Are you looking for a more practical extended essay guide? Then don’t look any further. It’s safe to assume you’re currently tackling the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum’s challenges. However, this does not imply that students are provided with the resources required to answer complex extended essay questions. Throughout this IB extended essay guide, our online paper writing service experts will investigate the most effective methods for managing and completing such a difficult task.
What is an IB extended essay?
Do you need a more practical extended essay guide? Then don’t bother looking any further. It’s safe to assume you’re currently tackling the challenges of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. This does not imply that students are given all the resources they need to answer complex extended essay questions. Our online paper writing service experts will investigate the most effective methods for managing and completing such a difficult task throughout this IB extended essay guide.
The IB program empowers students by allowing them to pursue advanced studies in their preferred subjects. As a result, the extended essay topics will be drawn from one of the more advanced subjects. The IB extended essay is commonly abbreviated to EE.
Whatever extended essay topics are considered, the assignment itself cannot exceed 4000 words. A must be used in the assignment.
- Title Page/Cover Page;
- Abstract;
- Table of Contents;
- Main Body and Bibliography
The outcomes of students’ extended essay topics are factored into the value of their IB diplomas. This task should be structured as a mini-thesis written under the supervision of an academic supervisor, typically one of the school’s IB teachers. In the following sections, we will go over how it is calculated in more detail for those interested.
Most IB schools will let students choose which advisor to provide them with IB extended essay guidelines. The process itself requires that one have their extended essay topics approved by the IBO, which is not as difficult as many people believe. After it has been accepted, one must decide whether to use a standard research paper format, conduct an experiment, or attempt to solve a significant problem.
How is the assignment going to be graded?
Advisors usually must provide students with a handout explaining the grading scheme for all extended essay questions. If anything remains unclear, we will review it again in the section below. According to the official extended essay guidelines, the assignment will be graded by a group of external examiners appointed by the IB. The grading scale runs from 0 to 36, with 0 being the lowest and 36 being the highest. Despite the range, some subject-specific and general criteria are applied to the extended essay format and content. As a result, a description letter will be assigned to indicate the final grade based on how many rubric assessment points you obtain.
As you can see, an extended essay will require a significant amount of time from the student, but it must be perfect. So, what are you holding out for? Get the best college essay writing assistance from our essay service.
Grading scheme for an extended essay
How will the extended essay affect my grade?
Students who receive low grades on their extended essay topics or theory of knowledge will no longer be eligible to receive the prestigious IB diploma beginning in 2014. These two grades are still combined, allowing students to earn up to three points toward their degree by completing both assignments.
Specific requirements
Look no further if you’ve been wondering how to get all 36 points for your Extended Essay topics. We’ve already mentioned some reasonably strict criteria used to grade Extended Essay topics, so let’s go over each individually and explain their relevance and role. We have included the maximum number of points that each of these sections can carry to give students a better understanding of their importance; however, regardless of their numerical value, all are equally important.
A. Research Issue
Different approaches to defining specific extended essay topics will be allowed and encouraged. Most subjects will highlight the essay’s purpose in the form of a question, which is why this criterion is called a research question. Keeping this in mind, the research question must still be included on the title page, as an introduction to the extended essay format requires.
B. Introduction
Examiners must evaluate the extent to which the student’s introduction highlights the relationship between the research question and background knowledge on the extended essay topic, according to the IB extended essay guidelines. Students should strive to highlight the significance and value of this examination holistically. The context of the selected research question must be stated and examined overall.
C. Investigation
According to the IB extended essay guide, our next criterion entails assessing the extent to which students have planned their investigations. In essence, examiners want to see that a wide range of sources is considered, that data is used efficiently, and that these elements are implemented in the appropriate places. Overall, ensure you collect only relevant, carefully selected material that supports the idea of the investigation.
D. Understanding and knowledge of the topic studied
This criterion assesses students’ understanding of the current state of affairs in the field they are researching. However, that statement should be taken with a grain of salt because it refers to what a pre-university student can elaborate on rather than a Master’s graduate. Our comprehensive essay guide encourages students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the topic by indicating how the investigation impacts this subject from their current academic standpoint.
