Discuss the influence of smoking (health behavior) on coronary heart disease (health outcome), and is there a population at greater risk due to ethnicity or socioeconomic status?

Discuss the influence of smoking (health behavior) on coronary heart disease (health outcome), and is there a population at greater risk due to ethnicity or socioeconomic status?

background- LOCATION IS TAMPA FLORIDA. I WILL ATTACH THE LINKS TO USE. Organize your post using these bolded level headings: Population Health- Describe your understanding of the definition of population health using your book or other module resources (Presentation citations not acceptable). Describe an example of a nursing role in population health. (Use a citation from your text to support your understanding). Community and Demographics- Describe the location and overall demographic data of the community you will be discussing using Florida Charts (Links to an external site.) (Population Atlas page (Links to an external site.) ) and compare to the State demographic data regarding race, age, and life expectancy. County Health Behaviors Summary- Identify one health behavior under the Health Outcomes heading from the University of Wisconsin County Health Rankings (County Health Rankings) (Links to an external site.) where you may be able to make an impact in the population's health. (See below for navigation details). Compare to other county and state data. Analyze how your county compares. (Use dropbox and review the last data set for the topic). Evaluate the trends, look back to previous data, and describe the change. Cite each statistic used. Determine and discuss which ONE health behavior is most relevant to you and would provide an opportunity for you to address in the community. May use COVID-19 data by zip code to narrow the focus to determine at-risk communities if you chose to focus on this timely public health topic. Factors and Behaviors Influencing Health- Using the Florida Charts County Health Status Summary (Links to an external site.)review the impact of the health behavior you selected on one of the following: a selected chronic disease, a reportable and infectious disease, maternal, infant, and young child health, unintentional injuries, or the social and physical environment data. Discuss the relationship of the behavior on the unfavorable INDICATOR from Florida charts and any additional social determinants relevant to your selected community. Support with a journal article from the literature. For example, discuss the influence of smoking (health behavior) on coronary heart disease (health outcome), and is there a population at greater risk due to ethnicity or socioeconomic status? (social determinant). Use evidence to support your assertion and analysis. The information will be supported by an article from a peer-reviewed US-based journal. May use COVID-19 data as the Florida unfavorable INDICATOR. Summary- Summarize the health behavior, the population at risk, and community (location) you have discovered after reviewing the data sources. Think about potential interventions that you could do in your community to address this challenge and why are you the best fit to lead and implement a project in the community you have identified.


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Discussion Post
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 3
Format APA 6
Spacing Double Spacing

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