How to write cause and effect essay outline


Teachers at all three levels of secondary education and tertiary institutions often give students a variety of essay assignments. Cause and effect essays are multi-paragraph writing assignments investigating a specific topic’s causes and consequences.

Students must discuss a cause and its effects in greater depth than in any other type of essay. As an added requirement for crafting a flawless paper, you must be familiar with its fundamental structure, method, and objective.

What is the purpose of cause and effect essay

To write a cause and effect essay, you must first identify a cause and its consequences. Both bad and good outcomes might result from these factors. They are also referred to as “outcome essays.” But every student should remember several things to grasp the concept of cause and effect essay writing entirely.

Such as the fact that each time you have to deal with a difficult circumstance, you’ll feel down about it. In the same vein, positive events will brighten your mood. This may be a straightforward example. But it will shed light on the link between circumstances and individuals.

Since this mutual dependence, we may say there is a two-way relationship between the cause and the effect. The impact of the reasons may be far-reaching and may harm all living things.

As the definition of the cause and effect essay states,” it’s a paper that looks at the effects of some cause and some other factor” (impact). However, an event, action, or choice might be the cause.

The following illustration should help you better grasp this style of essay:

Reason: African states have a history of social inequality.

The result is a surge in social demonstrations and liberation marches across Africa.

Cause and effect essay prompts

In addition, consider the following concerns when assessing the efficacy of a cause-and-effect paper.

  • Which factors led to these results?
  • Which parts should get the most attention?
  • Can we identify a single cause and effect, or are there others at play?
  • Writing an essay outlining causes and effects.
  • Just what is the point of a cause and effect paper?

Students learn to analyze critically and logically using the cause-and-effect essays assigned in school. These papers are ordinary in academia and any field where the ability to persuade with research is essential.

A frequent kind of academic writing, the cause and effect essay investigates the relationship between two causes and their consequences. In this method, the author first provides a detailed description of the phenomenon in question to determine its significant causes; the author then consults secondary sources to assess those reasons.

Cause and effect essay outline

The structure below is indicative of a cause-and-effect essay outline.

Cause and effect essay introduction

  • A catchy introduction.
  • Some background on the past, if only briefly.
  • A strong thesis statement that identifies the predicament’s origins and its consequences.

Primary contents

Depending on the nature of your topic and the length of your essay, your body paragraphs might range from three to five sentences each.

  • Paragraph one of the body

This sentence is the topic sentence (indicates causes and effects).

We can see the relationship between cause and effect in these instances.

  • After this sentence is the topic sentence (which indicates causes and effects).

Some illustrations of the second cause and the second effect.

  • The third paragraph of the body

Talk about the arguments that are against your position.

  • Cause and effect essay conclusion

It is essential to restate the thesis.

You must bring the reader back to the basics to get your message over again.

Cause and effect essay format

Times new roman and Arial are the font choices here.

Your essay should be written in 12-point font.

There should be no more than 1.5 spaces between lines.

The text is centered.

Where to begin with a cause-and-effect introduction?

Here are some simple guidelines to help you start your cause-and-effect paper. You’ll spend less time organizing your thoughts and more time writing.

Method of coming up with new concepts by combining different ones

Get in touch with experts and research to locate pertinent material.

Discover reliable sources

Establish the mood of your final paper.

How to write a killer introduction

Put together a captivating opening statement.

Developing a clear and concise thesis

Please review the sample below to learn how to launch a cause-and-effect essay.

Examples of cause and effect essays how to write

Below is a detailed breakdown of how to construct a cause-and-effect essay.

  1. Pick an essay subject

A free rein to select your essay topic applies if no one has been given to you by the instructor. You’ll need to put in a lot of work for this to succeed. Therefore, a list of potential themes is essential.

Pick the one that interests you most or about you know the most. With this method, writing is a breeze, and you’ll have a lot of fun while making for an engaging read.

  1. Cause and effect must be determined via brainstorming

After settling on a subject, it’s time to think seriously about how you want to approach it. Cause and effect are both valid perspectives.

For this reason, for every subject, create two lists: one for the causes and one for the consequences. In addition, it’s a good idea to document any potential outcomes. Pick the options that feel most natural and comprehensive to you. Yes, you intend to approach it from that direction.

  1. Invest in extensive research

For your cause-and-effect essay, you should look into the matter thoroughly. If you’re looking for information, select reputable sources instead of blogs or websites you didn’t personally research.

At this stage, you will also see recurring patterns and questions relating to your subject. This will help you identify good reasons to use in your thesis and find good arguments to use in your paper.

  1. Construct a solid hypothesis

A good thesis statement will do more than address the question asked in the essay’s prompt. Defining your interest and the topic’s relevance for you is an important demonstration. Similarly, it will tell the reader what they may anticipate learning from the rest of your essay.

  1. Formulate a plan for your cause and effect essay structure

An established format exists for writing a cause-and-effect essay. One of its primary functions is to provide a central location for collecting, discussing, and organizing related ideas. Our explanation of each part of the cause and effect essay outline will help you write a strong paper.

Exposition of the cause and effect 

The opening of a cause and effect paper should include context, a thesis statement, and the paper’s overall goal. It also shows how the subject is still relevant in the present day.

As with the last part, this one has to start with a catchy sentence to pique the reader’s attention.

You can better understand the issue at hand with these details. More importantly, it will link the reader to the essay’s central thesis.

Body paragraphs for a cause-and-effect essay 

The primary text explains how you got there and why. In addition, you should present both the cause and consequence in each paragraph in the body.

Readers will have a better grasp of the effects of the event thanks to this explanation of the chain of causes and effects. A writer can also offer advice on how to approach a problem.

