Tag Archives: Extended Essay Topics


Best 170 Extended Essay Topics: Ideas, Examples, Writing Tips

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global educational foundation founded in 1968 that provides education programs to students aged 3 to 19. In 2017, over 4,650 schools worldwide taught International Baccalaureate programs, serving approximately 1.4 million IB students from 152 countries. There are 1700 schools in the United States alone.

The Diploma Program, aimed at students aged 16 to 19, is a critical International Baccalaureate Program. In 2016, approximately 150,000 students worldwide took an IB Diploma Program exam. Writing an extended essay is one of the mandatory IB Diploma requirements, contributing significantly to the overall score. We’ve included some pointers and a list of extended essay topics to get you started on this task.

Definition of an Extended Essay and Goal

An IB extended essay is part of the critical requirements/curriculum of an IB Diploma Program and involves the IB student conducting focused independent research on a chosen theme. A low score (E) on the extended paper and Theory of Knowledge essay disqualifies you from receiving an IB Diploma. On the other hand, good grades contribute to the overall score, which may influence a student’s college application success.

While the IB establishes submission deadlines for extended essays, schools are free to establish their internal deadlines. Preparation and work on this academic assignment span several academic terms, including selecting extended essay topics, submitting proposals, designating supervisors, gathering information (e.g., from local libraries), writing a draft (for example, over the summer), and receiving feedback from supervisors, and so on.

IB Extended Essay Layout

An extended essay layout must include the following six elements:

  • Title page – includes title, research question, subject it is registered in, category, essay theme, and subjects used
  • Contents page – found at the beginning, listing headings, subheadings, and corresponding page numbers (all pages should be numbered)
  • Introduction – should describe the purpose and scope of this research, the sources used, and the line of argument to be presented
  • The essay body is the primary section in which research, analysis, discussion, and evaluation are carried out. The structure may differ depending on the subject, but evidence and argument development must be presented clearly and in the proper order.
  • Conclusion – they state what has been accomplished through this research and potential limitations, unresolved issues, and unanswered questions.
  • References and bibliography – Students must use a consistent academic citation style.

A methodology section, as well as other sections, may be appropriate. There may also be an Appendices section if you have additional material (this is not included in the total word count). Also, starting in 2018, no abstract is required; adding one will take roughly 300 words away.

What exactly is an extended essay?

Before we get into the essay topics, let’s discuss an extended essay. An extended essay is a required academic assignment representing an independent research piece. It culminates with a 4,000-word essay. Such in-depth research is essential to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DB).

To obtain a Bachelor’s degree, a student must conduct extensive research on a specific topic. An extended essay is more than just a long university essay; it requires you to analyze, evaluate, and integrate new information.

In-depth research for the IB Diploma aids in the mastery of a set of skills:

  • Making a research question
  • Investigating a specific topic
  • Communicating key concepts
  • Creating a strong argument

The section that follows offers advice on how to structure an extended essay.

IB Extended Essay Guidelines

Make sure that your IB Diploma essay contains the following elements:

a) Title page

You must understand how to title an essay: the full title of a project, the central research problem, the word count, and the course in which your essay is registered. Tell which category it belongs to, for example, if it’s an English language extended essay. In the case of a world studies essay, identify the theme as well as the two subjects covered.

b) Contents page

Introduce a list of your IB extended essay’s headings and subheadings. Remember to include the appropriate page numbers.

c) Introduction

Explains what your extended essay’s target audience can expect. The first paragraph should clearly state the primary goal of your writing, the scope of the study (sources a writer intends to use), and insight into the argument.

d) Body of the essay

Results, discussion, and evaluation of key findings are presented. Students should feel free to structure the body part however they see fit to best demonstrate their research. It is critical, however, to provide clear arguments and supporting examples in chronological order.

e) Conclusion

A summary of the findings based on the study’s findings. It is supposed to be related to the thesis statement and should answer the primary question posed in the introduction of the extended essay. A reasonable IB extended essay conclusion should also address potential limitations and implications.

f) Reference and bibliography

A list of the sources used in the study. Use the proper formatting style and adhere to the citation requirements.

Now that you understand what essential components to include in your extended essay, it’s time to learn how to choose a topic.

Choosing Extended Essay Topics

IB extended essay topics are typically related to subjects chosen by the student. Still, they are obligated to fall into one of the six subject groups (categories) listed below:

Group 1:

Language and Literature Studies includes subjects such as the student’s native language, Language and Literature, Literature and Performance (interdisciplinary).

Group 2:

Language acquisition includes learning a second language (deepening existing knowledge or starting one from zero).

