A commemorative speech is a type of speech given at special events to honor someone or something. It is the speech given during the graduation ceremony (in colleges) in which students typically express gratitude/respect towards an academic institution and teaching staff, family, colleagues, etc., recall the good times they had in this environment as well as potential challenges, and emphasize the importance of received education/skills for their future. Because of the variety of occasions, it is frequently required and thus crucial to master. Choosing an appropriate topic is a particular challenge for anyone facing this task.
Characteristics of an Effective Oral Presentation
A good commemorative speech must capture your audience’s attention and entice them to listen to the end, understand it, and be positively impressed by it. That is why your speech should be:
1) Engaging
This can be accomplished in a variety of ways: try to be creative and avoid clichés, introduce a little controversy (within reasonable limits), elicit powerful introspection and critical comprehension, or try to be funny while still paying tribute; for example, consider some funny commemorative speech topics.
2) Inspiring
It is essential that your talk is entertaining and highlights values you revere and want to share, the gratitude you want to express, and the sanctity and value of what you are discussing. A commemorative speech’s primary purpose is often to inspire.
3) Positive
An overly enthusiastic discourse can appear unnatural, naive, or dull, so it is essential to compromise wisely on this aspect; even when commemorating a recently deceased, one should bring out the bright moments shared with them, the legacy, inspiring character traits, and so on). When looking at commemorative speech topics for college students, the discourse is obligated to be optimistic and empowering.
4) Relevant
Maintain a maximum connection with the audience by referring to some collective memories (even recent events in the US or your community) or relevant individual memories that would resonate with the audience. Always try to be specific rather than general; mention real people, groups, teachers, and events (this will help engage with the audience).
Selection of a Good Commemorative Speech
When considering commemorative speech ideas for class assignments, keep the following suggestions in mind:
a) Research
Look online for potential topic lists and videos of previous commemorative speeches at your university or other top universities across the United States (there are dozens of similar performances on YouTube, including from celebrities).
b) Brainstorm
Doing so yourself may help you develop a unique, original, or personally meaningful topic.
c) Know your audience
As previously stated, knowing who will be present during the ceremony allows you to be relevant and adapt your oral presentation (especially if you plan directly mention someone)
d) Use relevant topics
Make sure your topics are meaningful and that you have a message to deliver (the former almost always guarantees the latter).
e) Engage your audience
Make sure your topic is not identical to that of other speakers – if you can’t check this with your colleagues, choose a topic that is as unique as possible. If selecting a winning topic is challenging you, visit online nursing papers market for professional help.
When deciding on a topic, consider the following:
• Consider conducting online research. You can always look up potential topics online or at the websites of your own or other universities. You can watch various speeches on YouTube and other channels.
• Don’t forget about brainstorming. When you create your own topic, you can be confident that your speech will be unique and original.
• Consider your audience. When choosing a topic, consider the audience.
• Pick a meaningful topic. Success is much easier when your speech conveys a specific message.
• Make sure your topic is distinct from those of other speakers.
All of these tips should help you write an outstanding commemorative speech, but if you continue to struggle, you can always seek professional assistance.
Signs of a tremendous commemorative speech
• Complies with the values of your listeners;
• Is relevant;
• Is sincere;
• Captures the heart of listeners through oratory language;
• Contains storytelling;
• Inspires the listeners;
• Is able to invoke the senses (sight, touch, sound, taste, smell).
Best commemorative speech topics
Some good topics for your commemorative speech are divided into categories below. We hope they inspire you and help you come up with your own great topic.
Commemorative speech topics about love and family
1) A tribute to parents.
2) Pay respects to siblings.
3) Pay tribute to a colleague.
4) Pay tribute to a teacher.
5) Pay tribute to a spouse.
Topics for commemorative speeches about dedication
1) Self-sacrifice of a parent, teacher, etc.
2) Honoring human bravery (a policeman, a veteran, etc.)
3) A tribute to single parents.
4) Humans overcoming obstacles (astronauts, etc.)
5) Celebrating Christian (or other religious) values
Human rights commemorative speech topics
1) A tribute to the women’s rights movement.
2) A tribute to the LGBT rights movement.
3) A tribute to the civil rights movement.
4) Character fortitude (depicting an eminent person fighting for human rights).
5) Courageous actions during terrorist attacks.
Ideas for Commemorative Speeches
1) Honoring iconic US presidents
2) Remembering Martin Luther King’s life and its implications for democracy
3) The history of the United States constitution
4) Commemoration of civil rights movement pioneers
5) Celebrating Lucky Dube’s life and work
6) Remembering the First Man on the Moon
7) Barack Obama’s Economic Contribution to the United States
8) Commemorating the first World Cup-winning team;
9) Paying tribute to families who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks;
10) Examples of successful and inspiring environmental activism.
