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Trending Communication Research Topics For Your Paper

Recent advances in computing, transportation, and telecommunications have increased the frequency and ease with which people communicate, thereby intensifying cross-cultural interactions. While technological advancements benefited modern society, they also introduced new challenges, particularly in communication. In the post – 9/11 world, more people in the United States and worldwide recognize the importance of effective dialogue in maintaining peace. This understanding is reflected in the development of trending communication topics.

Nowadays, the communication discipline encompasses a wide range of fascinating and complex topics, making selecting communication research topics particularly difficult for students. We’ve decided to make this task easier for you by compiling a list of relevant topics into the ten most common categories. If you get challenged to choose a good topic, visit nursing papers market for expert help.

Different Approaches to Studying Communication

Have a look at the four distinct approaches to studying communication before moving on to the topics and research essay writing activities: social science approach, interpretive approach, critical approach, and postmodern approach. As an academic discipline that addresses the creation of meaning in various contexts across cultures using verbal or nonverbal messages via various channels and media, the focus of your research paper will be heavily influenced by the approach you choose.

1. The Social Science Approach

According to the social science approach, human behavior is predictable. This approach, also known as functionalist or behaviorist, aims to describe or predict behavior by relying on quantitative research methods and observations.

2. Interpretive Strategy

The interpretative approach considers behaviors to be unpredictable and creative. This approach, also known as a humanist, employs qualitative methods derived from anthropology and linguistics to understand and explain behaviors rather than predict them. This method allows researchers to study culture from members’ perspectives rather than through frameworks imposed by researchers.

3. Analytical Approach

According to the critical approach, the reality is subjective, and dialogue is dependent on the context in which it occurs. Followers investigate culture as a result of power struggles. Rather than simply studying human behavior across cultures, the critical approach seeks to affect social change. Followers seek to liberate those in society who lack power.

4. Postmodern Perspective

The postmodern approach seeks to comprehend the contemporary human condition through individuals’ subjective perceptions. It sees reality as a jumble of contradictory truths.

How to Choose a Good Communication Research Topic

Consider the following simple guidelines for writing an excellent communication research paper:

1. Your research has a limited scope

Students should choose their research topics based on the length of their research papers. They should avoid overly broad topics, focusing their research on a few aspects that can be thoroughly discussed within the page limits.

2. Making use of multiple sources

When writing a research paper, students should conduct extensive research, reviewing multiple sources on selected topics. Remember that students who only use one source may face plagiarism charges.

3. Using reliable sources

Like other types of academic writing, research papers require students to find credible sources. Although professors frequently accept books or credible websites as sources, it is always preferable to use articles from peer-reviewed academic journals.

4. Using current information

Students should always look for recent publications to keep their ideas current. Because this academic discipline is heavily influenced by technological innovations that alter its patterns, information relevance is significant in discussing communication research questions.

5. Providing information objectively

Students should investigate their chosen topics while considering all existing perspectives. Rather than presenting only one point of view, make an effort to highlight and refute opposing points as well. Provide relevant examples to demonstrate each point engagingly.

6. Ensure that your research paper has a proper structure

Include a catchy introduction and a clear thesis statement in your writing. Summarize the content and present your ideas: what changes does your research promote about the phenomenon under consideration?

Communication Research Topics

Communication Research Topics on Journalism

  1. Journalistic practice in newly established spaces.
  2. Concept of participatory journalism.
  3. Journalism and peace
  4. Journalism and science: current press coverage of science.
  5. Why do journalists report science in the manner that they do?
  6. Concept of networked journalism.
  7. Professional development in journalism and communication.
  8. Journalism ethics: what is good news and what is bad news.
  9. The influence of technology on journalism.