E. Argumentation reasoned
Because of the title, it is fairly obvious what will be evaluated. The IB extended essay guidelines explicitly state that students must use all data or reading material gathered to present their ideas coherently and logically. As a result, students may argue against their research question or find various ways to prove it. Keep in mind that, according to the IB extended essay guide, the paper must prove or disprove the original hypothesis.
F. Use of analytical and evaluative skills related to the subject
Students demonstrate appropriate use of their analytical and evaluative skills in each section of their extended essay structure.
G. Use of subject-appropriate language
Use appropriate academic terminology, language, grammar, and so on throughout the assignment. The overall goal is to communicate one’s ideas to the public clearly and concisely.
H. Conclusion
The goal here is obviously to evaluate the significance of a student’s conclusion. Examiners will place a premium on relevance and consistency throughout an argument. Make sure no unanswered questions are left to be addressed in conclusion. This may indicate that the student’s research was insufficiently thorough or that the extended essay structure was not adequately organized. The keys to success are to use consistent methods and evidence to support one’s argument and keep things as clear and concise as possible without repeating the introduction.
I. Formal Presentation I
The following criterion concerns the formal physical elements of the extended essay, as simple as it may appear at first. Students must understand the requirements outlined in any extended essay guide. Again, consistency is essential, as students must follow the standard format described in the IB extended essay guidelines below. For more information on these elements, see “What is an IB extended essay?” at the beginning of our extended essay guide. Following a simple set of rules can result in the student receiving 4 points, which would be a shame to lose.
J. Abstract
Remember that no matter what extended essay topics are considered, the abstract cannot exceed 300 words, or you will lose these two points. Include the research question being investigated, how the data or reading material will be collected, and how the investigation is expected to end.
K. Holistic evaluation
The final criterion seeks to assess the characteristics that distinguish an excellent extended essay from a fantastic one. In essence, it means demonstrating a strong intellectual initiative and a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Any extended essay guide will strongly advise students to use holistic judgment throughout the assignment.
How to write an Ib extended essay assignment?
Best IB extended essay guidelines, like all standardized testing systems, are based on common criteria, some of which are interpreted differently depending on the subject. So, here are some of the most common ones provided by our psychology essay writing service experts:
- All Diploma Programme students must complete the assignment. Make sure that all deadlines, including those for drafts, are met.
- It can be an investigation or independent research on the Diploma Programme-approved extended essay topics.
- Check the May 2017 extended essay structure requirements form to see if anything has changed.
- Everything must be typed and double-spaced, according to the Extended Essay Guidelines.
- Most institutions will advise you to go through this process with the assistance of a supervisor.
- Students should choose extended essay topics they are familiar with because it is an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the subject with zeal.
- If the student is going to create their topic, it must be approved by the IBO and their supervisor because it must meet the criteria.
- It must be presented as formal academic writing with a word count of no more than 4,000.
- The extended essay will be evaluated externally alongside the TOK essay to determine how many points will be applied to the final grade.
- Always cite all sources used in answering any extended essay questions following the approved academic requirements.
- It takes about 40 hours of work, depending on the student, and concludes with a viva voce (voice interview that will be recorded) conducted by your chosen academic supervisor (recommended).
Every IB institution should provide you with such extended essay guidelines. Nonetheless, they are quite lengthy and can take some time to read. We hope that by reading a shortened and more concise version of it, you have saved time that you can now invest in perfecting your Extended Essay Outline.
IB extended essay topics
Before delving into where one might strike goals for their extended essay topics, it is critical to understand the examiner’s expectations. The IB program employs a complex system in which everything is interconnected.
What are the best-extended essay topics? Because of the system’s layered nature, the Approaches to Teaching and Learning (ATL) available topics can be a bit confusing at first. To begin, ATL is concerned with planned strategies, skills, and/or attitudes that are intended to pervade one’s teaching and learning environment.