Antithesis paragraph in a 5 paragraph essay on cause and effect

In a cause and effect essay, the antithesis paragraph presents the opposing view. It lays out the primary considerations that led to the selection of a topic and the occurrence of any relevant causal factors.

Wrapping up your cause and effect paper

A concise overview of the whole article is provided here. The writer must repeat the thesis and summarize the event’s fundamental causes and implications.

For the same reason, if your topic has a global impact, you should make a rallying cry to help fix the problem. To summarize your study and its findings, use a statement that will leave the reader wanting more.

Examine these sample conclusions to see how other authors have structured and framed their writing.

Below is an example of a detailed outline for a cause-and-effect paper.

Structure of a cause and effect essay outline

Use this cause and effect essay template while you write the first draft of your essay. Use straightforward language that is suited to the situation. Additionally, it is recommended that you maintain the essay’s structure and format throughout. Also, make sure there are natural transitions between paragraphs.

However, ensure sufficient time for editing between your first and second versions. The final text should be written and revised for at least a few days. It’s an excellent tool for spotting errors you might have missed before.

The following faults are typical in cause-and-effect essays

  • Errors in grammar
  • Missing periods
  • Poor spelling
  • Dissonant reasoning
  • Insufficiently defined thesis
  • Incongruous evidence and instances
  • Mistaken structure

To avoid these, you should reread your essay at least twice. Another option is having a friend, coworker, or expert proofread it. This is a crucial stage in writing a faultless essay that resonates strongly with the audience.

To further grasp this concept, please refer to the cause and effect essay samples provided below

When you think about water pollution, what comes to mind?


Writers are asked to address the issue of water contamination in developing nations. Unsafe water, a lack of sanitation, and sloppy hygiene are just a few of the problems that need to be investigated. As previously said, broad themes include several factors contributing to a superior outcome. Similar to how this example shows the various factors contributing to one significant consequence (in this case, “water contamination”), it is best to steer clear of overly general subjects while writing a cause-and-effect essay.

Cause and effect essay ideas

Some excellent essay themes focus on a cause and its subsequent consequence.

  1. Effects of alcohol on health
  2. Divorce: what kids lose, and why
  3. Music’s positive impact on the brain’s wellness
  4. Consequences of cloning in the USA, on the downside
  5. The psychological benefits of having an emotional support animal
  6. Influences of online communities on today’s youth
  7. Discussion of the merits and drawbacks of the traditional nuclear family
  8. What are the benefits and disadvantages of using visual aids in the classroom?
  9. Adolescent mental health problems are often caused by time spent on video games and social media.
  10. Some arguments in favor of building a home apart from the norm

Educational topics

Student achievement as a result of using online learning resources.

  1. How do longer school days affect learning?
  2. How standardized testing influences attrition.
  3. The demoralizing impact of the traditional grading system.
  4. A correlation exists between pupils’ ability to focus and their academic performance.
  5. The impact that using technology has on how well people learn.
  6. Personality development as a result of participation in sports and other extracurricular activities.
  7. Examining the benefits and drawbacks of mandatory school uniforms.
  8. Repercussions of taking time off between high school and college.
  9. The results of studying the arts in academia.

Topics discussed in social media

Justifications for why we spend so much time on social media.

  1. The impact of technology on family violence.
  2. Social media’s negative impacts on a young person’s cognitive development may be harmful.
  3. How and why do sites like Facebook and Twitter encourage solitary activities?
  4. When it comes to cyberbullying, what factors play the most significant roles?
  5. Estimate the fallout from excessive social media use.
  6. The benefits of social media for learning and development are clear.
  7. Positive and negative feedback is associated with social media’s use in interpersonal relationships.
  8. This article will explain why social networking sites that rely heavily on visual content rather than words are widely used.

History-related topics

  1. The legacy of slavery in the united states today.
  2. Significant reasons why the civil war broke out.
  3. What led up to the murder of john f. Kennedy.
  4. Significant factors that led to the dissolution of the soviet union.
  5. A look at how the Cuban missile crisis impacted the American people.
  6. The influence of Christianity’s rapid growth on the roman empire
  7. The primary causes of the Arab spring
  8. What led to the Salem witch trials, and how did it impact the area afterward?
  9. The lasting effects of the bombing of pearl harbor.

Political discussion topics

  1. Causes of the success of American democracy.
  2. When compared to other occupations, why is politics a viable option?
  3. Primary ways in which illegal immigration affects a country’s local population.
  4. Crucial factors pushed Britain’s colonial policy.
  5. Consider the benefits and drawbacks that colonialism offered to the colonizing countries.
  6. Factors that sparked the American revolution.
  7. Causes of the current high immigration rates.
  8. Consequences of drug legalization, both good and bad.
  9. The cost to a country’s economy of incompetent leadership.
  10. Analyze how Obamacare has changed things.
  11. Browse our list of suggestions if you need inspiration for other interesting causes and effects to write about.

Guide to creating a solid cause and effect paper

A great cause-and-effect essay may be written by following the below guidelines.

  • Determine the topic and brainstorm at least three causes and their consequences before beginning the essay.
  • Use quotations, facts, examples, and anecdotes to make your article more compelling.
  • Immediate causes and effects should be prioritized.
  • Cause-and-effect cycles are crucial for keeping the chain of events going.
  • Remember why you’re writing at all times. There are two possible goals: convincing someone or providing them with information.
  • Find the connection between the two topics with the use of transitional phrases. That’s a great way to make your essay easier to read.

Wrapping up

If you’re looking for anything to write about, yet want to cover a lot of ground, then “wide” is the word for you. A cause-and-effect essay is inappropriate for a topic with several potential causes or consequences. This is due to the multifaceted nature of the causes and effects of such issues. Yet, you can’t do justice to these topics in a standard 500-word cause-and-effect essay. Talk to us at, and we will do it for you.


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