What happens in one little area of the world can have significant impacts across the globe

What happens in one little area of the world can have significant impacts across the globe

Responses to classmates must consist of at least 350 words (not including the greeting and the references), do NOT repeat the same thing your classmate is saying, try to add something of value like a resource, educational information to give to patients, possible bad outcomes associated with the medicines discussed in the case, try to include a sample case you've seen at work and discuss how you feel about how that case was handled. Try to use supportive information such as current Tx guidelines, current research related to the treatment, anything that will enhance learning in the online classroom. The world is intricately connected through air, water, soil, and human interaction. What happens in one little area of the world can have significant impacts across the globe. The effect is felt economically; in the first half of 2020, over 200 natural disasters cost the world $75 billion (Pandey, 2020). Along with the loss of money, there was a loss of human life of 2,200 just for natural disasters (Pandey, 2020). The wildfires in Australia affected 46 million acres and 1.25 billion animals (Givetash, 2020), a colossal impact on the world's ecosystem. Pushing the environments for these animal species into smaller confines or human interaction will impact these animals' health and ultimately the humans. Let alone the smoke from the fires caused the worst-ever air quality into what is described by the World Health Organization as the hazardous realm, a severe health effect concern (Neill, 2020). The fire itself killed 33 people, but the smoke killed 417 additional individuals, caused 1124 hospitalizations for cardiac and 2027 for respiratory complications (Neill, 2020). The smoke effect could be felt as far away as New Zealand (Popovich, 2020). Africa is a nation that is ripe with the makings of many natural and human-made disasters due to dangerous environments, delicate economies, and poor infrastructures (World Health Organization, 1999). Most of Africa's climate contributes to most of the disasters and affects 33 million people in East and Southern Africa (Relief Web, 2019). Droughts, fires, and floods cause many food insecurity issues along with the loss of life. In 2019, two cyclones hit the same area, a first-time in history event, and claimed 1200 children (Relief Web, 2019). These same incidences are causing migration of peoples to new areas spreading new illnesses, displacing 162 million under 18-years old, separating families, and dropping out of school. These actions will be felt for years to come. As the world has become smaller, the impact of these disasters will be felt worldwide. Although the epicenters are hardest hit, the loss of economy and infrastructure within these countries will be felt worldwide. Disasters have a global impact as other nations scramble to send aid, either monetary or humanitarian. Food supply chains become affected, air quality may be affected, water is almost always involved. Populations move from one area to another bringing new pathogens and medical issues with them. References Givetash, L. (2020). Australian wildfires declared among the 'worst wildlife disasters in modern history.' NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/australian-wildfires-declared-among-worst-wildlife-disasters-modern-history-n1235071 Neill, P. (2020). Smoke from Australian bushfires was more deadly than the fires themselves. Air Quality News. https://airqualitynews.com/2020/03/25/smoke-from-australian-bushfires-was-more-deadly-than-the-fires-themselves/#:~:text=Due%20to%20the%20fires%2C%20parts,may%20experience%20serious%20health%20effects. Pandey, K. (2020). More than 200 natural disasters across world in 1st half of 2020. Down To Earth. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/climate-change/more-than-200-natural-disasters-across-world-in-1st-half-of-2020-72445 Popovich, N. (2020). Millions of Australians are choking on smoke from wildfires. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/01/03/climate/australia-fires-air.html Relief Web. (2019). 2019: Natural disasters claim more than 1200 lives across East and Southern Africa. https://reliefweb.int/report/world/2019-natural-disasters-claim-more-1200-lives-across-east-and-southern-africa World Health Organization. (1999). 1.4 Emergencies in Africa. https://apps.who.int/disasters/repo/5512.pdf


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Admission - Application Essay
Number of Pages 1 Page(s)/275 words
Sources 3
Format APA
Spacing Double Spacing

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