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Latest Expository Essay Topics Students Should Know

An Expository essay does not argue for a specific point of view. Instead, it examines a problem from multiple perspectives. A good essay keeps the reader guessing which should kick off using informative Expository essay topics. You present the best arguments and evidence from all sides, leaving it up to the reader to decide.

Expository Essay Characteristics

The term “expository” comes from the verb “to expose,” which means that you should dwell on something, what is an expository essay, and describe how to write an expository essay in such. In general, an expository essay refers to a group of pieces that includes: cause and effect papers, descriptive essays, comparison, problem and solution papers, and process essays.

How to write an Expository Essay

  1. Expository Essay Suggestions

Remember that the above list is only an example to help you better understand an expository essay; feel free to come up with your own! Once you’ve decided on an expository essay topic, you’ll probably need advice on how to organize the writing process. So, here are some pointers to help you write an excellent expository essay.

  1. Describe the Structure

The basic structure (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) is most appropriate for this work. It is best to begin with, an introduction, followed by the body, where your primary thoughts will be located. Then you can consider writing a captivating introduction that will entice readers to continue reading your paper.

Finally, write a conclusion that summarizes your article. It would be a good idea to restate your main idea, indicating that you have either solved or described the problem (depending on the expository writing topics and purpose of your paper).

  1. Statement of the Thesis

This is most likely the most critical aspect of expository writing. It would be best if you strived to make readers understand what you are going to discuss while also keeping them interested; they must comprehend your expository writing topic. For example, if you want to address adult illiteracy, you could say, “It is difficult to believe that today, there are illiterate adults even in developed countries.” So, what are the root causes of this problem? Let us investigate.”

  1. Make the Draft

After you’ve organized your thoughts, write your first draft of an expository essay. However, be prepared to rewrite it several times. Anyway, you’d like to bring attention to a problem or issue, don’t you?

  1. Use a third eye for proofreading

You may overlook minor errors, typos, and so on when you have been writing for a long time. Some ideas could also be expressed more succinctly. You should also put it away for at least one day and return to it later. You’d be surprised at how many things you’d like to change.

  1. Seek Professional Assistance

It is possible that you do not believe you are capable of completing the task on your own. Of course, in this case, you could seek professional assistance. All you have to do is find the appropriate ones. These people will assist you if you cannot choose one of the expository essay topics or do not know how to structure your thoughts.

Topics for Expository Essays

Social Issues Topics for Expository Essays

  1. Should I vote or not vote? Describe any potential consequences.
  2. What can a young person do if they do not complete college?
  3. What are the consequences of adolescent alcoholism?
  4. Is teen pregnancy the norm?
  5. Why is a school uniform required? Why not?
  6. What would you change if you were president of your country?
  7. What are the ramifications of drug addiction?
  8. Is it possible to have ‘tolerance’? Does it function properly?
  9. Discuss the issue of the “glass ceiling.” What can be done about it?
  10. How, if at all, does Internet addiction affect children?

Ethical Issues Expository Writing Topics

  1. How do you interpret the term “code of ethics”?
  2. What should a 17-year-old do if his girlfriend announces that she is pregnant?
  3. In the event of divorce, which parent would you prefer and why?
  4. Would you consent to your loved one receiving euthanasia?
  5. The Unintended Consequences of Gun Control
  6. Would you abolish the death penalty, and why?
  7. Is there a concept of ‘honor’ in today’s society?
  8. How would you combat racism?
  9. Explain your moral perspective
  10. Should abortion be illegal?

Health Expository Writing Topics

  1. Advice on how to stay fit.
  2. Healthy food: Explaining the benefits of eating healthy.
  3. What are the dangers of snacks and fast food?
  4. Is it possible for the World Health Organization to cure ‘incurable’ diseases?
  5. The link between poverty and AIDS. Why does this disease afflict developing countries?
  6. Does music affect our health?
  7. The relationship between health and IQ level.
  8. Are heroism and patriotism considered “normal” in terms of mental health?
  9. How should a college student live a healthy lifestyle?