- Creating Self-Management Skills
- Increasing Communication Effectiveness
- Investigating Social Aspects
- Conducting Beneficial Research
Thus, the curriculum is designed similarly to that of a university to assist students in their grooming process and prepare them to write some fantastic extended essay example topics. That is, each student must select six courses from six distinct groups. This gives one a taste of everything, allowing them to determine which field best suits their extended essay questions. The divisions are as follows:
- The Arts [Theatre Arts, Visual Arts, Dancing, and so on]
- Individuals and Societies [Previously known as Humanities, this includes subjects such as history, geography, economics, business management, information technology, and so on.]
- Science [Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and so on]
- Language and literature studies [English, German, French, and Spanish as a native speaker]
- Language Acquisition [Learning a new language from the ground up or at a higher level, but with less knowledge than a native speaker because they are ineligible]
- Mathematics
If you change your mind about which subjects are best for you, you can do so until a specific date. Each institution, in particular, determines the date. However, once the period has passed, students will be physically unable to catch up on the material they have missed. Each must take at least three, and no more than four, higher level (HL) classes while taking the rest at the standard level (SL). The distinction is simple: a higher-level class will require 240 recommended teaching hours, while a standard-level class will require 150.
Now that we have a basic understanding of how the system works and what is expected of us, we can look at what makes extended essay topics stand out. Most students deviate from the assigned topics by adding their unique spin. The best way to approach any extended essay questions is to base them on one of your higher-level subjects. We will provide an example of an extended essay for each of the six groups below.
English A1 HL: How effective was Seamus Heaney’s response to “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland, as depicted in “Wintering Out and North” in “The Pen’s View of the Sword”?
History HL: A detailed comparison of Chinese and Japanese high school history textbooks depicting Japanese aggression in China from 1935 to 1937.
Visual Arts HL: How has Salvador Dali’s surrealist movement influenced our interpretation of modern art?
Physics HL: Free-fall deformation – Investigating how the height from which we drop molten wax onto a water surface affects its size and shape.
HL Mathematics: A study of the relationship between Pascal’s Triangle and the Fibonacci sequence.
Economics/Business Management HL: How has the Chinese consumer’s consumption of depreciated goods been affected by the recession?
Tips and tricks to tackle IB extended essay questions
What else could be left now that we’ve covered all the essential elements that must be included in your extended essay topics? Our talented paper writers have compiled a list of fantastic tips and tricks that students can put into practice right away. Unless you order an essay directly from our website, this type of extended essay guide aims to get you started in the right direction so you don’t have to spend countless hours correcting silly mistakes that can occur.
The following section of the extended essay guide is divided into two parts. The first is a simple list of what to do and what not to do while working on this assignment and some fantastic tips and tricks to help you finish it quickly. So, let’s look closely at these Extended Essay tips and see how they can help us finish it on time.
The “dos and don’ts” of responding to any extended essay questions
Since the IB extended essay topics are quite difficult, here is a road map to help you understand what the examiners are looking for.
Extended essay dos
- Look for a topic on which you have a lot of background knowledge. This will reduce the number of research hours required for the extended essay and make it much easier to organize one’s thoughts.
- Begin working on it as soon as possible.
- Review the extended essay format assessment criteria several times, as it would be a shame to lose points for minor structural errors.
- It is critical to maintaining a positive relationship with the chosen academic supervisor.
- Consider the best-extended essay research question for the assignment carefully.
Extended Essay Don’ts
- Avoid working on inappropriate extended essay topics. They should not be too broad, broad, narrow, or confusing to be answered within the extended essay word limit.
- Keep in mind that this type of assignment aims to find questions worth investigating that students can investigate passionately. In general, students should avoid extended essay questions that can be answered quickly.
- Ensure that all the data required to develop the paper is readily available or easily accessed. It is best to choose a different topic if you cannot interact with these resources.
Secret tricks and help with IB extended essay
Find the right balance for your extended essay research question
Students frequently struggle when trying to develop the perfect extended essay questions. The problem arises because the topics must be broad enough that writing 4,000 words for them is not a problem, but they must also be narrowed down to avoid turning into books. History students who are passionate about World War II (WWII) and want to create their topics are great examples. Choosing to write about the impact of the war on Europe is primarily a book in and of itself. As a result, it is preferable to approach it from a different angle. Instead, one can focus on WWII’s impact on the performance of German military forces from 1945 to 1950.
