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Asthma essay full guide: introduction, outline, examples

The airways are affected chronically by the illness known as asthma. It makes it difficult to breathe and produces wheezing in some people. Exposure to an allergen or irritant, infections, physical activity, or mental stress can all act as triggers for asthma attacks. The interior walls of the airways, also known as the bronchial tubes, can become enlarged and inflamed when a person has asthma. Below is our example of an asthma essay full guide.

Asthma essay introduction

Asthma is one of the frequent respiratory conditions that is known to impact a sizeable number of individuals all over the world. It is also one of the most preventable respiratory conditions. It is a chronic inflammatory problem that disrupts the patient’s air channels within the respiratory chambers. This is because it affects the patient’s respiratory system. In most cases, it is characterized by various symptoms, some of which may be persistent while others may be recurrent. Scientific and other medical inquiries conducted in several industrialized nations have proved that asthma is not connected to any parasite element originating from the outside environment. These studies have been carried out in several medical facilities.

On the other hand, it is a generic problem that manifests as a consequence of inflammatory reactions in tissues or cells. There are generally considered to be two primary elements that are responsible for causing or inducing asthma in any individual. They consist of the conditions a person has been working under in conjunction with the genetic linkages to parents or other family members with a history of asthma. Asthma has been a part of the human experience for a significant amount of time because the elements that contribute to its development have been around since the beginning of recorded history. The history of asthma has been traced back to ancient Egypt; however, the first accurate documentation of the condition was carried out by greek philosophers. These thinkers discovered that tailors and people working in metal industries were the most likely occupations affected by asthma.

Different kinds of asthma

It has been determined that there are several subtypes of asthma, and they have been categorized according to the severity, complexity, and diversity of symptoms associated with this problem. The frequency with which an individual sufferer’s asthma symptoms are triggered is the primary factor that is considered when classifying the disease by medical procedures and reports. The patient’s forced respiratory volume is an additional form or platform for categorizing asthma. This is a procedure that is often carried out in a clinical setting. This forced respiratory volume is based on a specific period of one second, a technique utilized to build or develop the patient’s peak expiratory flow rate.

Consequently, asthma can be classified as either an atopic form, also referred to as an extrinsic form, or a non-atopic type, sometimes referred to as an intrinsic form. These distinctions are made according to whether or not the presence of allergens brings on the particular type or category of asthma in question. Even though asthma is a chronic obstructive health state, medical researchers have not classified it as a subject of chronic obstructive pulmonary ailment. This is because subjecting asthma to this group combines asthma with other irreversible respiratory complications such as bronchiectasis, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis, among others. Their occurrence in any individual is a permanent, irreversible process.

Despite this, several researchers have concluded that asthma should be included in this category. This is because prolonged neglect of an asthma condition can lead to the subsequent development of a situation in which there is a permanent and irreversible obstruction of the air channels in a human being. Brittle asthma, consisting of two clusters of asthma, is one of the prevalent varieties of asthma seen in a considerable number of patients in the united states of America. Other common types of asthma include: these subtypes are characterized by highly severe episodes that come on at a predetermined frequency. In patients with brittle asthma type 1, even after taking a dosage of medicine considered sufficient, there is still a broad peak in the flow variability. As a result of the fact that type 2 brittle asthma has fewer of these exhibited symptoms, it is far simpler to treat and maintain than type 1 brittle asthma.

What causes asthma?

It is well accepted that a person’s risk of developing asthma can be affected by several risk factors, most of which are attributable to the environment in which they currently reside. Asthma has been connected to a person’s genetic makeup, family history, and environmental factors that might trigger the condition. According to the findings of statistical studies conducted in the United States of America, it has been determined that ecological variables are responsible for around sixty percent of the difficulties associated with asthma. The remaining forty percent may be attributed to genetic elements, which can be traced back to a person’s family tree. In addition, studies conducted on asthma-related diseases such as eczema and hay fever have vividly and comprehensively revealed some of the critical risk factors that might induce asthma in an individual. These studies have shown that asthma-related diseases such as eczema and hay fever are linked.

Despite this, some of the most critical risk factors for developing asthma include having a history of allergic disorders at some point in one’s life or even having close relatives who have the condition. Atopic illnesses significantly increase asthma and hay fever risk by around four and five times, respectively. Hay fever risk can also be substantially improved by approximately two times. This is based on investigations conducted as part of scientific studies in the united states of America. These studies have also shown that children past the age of their tender years who are diagnosed with allergies through positive skin tests and have increased levels of immunoglobulin e are more likely to develop asthma complications. This is because these children have a higher risk of developing allergic rhinitis.

