Tag Archives: Analytical Essay Topics for High School


170 Analytical Essay Topics for your Paper

If you are a student, you will almost certainly be required to write an analytical essay. Such an essay is essential for students to demonstrate their understanding of a topic and analytical skills. Analytical essay topics can range from books or poems to real-life events or stories.

The goal is to research the chosen topic, analyze it, and present your thoughts and conclusions. As a result, it is critical to choose the best paper topics that you are interested in and can write well about.

How to Choose an Effective Topic for an Analysis Essay?

If you choose an analytical essay topic on your own, there are a few things to remember. There are numerous subjects to choose from, but many can be tedious or uninspiring. That is why you should always consider what you want to research and write analytical essays about.

Here are some considerations to bear in mind:

  • Understand the goals and motivations for writing your essay. This will assist you in determining the appropriate topics for your analysis essay.
  • Choose topics about which you already have some knowledge.
  • Select topics that are relevant to your discipline or field of study.
  • Before you finalize it, read a little about the subject.

These steps make selecting the right topic ideas for an analytical essay simple. Here are some of the best analytical essay topics to help you choose:

Analytical Essay Topics for High School

  • Determine the primary reasons why athletes use drugs.
  • What is peer pressure, and why does it affect teenagers?
  • How do various types of phobia manifest in humans?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of free education? Should it be offered for free?
  • The causes of bullying in schools and how to deal with it.
  • The phenomenon of cyberbullying and its causes.
  • The factors that contribute to the popularity of graffiti and street art.
  • How does a single-parent household affect a child’s psychology?
  • Why people become addicted to drugs: Examining the causes and solutions to drug addiction.
  • Optimism versus pessimism: which is superior and why?
  • An examination of organ donation and its significance in the medical community.
  • Is there a link between higher education and higher living standards?
  • How does mass media influence a young mind?
  • The adverse effects of social media and how to mitigate them.
  • An examination of school uniforms: Are they necessary?

Analytical Essay Topics for College

  • Please write an essay about the concept of aliens and why they haven’t been discovered.
  • The negative consequences of animal testing and alternatives to avoid them.
  • An examination of some people’s bisexuality.
  • The scientific reasons for insomnia
  • An essay analyzes the balance between personal and professional life.
  • Select a literary character and analyze their life.
  • The causes of rising depression rates in the United States.
  • How has abstract art evolved throughout history?
  • A paper on the psychological effects of horror films on humans.
  • The reason why some people don’t take criticism well.
  • The reasons for the rise in childhood obesity.
  • Introversion vs. Extroversion – an examination of the motivations for each personality type.
  • The impact of excessive gaming on the minds of children.
  • An essay on a specific literary writing event.
  • College dropouts’ reasons and motivations

Youth Essay Topics

  • Write down your thoughts on the psychological and social causes of bullying.
  • Please share your thoughts on conflicts between children and their parents.
  • Discuss your college expectations versus the reality of your experience.
  • Why do teenagers want independence, but their parents don’t let them have it?
  • Examine the causes of adolescent alcoholism.
  • Discuss the causes of teen suicide.
  • Demonstrate the problematic nature of social media platforms for young people.
  • Does someone’s birth order influence how they make decisions?
  • How influential are TV ratings on the choices of young viewers?
  • How can parents deal with obnoxious children?
  • Running away from home: the motivations and thought processes that allow it.
  • An essay on family stability and how it relates to a person’s attitude outside the home.
  • What are teenagers’ rights and responsibilities at school?
  • What was it like in high school, and what could have been better?
  • Youth Addiction Issues: What Can We Do?

Culture and Society Essay Topics

  • Please write an essay about the immigration crisis and its causes.
  • How do gender roles influence a person’s personality across cultures?
  • Discuss any of the current armed conflicts around the world.
  • Why do people in different societies get tattoos and piercings?
  • Equality and gender equity? What is more critical in today’s world?
  • Please share your thoughts on some current social issues and discuss their causes.
  • Does body shape influence personality?
  • List the distinctions between male and female communication.
  • The advantages of listening to music.
  • The difficulties that immigrants face in monocultural societies.
  • Write an essay about the relationship between societal pressure and mental health issues.
  • What are some strategies for reducing social inequality?
  • How has the widespread use of online communication altered people’s interactions?
  • Examine the current education crisis in the United States.
  • How and why do gender roles differ across cultures?

