Psychology Case Study Topics: 150+ Ideas


When you are asked to handle psychology case study topics, it means that you should be well-versed in the subject and should investigate it as thoroughly as possible in order to determine the problem and find the most efficient solution. It is one of the reasons why browsing the list of case study topics in psychology is so important: you can get creative and see what fits your mindset. If you have the option, always choose between several topics and experiment with different wording to see what works best. This will inspire you and allow you to revise your thesis statement and scientific research findings.

Psychology Case Study Topics​

You can generally base your psychology case study topics on your initial course or subjects of interest. For example, if you are dealing with child developmental Psychology, you could focus on aspects such as ADHD, dyslexia, or Autism, which would be an interesting area to investigate. Consider the following suggestions:

  1. The link between domestic violence and developmental delays in children.
  2. Adult ADHD struggles: the differences from childhood scenarios
  3. Investigating video games and cognitive development.
  4. The physical aspects of autism spectrum disorder struggle.
  5. The use of computers and the link to social isolation
  6. Social withdrawal and peer pressure
  7. Financial income and mental well-being
  8. Mental illnesses and military service
  9. Cases of African American students being isolated in college.
  10. College athletes and peer pressure

These examples can serve as jumping-off points for your research. Simply choose your topic and do your best to narrow it down so that you can find reliable and specific sources to back up your thoughts and ideas as you draw conclusions.

Topics for Clinical Psychology Case Study

Clinical psychology, while complex, is a fascinating scientific field. When it comes to its examination, students frequently struggle to select appropriate psychology research topics. Everyone has topics, from different types of therapy to childhood disorders.

  1. The effects of childhood neurosis on adult mental health
  2. Contrast two types of therapy
  3. The impact of an anxiety disorder on one’s daily life
  4. Childhood trauma and its consequences in adulthood
  5. Adolescent mental health problems
  6. The impact of “pro-ana” websites on the prevalence of eating disorders
  7. Risk factors linked to eating disorders
  8. Therapy for behavioral disorders in children
  9. The relationship between media violence and childhood behavior
  10. Addiction to social media

Topics for Experimental Psychology Case Study

Experimental psychology is most likely the fascinating study of the human mind. The results of psychological tests can be used to understand certain behaviors better. We can begin in college by selecting experimental psychology topics for our written assignments.

  1. Is color related to mood?
  2. Is color related to appetite?
  3. Can colors have an impact on academic performance?
  4. Musical physiological responses
  5. Is it possible to become addicted to social media?
  6. Is facial symmetry attractive?
  7. Gender and memory are related.
  8. What factors influence how people perceive optical illusions?
  9. What causes group conformity?
  10. Is it true that personality traits influence music taste?

Topics for Child Psychology Case Study

We are all aware that many factors influence the psychological development of children. Although we cannot always prevent the emergence of abnormalities, we can study child psychology, which can be beneficial in the long run. For your next assignment, consider the child psychology research topics listed below.

  1. The theory of attachment
  2. Children’s social interaction
  3. The psychological development of children who have experienced loss at a young age
  4. Toys with different genders in the advertisement
  5. Color’s influence on a child’s development
  6. Children’s perceptions of aggression
  7. Young children’s cognitive processes
  8. Do make-believe games have an impact on socialization?
  9. Early socio-emotional development
  10. The Influence of Play on a Child’s Development

Case Study Topics List for Psychology Students

Most Psychology students will work with various case study cases because it is always the best way to investigate certain issues. If you’re not sure how they should be, check out our list of ten competitive case study topics for students. Simply begin with similar research cases, incorporate theory from your Psychology textbooks, and investigate the most effective solutions.

  1. Social control on behalf of controlling parents.
  2. The origins of harmful social propaganda
  3. Anger formation and parental examples
  4. The emergence of the Electra and Oedipus complexes.
  5. Bullying and social withdrawal in middle school.
  6. Child maltreatment and behavioral changes
  7. The social stigma associated with autistic people.
  8. Anorexia and the modern body image culture
  9. Society’s perception of single male parents.
  10. The psychological impact of heavy alcohol consumption.

Unless you have been given an example to follow, your Psychology case study topic will always be determined by what you learn. Even if you’re dealing with a regular Joe or Jane of a certain age (or a group of people), you should identify the issue and proceed from there. Still, the most important thing is to pick a topic that you are familiar with and find relevant research and study cases.

Social Psychology Case Study Topics

One of the most popular branches of this difficult science is social psychology. We came up with a list of ten social psychology case study topics to help you overcome writer’s block or as you buy case study to help you get into the creative mode.

