other flavoring ingredients.

For an infant observation essay on birthday parties, watch a few YouTube videos about various types of birthday parties and then write a detailed explanation of what happens at each party.

For an observation essay on making friends, one could look up advice on making new friends on the internet. Another option is interviewing peers and asking them what they do when trying to make new friends.

What are some effective strategies for writing an observation report?

Some effective strategies for writing an observation essay or report on observation are as follows:

  • Make a list of specific details that you noticed.
  • Describe what you saw using vivid language.

§  When necessary, cite the specific source. For instance, if your observation essay is about a website you used to gather information for your writing, include a reference in parentheses after each sentence in the paragraph that discusses that resource.

What are some of the most common pitfalls to avoid when completing a written observation assignment?

The following are some common pitfalls that students may encounter when writing an observation essay:

  • I was describing things without providing any additional details or explanations.
  • They were using ambiguous words like “thing” and omitting crucial information readers require to visualize what is being described.
  • They cited sources without explaining how they were used in the paper. The purpose of an observation essay is to describe what was observed rather than cite sources.

These are some suggestions for writing a college observation paper. If you require additional assistance, refer to the written observation examples above.

Observation essay topics

Here are some examples of observation essays you might be asked to write or observation writing topics you might need help with. Fill out the order form to request online writing assistance.

  • gym observation essay
  • naturalistic observation essay
  • nonverbal observation essay
  • participant observation essay
  • personal observation essay
  • stranger observation essay
  • child development observation essay
  • social observation essay
  • yoga class observation essay
  • an observation and an explanation essay
  • class observation essay
  • classroom observation report essay pdf format
  • courtroom observation essay


Always apply theories when analyzing and interpreting data. These are the theories that you mentioned in the introduction to your content. You will be able to provide a broader context for the process at hand in this manner. So, what will you be looking at? Remember the notes you took while the changes were happening. Take them out and begin studying the notable ones. To keep it formal, informative, and detailed, give your interpretations and keep connecting the dots to the theories.

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