Group 3

Individuals and Societies – Humanities and social science coursesĀ  Anthropology and Global Politics, Environmental Systems and Societies, and World Religions are included in this group (interdisciplinary).

Group 4

Experimental sciences (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Design Technology, Computer Science, Sport, Exercise, and Health Science, Environmental Systems (interdisciplinary), Societies, and Nature of Science) (interdisciplinary).

Mathematics (Group 5).

Mathematical Studies, Mathematics, and Additional Mathematics


Dance, Music, Theatre, Foreign Languages, Visual Arts, and Film (Group 6).

It is strongly advised that you select a topic that interests and motivates you, as you will be working on and perfecting your extended paper for several months. Some challenge (for example, unfamiliar fields) is acceptable, but risks must be reasonable. Choose topics that are narrow enough and not very broad to be explored and covered thoroughly in 4000 words – attempting to do so with a broad theme would appear unprofessional.

It may be instrumental in having brainstorming sessions on your own. Still, it may also be instrumental in browsing the web or other resources for lists of potential themes- one such topic may motivate you to choose a related one, which will be even better suited to your interests and goals.

Choosing a topic isn’t the only challenge of writing an extended essay; it’s also essential to write in a clear, organized manner and to use appropriate language.

IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas

Biology Extended Essay Topics

  • Endosymbiotic theory – proof that ancient bacteria were “subjugated” and transformed into eukaryotic cell organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts)
  • Fungi – plant and animal metabolic and molecular similarities
  • Evidence for the evolution of life on Earth near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor
  • Current theories and evidence for biological mechanisms underlying the rise in allergic disease rates in developed countries
  • Tracking ancient people’s migration events using relative blood group frequencies in various geographic regions
  • How millennia of breeding influenced domesticated dogs’ bonding responses to eye contact (by producing oxytocin hormone)
  • Magnetoreception biological mechanisms in various organisms for geographical navigation
  • The advantages and advances of entire modeling organisms in silico (using computers) – Mycoplasma genitalium as a “whole-cell” model
  • An examination of recent adaptive traits in humans

Psychology Extended Essay Topics

  • An interpretation of various historical figures based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
  • Childhood abuse as a cause of oppressive behavior in adulthood
  • Memory instability – how replaying ass memory can change it. False memories are implanted.
  • Novel approaches to phobia treatment
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy-based self-help therapies
  • Lucid dreaming – tried-and-true techniques for gaining control of your dreams
  • Imaginative personality and trauma as prerequisites for the onset of multiple personality disorder
  • Elephants have minor post-traumatic stress disorder compared to humans
  • The importance of spaced repetition in learning and the use of spaced repetition in modern productivity tools
  • The distinction between focused and diffuse modes of thought/learning

English Extended Essay Topics

  • An examination of neologisms (new words) in modern English, focusing on the primary sources/fields of knowledge or life from which they emerge.
    • An examination of how English grammar rules, word order, and so on influence the way we think (there could be links with psychology)
  • Tracing naturalized English words with Sanskrit origins
  • Systematizing distinctions between American and British English
  • The most common English words adopted by other cultures during British colonialism
  • French influences on the evolution of the English language
  • Systematized general distinctive patterns in American English phonetics
  • The rank order of foreign languages from which English borrowed words
  • The learning curve of English in comparison to other languages (in categories such a
  • main semantic categories in which English-speaking Americans use borrowed Spanish words

Literature Extended Essay Topics

  • The writing style of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (distinctive features, innovation, etc.)
  • Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five contains postmodernist elements.
  • Literary artificial languages (basic statistics, features, limitations, most comprehensive examples, etc.)
  • The supernatural in Macbeth
  • Literary depictions of the ideal woman’s evolution
  • A portrayal of human nature in Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis
  • The gift and curse of intelligence in Daniel Keyes’ Flowers for Algernon
  • A common misunderstanding of Herman Hesse’s Steppenwolf
  • A literary interpretation of Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize (including potential controversy)
  • Significant stylistic innovations brought about by various Nobel Prize winners in literature

Extended Essay Topics About Geography

  • The role of geological evidence in inspiring Darwin’s theory of species origin
  • Significant coral bleaching across the Great Barrier Reef as a result of climate change
  • The Caribbean ecosystem’s response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
  • The expected impact of climate change on oceanic currents
  • Massive power outages as a result of solar storms – future prevention strategies
  • Vesuvius supervolcano’s massive eruption as a possible cause of Neanderthal extinction
  • Climate change-induced polar vortex instability
  • Siberian permafrost thawing: current estimates of methane volume at risk of release and potential consequences (according to models)
  • The effect of fertilizers on the Mississippi River ecosystem