As simple as it may appear in this Extended Essay guide, the best way to perfect your topic is to brainstorm multiple alternatives that appear appealing. Some students perform better on Extended Essay topics that require them to make a comparison. But how would that work in this situation? It is critical to remember that if we choose to do so, we must find a comparison tailored to enrich the context. In our case, we can look at how a country like Britain perceived the German military during the period chosen. Overall, we would have researched two opposing sources in our extended essay outline. A German source, for example, would describe the military’s lack of strength as increasing local civil unrest rather than aiding in maintaining peace. On the other hand, the British source would explain how the German military had to remain in this state because it had proven to be a threat to Europe’s international security twice in less than 50 years.
Use comparisons only when they are relevant to the developed extended essay topics. If you are still unsure whether a particular comparison is appropriate for your topic, the best thing to do is to consult with your academic advisor.
Avoid choosing extravagant topics and instead write about something you genuinely enjoy
So, how does one discover a passion for writing an excellent extended essay? Quite often, the answer is right in front of us.
Regardless of how demanding the IB Diploma Programme can be, we all eventually find a class that relieves some of the pressure because everything comes to you naturally. It is strongly advised throughout this extended essay guide that students pursue their passions because they will spend significant time working on the assignment. An unexpected benefit of writing an excellent extended essay is obtaining a scholarship by using it as a reference in interviews.
Let’s assume you’ve already decided on the best topic for your extended essay. If it is English A1, it appears that it will entail researching what books’ literal motifs can create an intriguing comparison. As previously stated, begin by brainstorming to narrow it down to a manageable margin or list of possible options. The quickest way to complete the extended essay outline is to consider your favourite chapters in that book or course and why. However, limit your time to no more than 2 hours to achieve satisfactory results. If it appears that more time is required, it may be best to select a different extended essay topic.
Choose the best academic advisor possible
When selecting an academic supervisor for your extended essay topic, keeping a few things in mind is critical. First and foremost, you must persuade them to supervise your extended essay early on, as other students may also want to seek out this particular teacher. In some ways, it’s first come, first served. Some may require candidates to submit an extended essay outline before acceptance, but it is always worthwhile. This ensures that one does not end up with a supervisor who is uninterested in the extended essay topic.
Another important consideration is choosing a tutor willing to go over several extended essay drafts and provide extensive notes on what can be improved. The academic advisor should spend two to three hours with the candidate discussing the complexities of their extended essay topic. However, the IBO explicitly states that while advisors can suggest improvements to students’ extended essay topics, they are not permitted to directly engage in writing up changes for it. As a result, it’s easy to see why there’s such a high demand for a comprehensive extended essay guide.
In essence, the process makes the student’s choice critical because if they choose a teacher with whom they have no connection, this individual may not push the student to their limits. As a result, in this extended essay guide, we recommend that students always choose a teacher with whom they have previously worked, either in class or during an extracurricular activity.
So, what are the keys to obtaining the best academic advisor possible for future extended essay topics?
- Choose an advisor who will motivate you and push you to your limits.
- Make contact with them as soon as possible, so they are not overburdened.
- If necessary, submit an agreement form.
- Always inquire whether they are willing to take the time to review multiple drafts.
- Choose your favourite teacher as the advisor ONLY IF what they teach is directly related to the extended essay topic.
Small afterword
Since the main body will take up the most space, it is best to divide it into several components or elements, as the extended essay guide suggests. This makes defining one’s extended essay outline easier, especially if it is a comparison. Those looking to conduct various experiments should adhere to the scientific method style. In other words, the extended essay outline begins by explaining the research question, then proceeds to describe the research methods that will be used to collect data, present the data, analyze the data, present all of the possible uncertainties that the experiment may carry, and finally evaluate the success of the research in the form of a conclusion.
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