Communication Research Topics About Public Relations

  1. The impact of interactive online communication on public relations outcomes
  2. The symmetrical dialogue process.
  3. A comparison of gender roles in public relations.
  4. Communication in public relations practice.
  5. Significant characteristics of effective campaigns
  6. Public relations and science communication
  7. Public relations professionals and their use of social media tools

Communication Research Topics About Advertising

  1. Communication through advertising
  2. Advertising in the mediated marketplace and its impact on consumption
  3. Cross-cultural advertising quirks
  4. Advertising and technology.
  5. The idea for location-based advertising.
  6. The use of mobile devices in advertising campaigns.
  7. Audience involvement in advertising: levels of audience involvement
  8. Advertising’s gender role.
  9. Potential consequences of sexual versus non-sexual advertising appeals.
  10. Social media advertising versus traditional media advertising

Interpersonal Communication Topics

  1. The impact of culture on interpersonal communication.
  2. The impact of context on the quality of interpersonal dialogue.
  3. Methods for stimulating interpersonal dialogue.
  4. Effective interpersonal communication for personal and professional success.
  5. Computer-mediated interaction and its implications
  6. Interpersonal communication, medium role
  7. Information exchange and persuasion between people.
  8. The concept of competence and its application to interpersonal communication.
  9. Interpersonal communication in mass media campaigns: role and challenges
  10. The concept of dysfunctional interpersonal communication.

Intercultural Communication Topics

  1. Methods for exchanging intercultural information.
  2. Practical intercultural dialogue strategies
  3. Instructing on culture and intercultural communication.
  4. Intercultural information exchange artifacts
  5. Studying abroad is a factor that contributes to intercultural competence.
  6. Health-related issues involving healthcare providers and ethnic-minority patients.
  7. Adaptation of international students to an American campus.
  8. Effectiveness of intercultural assessment.
  9. Intercultural dialogue through translation
  10. Intercultural perspective on high-context cultures versus low-context cultures.

Topics on Virtual Communication

  1. Digital analysis of communication in global virtual teams.
  2. Virtual communication and cultural expression
  3. Computer-mediated communication and the concept of virtual culture
  4. A “virtual classroom” is a space for interactive information exchange and computer-mediated learning.
  5. Communication in the age of virtual reality.
  6. Training for virtual team dialogue.
  7. Nonverbal communication in virtual environments.
  8. Communication channels and team interaction styles
  9. Increasing trust in virtual teams.
  10. Virtual reality interpersonal communication

Social Media Research Topics

  1. The role of social media in rebellious communication and social movements.
  2. The impact of social media peer communication on purchasing patterns.
  3. The use of social media in the United States and its impact on health.
  4. Social interactions across media platforms.
  5. How have new social media changed information exchange patterns compared to traditional mass media?
  6. Emergency management and social media.
  7. Marketing and social media.
  8. The impact of social media (such as Instagram) on consumer perceptions of brands.
  9. The media and organized social action
  10. The impact of social networks on political campaign effectiveness.

Leadership Communication Research Topics

  1. Leadership: an influential leader’s style.
  2. The relationship between leadership outcomes and leaders’ communication styles.
  3. Transformational leadership requires strategic internal information exchange.
  4. Strategic communication and meaning creation
  5. Sound leadership in the modern era.
  6. Gender roles and information exchange styles in leadership
  7. Process of leadership and critical communication.
  8. The connections between leadership communication styles, personality traits, and organizational productivity.
  9. The communication style of the leader and employee satisfaction

Negotiation Topics

  1. The role of the media in influencing negotiation outcomes.
  2. Convincing dialogue in logistical negotiations.
  3. Negotiation as a linguistic activity.
  4. Intercultural dialogue negotiation styles
  5. Mediated negotiation: the impact of agents and mediators on negotiations
  6. Social conflict negotiation
  7. Political versus commercial negotiations.
  8. Environmental dispute resolution and case management by judges
  9. Bias, credibility, and mediation
  10. Gender differences and the negotiation process

General Communication Research Topic Ideas

  1. Democracy, freedom of expression, and social media.
  2. Peer pressure and teen sexting
  3. Social networking privacy.
  4. The social role of yellow journalism
  5. Local, state, federal, or international political rhetoric
  6. Organizations and social media
  7. Change management and organizational culture effects.
  8. The connections between social interactions, cognition, and emotion.
  9. Relational communication: romantic versus friendship relationships.
  10. Speech as a mode of communication.


Communication research topics studies can be fascinating, but they will almost certainly require students to devote more time to research and writing. You must not only select the best topic and approach for it but also devote significant time to locating and reviewing relevant sources.

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