History Extended Essay Topics

  • The History and Importance of the Rosetta Stone Discovery
  • The oldest human settlements, as determined by archeological evidence, radioactive dating, and so on.
  • Black people’s property rights during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War
  • Abraham Lincoln used deception and corruption to pass the 13th amendment.
  • The reasons for Western countries’ global dominance throughout modern history
  • Estimated casualties from epidemics following the arrival of Spanish colonists in South America
  • Roosevelt’s changing rhetoric during WWII regarding his involvement in the war against the Nazis
  • The two-millennium history of the Terracotta Army: what does it tell us about Chinese society at the time?
  • The Imperial Japanese Navy’s use of human-piloted torpedoes during WWII

Physics Extended Essay Topics

  • Replicating nuclear reactions in the Sun on Earth: an international scientific quest to harness unlimited energy from nuclear fusion reactions
  • The extraordinary physics of Prince Ruppert’s drops
  • The physical mechanisms that underpin the Earth’s magnetic field
  • Cosmic microwave background as evidence for the Big Bang theory
  • Evidence for an expanding universe from redshifted light from galaxies
  • Gravitational waves: generation, laws of propagation, detection on Earth, and so on.
  • Telescope arrays: how do they work in the imaging space?
  • Laminar flow physical properties – applications in biosecurity (e.g., ventilation hoods), engineering, decoration (e.g., creative fountains), and so on.
  • A physical explanation for the flashing lights that precede some earthquakes

Film Extended Essay Topics

  • Elements of social protest in Charlie Chaplin’s films
  • The quest for righteous vengeance is a central theme in Tarantino’s films
  • Guy Ritchie’s filmmaking techniques
  • Relationship between IMDB ratings and national and international film awards
  • The modern-day metamorphosis of masculinity as depicted in Fight Club
  • Various cinematography timeline manipulation techniques
  • The highly distorted portrayal of scientists or scientific methods in science fiction films
  • Moving camera – novel techniques (such as those used in Matrix or Guy Ritchie’s film)
  • Computer graphics capabilities and their application in modern cinematography
  • Avoiding the “soap opera” effect: why do movies continue to run at 24 frames per second? (including future predictions)

Economic Extended Essay Topics

  • The impact of NAFTA on Mexican corn producers
  • The strength of the correlation between functional democratic institutions and global economic wealth (including mechanisms)
  • The strategies and advantages used by modern China to propel its economy
  • Offshore financial centers as a significant source of global economic obscurity – global transparency measures
  • How to deal with taxation in a world dominated by multinational corporations
  • The world’s largest corporations, organized by country
  • The effect of an aging population on global economics
  • The South Korean phenomenon – the causes of the economic miracle
  • Implications of Japan’s recent discovery of massive rare metal deposits
  • Expected economic effects of job substitution by AI in the United States

Extended Essay Topics on World Religion Studies

  • The figure of Jesus Christ in Islam and Judaism
  • Buddhism as a religion centered on comprehending human nature and experiences
  • Significant differences between Buddhist branches
  • World religions share common elements (e.g., birth from a virgin, resurrection, antagonism between evil and good, life after death)
  • Myths about the formation of the universe (cosmogony) in various religions
  • Christian beliefs about heaven and hell
  • Religious depictions of life after death
  • Buddhist and Christian attitudes toward scientific progress/discoveries
  • Good vs. evil (pure vs. sinful) – human nature in different religions

Topics for Extended Essays in the Visual Arts

  • Renaissance art and its practitioners
  • An examination of the African influence on Henry Moore
  • The use of gold in paintings by Gustav Klimt
  • Colors used by Wassily Kandinsky
  • The significance and goals of the Bauhaus genre
  • The Origins of Abstract Expressionism
  • The influence of cultural identity on art creation
  • Any well-known painting with a hidden meaning
  • The use of dyes in the visual arts
  • The main characteristics of ancient Greek sculptures

Computer Science Extended Essay Topics

  • Human Liability and Internet Security
  • In-depth examination of cloud-based systems
  • MP3 data compression algorithms in Windows and Unix: Kernel variation
  • Data structures that are abstract
  • AI and robotics advancement
  • Geoinformation system advancements
  • The Quantum Computer’s Future
  • Blockchain as a data storage solution
  • DDOS attacks in international settings


Use this guide to help you choose an IB extended essay topic. However, simply knowing the subject is insufficient to place first. A student must also work diligently on the extended winning paper. Entrust your ideas to our academic professionals if you require assistance with the writing process. You will receive immediate assistance with any school or college subject.

While the topics provided may help inspire a research topic, you can also delegate the entire task to our writing experts (who you can select by reviewing their previous performance on our platform).

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