Social Problems Essay Topics

  • The causes of higher crime rates in economically depressed areas.
  • Share your thoughts on tax exemptions for the poor.
  • Why are some areas more affected by poverty than others?
  • What are the reasons for underfunding schools in low-income areas?
  • Recycling: Why everyone should do more of it.
  • The primary causes of rapid climate change.
  • What steps can be taken to ensure that refugees have equal rights and opportunities?
  • Is addiction a personal decision or something more?
  • Share your thoughts on gaming for children under the age of 13.
  • Can inequality ever be eliminated, or is it unavoidable?
  • How, if at all, can work and personal life be balanced?
  • The significance of writing about social issues is to raise awareness.
  • What impact do controversial and daring film topics have on society?
  • Sex Education in Schools: Why and How to Address the Issue
  • The link between violent video games and more aggressive children.

Essay Topic Ideas on Nature

  • Discuss your thoughts on animal testing for medical purposes.
  • Write an essay about the reasons for dogs’ loyalty.
  • Can pets be beneficial to children as they grow?
  • The negative consequences of poaching and what to do about it.
  • The science behind parrots’ ability to mimic human speech.
  • Human microbes: what are the risks and benefits?
  • Differences in training between animal species.
  • Write an essay explaining why certain species become extinct.
  • What are the motivations behind ant and bee colonies?
  • An examination of the pain that plants experience.
  • How cleaning products are slowly killing the environment
  • What exactly is smog, and how does it impact human health?
  • Write an essay about the environmental impact on your household.
  • What are the practical methods for cleaning our oceans?
  • Full-Scale Recycling: What is it, and how can it help?

Analytical Essay Topics on Health

  • How much water does a person require?
  • What are the available treatments for insomnia?
  • Bipolar Disorder: Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of free treatment.
  • Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism
  • What role can cloning play in human life safety?
  • The science behind antidepressant action.
  • How can medicine prices be brought under control?
  • Is universal health coverage cost-effective?
  • Discuss how Big Pharma is attempting to overmedicate people.
  • Compare and contrast the healthcare systems of the United States and other countries.
  • The importance of childhood vaccination.
  • Examine the current healthcare system in your essay.
  • What are the most effective complementary healing methods?
  • Is homeopathy effective?

Job Essay Topics

  • How to write the ideal CV to entice employers
  • The significance of solid teamwork.
  • What qualities distinguish a leader?
  • The causes of burnout and how to avoid it
  • The most effective methods for increasing worker motivation.
  • How to stand out from the crowd when applying for a job
  • Examine the trends in salary changes in the technology industry over the last decade.
  • Discuss the factors that contribute to the gender pay gap.
  • Social media is changing marketing trends.
  • Determine how ex-convicts can be reintegrated into the labor force.
  • Does a higher education increase job security?
  • What skills should you develop to succeed in the ever-changing tech market?
  • The relationship between formal and informal learning in the workplace.
  • How should a leader handle conflict?
  • The best ways to increase employee job satisfaction.

Political Essay Topics

  • How strong is nationalism, and when does it become excessive?
  • Select one presidential campaign speech and carefully analyze it in your essay.
  • What factors contribute to a successful election campaign?
  • Why are monarchies still in existence? Consider their significance.
  • In your essay, discuss the role of social media in today’s politics.
  • Examine why the losing party in the previous election lost.
  • What are outdated laws, and why do they still exist?
  • Contrast US democracy with European democracy.
  • Discuss why everyone must exercise their right to vote.
  • Evaluate an ongoing conflict that was sparked by political intervention.
  • How does population growth affect sustainable development?
  • What is the source of the rise in nationalism?
  • Compare and contrast anarchy and democracy in a research paper.
  • An essay on Karl Marx’s ideas and their relevance.
  • Discuss the factors that led to the democratization of some countries.

Analytical Essay Topics on Crime

  • Discuss the best methods for dealing with gang behavior.
  • What attracts young people to join gangs?
  • How effective are harsh punishments for white-collar crime?
  • A paper that compares family structures to gang subcultures.
  • Discuss the nature of police brutality. Is it a systemic problem?
  • What are some strategies for reducing crime?
  • Write an essay about the relationship between the invasion of privacy and security.
  • The causes of the rise in police brutality.
  • The jury system’s advantages and disadvantages.
  • Examine the trends in crime rates over the last ten years.
  • Terrorist prevention measures
  • Determine the reasons for differences in police response to similar crimes based on location.
  • What role does the culture of silence play in police accountability?
  • What are the rituals that keep gangs together?
  • What are the rituals that keep gangs together?


You can easily find advanced topics for analytical essays to write about with these analytical essay topics for college students. Writing a paper is difficult if you do not understand the chosen topics, especially the best topics for analytical essay writing. Read through the topics you’re thinking about and decide if you’re interested in them. Only then will you be able to write a well-written paper with compelling arguments that will impress your professors.

Also Check: 170 Analytical Essay Topics for Your Next Paper


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