11) Honoring veterans who fought fearlessly for America’s independence
12) The contributions of a specific environmental activist
Funny Topics for a Commemorative Speech
1) A tribute to Mr. Bean and his contribution to making the world happier.
2) Remembering the first time cartoons were broadcast on television
3) A tribute to Charlie Chaplin and his contribution to the world of comedy
4) The most exciting picnic I’ve ever attended
5) Remembering the first time I made a pancake
6) How I met my first girlfriend in high school
7) I officiated a birthday ceremony on the first day;
8) I celebrated SpongeBob’s role in making people laugh
9) Honoring the minds behind Cartoon Network
10) Recalling some of Abraham Lincoln’s amusing speeches
11) Recognizing the contributions of action movie characters
12) Keeping the best high school cook
13) Remembering the first lady who broke your heart
Commemorative Speech Topics for College Students
1) Honoring one of the best professors on campus
2) Commemorating your first day of college
3) The significance of major scientific innovations to the world today
4) An academic success that changed your perspective on life
5) Values and virtues we can draw from George Washington’s life
6) Remembering doctors who courageously kept the coronavirus pandemic at bay
7) Milestones made by medical engineers in the field of medicine
8) Remembering to keep crusaders for the abolition of the slave trade
9) Remembering the Pearl Harbor attack
10) The First Printing Press’s Contribution to the World
11) The benefits of choosing a good proposal essay topics for research or presentation
12) examples of people who demonstrated the value of perseverance
Topics for Commemorative Speeches
1) Remembering some of a parent’s self-sacrifices
2) Paying tribute to single parents who have successfully raised their children
3) Honoring people with disabilities who have made a difference in the world
4) Remembering astronauts who have died in space
5) Honoring the foremothers of women’s rights movements
6) Instilling some of the world’s best Christian values
7) Honoring a prominent human rights activist
8) Using some brave police officers during terrorist attacks
9) Honoring the men in uniform who defended the US Capitol
10) Remembering police officers who supported the Black Lives Matter movement
11) George Floyd’s Life and Contribution
12) A case study of visionary leadership in the United States
13) Donald Trump’s significant contributions to the United States
Commemorative Speech Topics Concerning People
1) Honoring a professor who had an impact on your life
2) Remembering your best friend who was always by your side
3) Honoring a member of the teaching staff who has had an impact on your life
4) Commemorating George W. Bush’s life and work
5) Remembering a sibling who helped you
6) Remembering the role of a particular religious leader
7) Remembering Charles Darwin’s role in the history
8) How Charles Babbage aided in the development of computers
9) Isaac Newton’s position in physics
10) A case of Magellan
11) Columbus’ role in the formation of the United States
12) Remembering Leonardo Da Vinci’s role in art
13) The inspiring commitment of war comrades all over the world
Commemorative Speech Patriotism Topics
1) Examples of leaders who were devoted to their countries.
2) Civil rights activists who fought for democracy
3) How presidents handled disasters in their countries
4) Political leaders who stood by their people during a period of significant loss
5) Sportspeople and women who have shown great loyalty to their countries
6) Representatives who fought for the Constitution
7) Governors who worked to improve their states
8) Presidents who volunteer in their communities
9) Ambassadors who advocate for their countries
10) International leaders who have advocated for democratic reforms
11) Selfless acts of prominent leaders in society
12) Doctors who stood up for their countries during pandemics
13) Tribes are paid to soldiers who died while serving their countries.
Famous Commemorative Speeches
1) A student leader who demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities.
2) Recognizing the role of scientists in innovation and technology
3) A tribute to your mother for raising you in the best way possible
4) A memory of my kindergarten teacher who taught me discipline
5) Television shows that shaped our values and morals
6) Wrestling champions who exemplified determination
7) The role of a famous preacher in uniting society
8) A tribute to a famous blogger who fought for a society
9) A tribute to the first responders to the Twin Towers bombing
10) A tribute to famous philosophers who shaped our thinking
11) The first time you earned money and helped your family
12) A tribute to my favorite college neighbor
13) The shopkeeper who would generously lend without asking for anything in return
Simple Commemorative Speech Topics
1) A tribute to the people who ended the Cold War.
2) A commemoration of the first Paris Agreement.
3) A tribute to a famous American author.