Consider the following case study ideas for Psychology:

  1. Prejudice and leadership styles
  2. Social influence gained through media exposure.
  3. Cases of nonverbal behavior and domestic violence
  4. Distance learning and social information perception
  5. Belonging to one’s social group as a teenager.
  6. The influence of parents on pre-school children’s behavioral patterns
  7. Social constraints and panic attacks
  8. Atypical perception of sounds and images.
  9. The positive impact of sports on a person’s social development.
  10. Distorted Social Behaviors (DSBs) and Self-Perception

Even if you’ve already chosen your case study, you should still provide at least three examples of similar research points to back up your point of view. Concentrate on your perception as a student, the perspectives of other researchers, and a general overview of your chosen problem.

Topics for Cognitive Psychology Case Study

  1. Describe how a speech disorder influences cognitive development.
  2. Examine the effects of hyperactivity disorder on a child’s development.
  3. Attention span measurement
  4. Discuss the consequences of Autism.
  5. Describe how to overcome memory loss.
  6. In cognitive development studies, write about color psychology.
  7. Talk about how romantic movies affect children.
  8. How to Help Children Improve Their Problem-Solving Skills
  9. Examine the mechanisms underlying auditory and visual imagery.
  10. Describe how memories influence people’s behavior.

Topics for Developmental Psychology Case Study

  1. Discuss the mental health consequences of postpartum depression.
  2. Determine the factors that contribute to the development of a serial killer.
  3. Examine the various types of mirroring behavior in children.
  4. Discuss the effects of child abuse on a child’s mental development.
  5. Examine the psychological effects of bullying.
  6. Discuss the consequences of ignoring a child’s emotional needs in adulthood.
  7. Talk about the psychological changes that come with getting older.
  8. Contrast men’s and women’s midlife crises.
  9. How does a sleep disorder contribute to other mental illnesses?
  10. Explain how drugs affect youth mental health in the long run.

Topics for Educational Psychology Case Study

  1. Contrast social reinforcement and material rewards for encouraging student learning.
  2. What effect does parenting style have on a person’s professional specialization?
  3. Discuss the impact of self-esteem on academic achievement.
  4. Is the no-homework policy beneficial to student performance?
  5. Examine the strategies for increasing student learning motivation.
  6. Does playing a difficult instrument improve students’ cognitive performance?
  7. Discuss the effects of bullying in school on self-perception.
  8. How much study time is required for different ages?
  9. Discuss the importance of affection in teaching younger children.
  10. Examine the teaching methods for dyslexic students.

Case Study Topics On Personality Psychology

Psychology is always concerned with personality development and various qualities that are relevant to any individual. It is only natural when considering the different research types that can be conducted. Look at our list of personality case study topics, which can be argumentative or case-based.

These suggestions will help you be more creative:

  1. Various methods of reporting Multiple Personality Disorder.
  2. How do children learn to look after their younger siblings?
  3. The connection between our personality development and our sporting preferences.
  4. The marriage aspect, as well as similar personalities
  5. Military education and the Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator
  6. College athletes’ personality traits
  7. Intentional college plagiarism and an individual’s moral qualities
  8. Social media social isolation and personality changes
  9. What accounts for autistic people’s exceptional cognitive abilities?
  10. Personality disorders as a lens through which to view competition and high self-esteem

Again, you should always consult with your academic advisor before selecting a case study subject to ensure that it is acceptable and within the parameters of your course.

Choosing Psychology Case Study Topics

While selecting a good case study topic in Psychology is always subjective, the following guidelines will help you succeed with your assignment:

  • Investigate your Psychology topic.
  • Examine the data from your case study.
  • Create a list of potential problems.
  • Choose the most efficient solution.
  • Look for relevant facts.

Your case study topic should include at least one transparent methodology and examples with adequate analysis. As you investigate the case study scenario, consider the causes and make a list of the effects that could affect the outcome.

Preliminary Psychology Case Study Research

Most importantly, always conduct preliminary research before approaching your Psychology case study topic. If you lack knowledge, you should look into similar cases or change the original wording slightly to narrow things down. When in doubt, consult with your college professor to find the best solution and ensure that you meet all of the criteria on your grading rubric. While the case studies may appear overly complex or overly broad, always take the time to find the sweet spot between being precise and meeting your overall goals.

Bottom line

It may appear challenging to write a psychology essay. Thorough research and careful analysis of the topic will do half the job. Sometimes you can write a well-informed essay but can’t think of a topic. Don’t worry; you’re just like many others out there. The difficulties you face while writing the essay are well worth the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a contribution to this vital life science. Psychology is a fascinating subject, and if you choose the right topic and conduct adequate research, it is simple to ace that paper. To further impress the reader, ensure that there are no grammatical errors in your work. You may also opt to get assistance from professionals,therefore saving significant time and energy.

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