  1. A) environmental factors: environmental risk factors have been identified and connected to the development of asthma, particularly in children. This is especially the case in children who live in urban areas. Tobacco use during pregnancy, which often takes place in the months leading up to the birth of a child, is one of the risk factors. According to the findings of several studies that have been carried out, it has been demonstrated that this practice contributes to the development of asthma-like symptoms in newborns. These symptoms include wheezing, bronchial contractions that are not well managed, and respiratory infections. Other environmental variables, such as road pollution, inadequate ventilation, and increasing air pollutants, to name just a few, have been linked to the development of asthma in humans.

Chromosomal elements can be passed down to offspring, which can lead to the subsequent development of asthma in the children of affected parents. B) genetic factors: asthma has been connected to certain chromosomal elements, which can be passed down to offspring.

Asthma assessment and plan

Wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing are some of the usual signs and symptoms in a person living with asthma while doing an asthma assessment. In addition to these primary and most typical symptoms of asthma, the patient may also exhibit a condition of disorientation, a state of despair, and other physical changes that are often linked with low levels of oxygenated blood in the body. Extreme asthma is characterized by the fast and excruciating constriction of bronchial units in the lungs. As a result of these sudden, severe contractions, the person afflicted may either fall to the ground or look for help since the skeletal muscles in their body are not functioning correctly. Due to a lack of oxygenated blood in the brain, the mental effects of asthma include blurred vision, a state of bewilderment, and even a loss of awareness.

The contagiousness of asthma

A health problem known as asthma is a condition that affects a person’s respiratory system. Nevertheless, the only way it can be passed on from one individual to another is through a person’s chromosomes or other genetic ties. It is more likely for a person to get asthma and issues associated with asthma if they come from a family lineage known to have a persistent history of asthma cases. This stems from the genetic connection between asthma problems and specific chromosomal genes. Consequently, such genes are passed on to kids, who may or may not have asthma-related difficulties.

Asthma essay conclusion

Sure, these disorders connected with asthma can be addressed using specialized therapy strategies in addition to control and prevention measures. Depending on the severity and subtype of asthma, an individual who suffers from the condition can be helped by taking the appropriate medication, which can include salbutamol or fluticasone propionate, for example. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition that impacts a patient’s airways within their respiratory chambers. This is because asthma is an inflammatory condition. In most cases, asthma is distinguished by various symptoms, which may be persistent or recurrent. Asthma is not related to any parasite element originating from the outside environment, as has been demonstrated by scientific and other medical research that has been done in several established nations. These studies were carried out in several developed countries.

Other asthma essay examples

Nursing essay on asthma

Living with asthma involves extensive engagement by the patient with self-care and managing their chronic condition. This research aims to educate and enhance health in people with asthma, utilizing nurse interventions. Education is crucial for a patient with asthma and entails a collaborative collaboration between the nurse and the patient. Because of the chronic nature of asthma, nurses have an essential role in teaching patients how to detect when asthma is deteriorating and when to respond correctly to improve their prognosis. Education can enable the patient to effectively self-manage and take responsibility for their disease

Asthma affect essay

For children with asthma, their physical, social and emotional health gets damaged by the illness. Children with uncontrolled asthma have to skip school and are unable to be with their peers. A parent should be wary of asthma indicators in a young kid, including shortness of breath and heavy cough. In many youngsters, the development of wheezing, chest tightness and discomfort is frightening. Additional warning signals a parent should be out for are a youngster frequently weary or has problems breathing with activity or play. All these indications and symptoms should be discussed with the child’s doctor for further asthma assessments.

Reflective essay on asthma

Increasing our understanding of the diagnosis and treatment options available to asthma patients, with a primary focus on adults

To grow and utilize my experiences in evaluating and intervening with asthmatic patients in my place of employment, I need to reflect on the circumstances during my clinical assignment in this essay. I will do so to develop and utilize my experiences. For this reflection’s sake, I will use Gibbs’s (1988) reflective cycle. In my reflection, this model serves as a recognized framework. Gibbs (1988) outlines a process that includes six phases that must be finished to finish one cycle. This process allows me to improve my healthcare practices continually while also learning from my experiences to enhance my training in the future. The cycle begins with an explanation of the current circumstance and then moves on to an investigation of the

To conclude

In those with asthma, the airways become inflamed on a chronic basis, which can lead to swelling. It can afflict persons of any age, and the severity of the symptoms can vary greatly. In most instances, a person with asthma may live a whole and active life with sound therapy. For all your asthma assignments, contact us at nursingpapersmarket.com, and we will sort you out.

Visit: What is a family health assessment?



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