4) Martin Luther’s fulfilled dream
5) Elizabeth Blackwell, America’s first female doctor
6) Recognizing Winston Churchill’s importance in the United States
7) A tribute to Neil Armstrong’s courage and bravery
8) Random acts of love that have touched people all over the world
9) Creative social media icons who have changed the world
10) Collaboration deals that have strengthened country relations
12) Artistic portraits that astounded the world
13) Celebrating Muslim values that touched the lives of many
14) Tribute to women who exemplified perseverance
Commemorative Talk Topics to Consider
Ideas for commemorative speeches can be divided into several categories based on the topic, value, or event being commemorated:
1) Love
2) Loss
3) Kindness/benevolence
4) Gentleness
5) Loneliness
6) Bravery
7) Memory
8) Honor
9) Courage
10) Perseverance
11) Success
12) Experience
13) Loyalty
14) Trust
15) Wisdom/ understanding
16) Honesty
17) Tradition
18) Innocence
19) Inspiration
20) Hope
21) Empowerment
22) Beauty (inner or outer)
23) Respect
24) Legacy
25) Humanity
26) Independence (personal, mental independence)
27) Self-sacrifice 2
28) Visionary leadership
29) Dedication
Excellent Commemorative Speech Topics
Here is a list of the best topics for commemorative speeches from which to choose to make your speech memorable:
1) Pay tribute to a parent, sibling, or colleague
2) Honoring an outstanding individual
3) Successful international collaboration in addressing the ozone depletion problem
4) Successful Moon landing
5) History of an invention (describing challenges and how they were overcome)
6) Perseverance is required to win a major sporting event.
7) Civil Rights Movement Tribute
8) Women’s rights movement tribute
9) The value of humility in a selfish world
10) Celebrating Buddhist values (or other religions)
11) What does freedom mean to you, and what form does it take?
12) 12 examples of inspiring and successful environmental activism
13) Hope’s worth (bringing the crew of Apollo 13 back to Earth unharmed)
14) Human bravery (veterans, police officers)
15) Courageous actions in difficult situations (terrorist attacks)
16) Selfless dedication in a teacher, parent, etc.
17) Acts of compromise that marked maturity/personal evolution in your life
18) Character strength (in a historical figure or living person)
19) Kindness as experienced by you or as seen in a historical figure
20) Dreams (Nikola Tesla’s dreams)
21) Darwin’s quest for truth despite blasphemy fears
22) Visionaries (Jules Verne)
23) People who worked hard and achieved success
24) Development of social media (Facebook)
25) Inspiring Collaboration Examples (Human Genome Project)
26) WWII events (Pearl Harbor, landing in Normandy)
27) Humanity’s desire for peace
28) Inspiring examples of loyalty (war comrades, family, etc.)
29) Examples of originality (Van Gogh’s art, Pollock, etc.)
30) Creative or scientific brilliance (Mozart, Newton)
31) Human adaptability and overcoming obstacles (astronauts on International Space Station)
32) Exemplifications of independent thinking (Noam Chomsky, Charles Bukowski)
33) Intellectual milestones (solving mathematical problems like Poincare conjecture)
34) Exemplifications of disease eradication (worldwide eradication of poliomyelitis)
35) Space exploration landmarks (landing Curiosity rover on Mars, Pluto flyby)
36) Healthcare landmarks (historic advances in treating AIDS)
37) Global human milestones (progress in combating famine/illiteracy)
38) Massive increases in human lifespan worldwide
39) History’s greatest travelers (Magellan, Columbus)
40) Extinct people’s and civilizations’ lifestyles and values (native Indians, Maya)
41) Landmark discoveries (DNA structure)
42) The Birth of Democracy (Magna Carta Libertatum act in Britain)
43) First trip abroad – what you’ve learned about the outside world or the United States by taking a step back and evaluating. If you went as an exchange student, you could use this topic to highlight the positive aspects/strengths of your university/academic community.
44) Pay homage to a great teacher or nurturing mentor
45) Eulogy for a professor who taught a course at your university
46) The quality of your education and the opportunities made available by your academic institution
47) Academic success achieved by your group and what it qualifies you for
48) Success of your team in a sporting event/league made possible by university support
49) How you became family with your classmates/colleagues and what you learned
50) How you transformed (intellectually, spiritually, morally) after enrolling in college/university, and how meaningful this transformation is
This brief guide provides only a few commemorative speech topics; in reality, they are only limited by your imagination. Consider the message (brainstorm if necessary) and the basic recommendations provided above, and you’ll be on the right track. If you are short on time or simply require the assistance of a professional speech writer, please upload your task along with the necessary instructions to our online platform.
Note that you can receive unlimited revisions until you are delighted with the work. Consulting lists of commemorative speech topics and the general categories they fall into can help you save time and is the equivalent of going through a series of brainstormed solutions.