Topics for Expository Essays on Literature

  1. Dorian Gray: Victim or Villain?
  2. Describe the process of creating a female character in “A Doll’s House.”
  3. Identify the main symbols in “Leaves of Grass.”
  4. Beowulf: The Epic’s Influence on the Image of a Hero in Art
  5. Examine the role of secondary characters in a play 7. Harry Potter: The Consequences of Being Chosen
  6. John Snow: A noble tyrant
  7. The Effects of H. G. Wells’ “Time Machine”
  8. Describe the comedy techniques used in “The Golden Compass.”

History Expository Essay Topics

  1. Describe the effects of the invention of gunpowder.
  2. Explain how the first newspaper was created.
  3. Examine the consequences of Queen Victoria’s reign.
  4. Explain the importance of astronomy in Ancient Greece.
  5. Explain how silk and tea exports helped shape modern China’s economy.
  6. Samurai honor and Japan’s industrial development
  7. The French Revolution’s Aftereffects
  8. The Crusaders: Were They Villains or Heroes?
  9. The Templars: Faithful Guards or Mercenaries?
  10. The Causes and Consequences of the 1920s National Prohibition

Science and Technology Expository Essay Topics

  1. Internet invention consequences
  2. Instagram: The Causes and Consequences of Social Network Addiction
  3. How has radio influenced the modern world?
  4. The impact of general relativity theory on modern physics
  5. Arabic numerals vs. Latin numerals Why did the Arabic ones triumph?
  6. iPhone: A significant advancement in mobile technology.
  7. Why are Elon Musk’s inventions so harmful?
  8. Stephen Hawking’s contribution to astrophysics
  9. Will we ever set foot on Mars?
  10. Why is time travel (im)possible?

Expository Topics on Religion and Philosophy

  1. The ramifications of Nietzsche’s claims about God
  2. Why is there no universal religion?
  3. The representation of Jesus in Islamic religious tradition
  4. Christianity and the Middle Ages
  5. The Catholic Church’s Reformation
  6. Can modern people depart following the Ten Commandments?
  7. Explain your understanding of the seven deadly sins.
  8. What is your life philosophy?
  9. Existentialism’s influence on modern philosophy
  10. Is it possible to build Aristotle’s Republic?

Education Expository Essay Topics

  1. The causes and consequences of adult illiteracy
  2. How should your country’s education system be changed?
  3. Is it possible to get an excellent education at home?
  4. What subjects might be taught in schools?
  5. Is it fair for athletes to receive scholarships?
  6. The importance of higher education in one’s future career
  7. Is ‘educated’ synonymous with intelligent?
  8. Which subjects should not be taught in schools?
  9. What does it mean to be an effective teacher?
  10. Private vs. public school

Personal Experience Expository Essay Topics

  1. Describe your earliest memory.
  2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  3. Draw your first sporting success.
  4. What is your favorite subject in school?
  5. What is your most vivid future vision?
  6. What was your first teacher’s name? How did they influence your personality?
  7. How has your upbringing influenced your personality?
  8. What do you enjoy most about cooking?
  9. What is your favorite film or book?

Expository Essay Topics for College

  1. What would you do if you could live indefinitely?
  2. How was your first day at college?
  3. How do you balance your studies, a part-time job, and leisure?
  4. What are the primary causes of rising divorce rates in the United States?
  5. Has the Internet made communication more convenient?
  6. List ways to become financially independent.
  7. The relationship between adolescent depression and suicide rates
  8. Can alcohol solve problems?
  9. What would your ideal world look like if you could design it?
  10. Describe current issues that are not being addressed effectively. What is causing this?

Topics for Expository Essays about High School

  1. Who is your inspiration? Why?
  2. Do you want to be a celebrity?
  3. What type of music do you enjoy? Why?
  4. Why isn’t leadership for everyone?
  5. Explain how we might colonize other planets.
  6. What if humanity discovered another form of conscious life that is not as developed as ours? Would we follow in the footsteps of the conquistadors?
  7. What drives your interest in art/sport?
  8. Who would you meet from the past if you could?
  9. Is living in an apartment or a private house more convenient?
  10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?


This article contains information about expository essay topics to help you in your research and assignment. If you encounter any challenges, you may as well contact us so that we can help you out.

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