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How to Cite APA from a Website

APA website citations typically include the author, the publication date, the title of the page or article, the website name, and the URL. If there is no author, start the citation with the article’s title. Specify a retrieval date if the page is expected to change over time.

If you are referencing an online edition of a print publication (e.g., A newspaper, magazine, or dictionary), use the same syntax as you would for print, with a URL at the end. Formats differ for internet videos (e.g., Ted talks), pictures, and dissertations. This article gives a detailed account on how to cite APA from a website.

How to Cite a Website in APA

You don’t require a formal reference when you allude to a website in your article without quoting or paraphrasing from a specific portion of it. Instead, you may merely provide the URL in parenthesis following the name of the site:

One of the most popular social networking platforms, Instagram (http://instagram.com), allows users to share photographs and videos. You don’t need to put the website on the reference page for this citation form. You must use a formal in-text citation in addition to an item in the reference list if you are referring to a specific page or article from a website.

How to Cite APA from a Website

Online, you may find many different sorts of articles; the format you use to reference them is determined by the website on which the content is hosted.

Articles published in online publications such as newspapers, journals, and blogs

When citing articles that appear in the online editions of print media (such as newspapers and magazines), the URL should be included in the citation just as it does for the article’s print version.

How to Cite a Website APA Format in Text

Initials followed by last name (year, monthly, and daily) article title. Title of the publication URL

Reference entry from the APA

Greenhouse, s. (2020, July 30). The wide spread of the coronavirus has exacerbated the economic discrimination practiced against black Americans. The New Yorker. [magazine] https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-pandemic-has-intensified-systemic-economic-racism-against-black-americans

APA citation inside the text (greenhouse, 2020)

The format for blog postings is the same as this one. Insert the name of the blog where you would typically write the name of the publication, whether a magazine or a newspaper.

Initials followed by last name (year, monthly, and daily) article title. Blog name. URL

Reference entry from the APA

Lee, c. (2020, February 19). (2020, February 19). A comparison of the two forms used for references. APA-style blog. Https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/two-reference-formats

APA citation inside the text (lee, 2020)

Articles from websites that are exclusive to the internet

Italicize the title of the paper rather than the website’s name when citing articles from online news outlets that do not publish printed versions of their stories, such as BBC news and Reuters.

How to Cite a Website using APA

Initials followed by last name (year, monthly, and daily) title of the article site name. URL

Reference entry from the APA

Rowlatt, Jonathan (2020, October 19). Ice-cold water has been proposed as a potential treatment for dementia. News from BBC. Https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54531075

APA citation inside the text (Rowlett, 2020)

Citation checker, which is driven by artificial intelligence, will assist you in avoiding frequent errors such as:

  • Insufficient use of commas and periods
  • The use of “et al.” in an incorrect context.
  • In-text citations may use ampersands (&), as shown:
  • Reference entries that are missing

How to Cite a Website in APA 7th Edition

In most cases, an organization or the government is credited for a website’s content if the page does not mention individual authors. If this causes the author and site names to be the same, you should omit the site name, as shown in the following example.

Name of the organization in APA format (year, monthly, and daily) title of the page site name.URL

Entry for the APA reference manual (n.d.). Editing and proofreading services for academic documents. Https://www.scribbr.com/proofreading-editing/

APA citation inside the text (scribbr, n.d.)

If you cannot determine the author’s identity, you should substitute the page or article’s title for the author’s name.

If the title appears in plain text in the reference list, place it in quotation marks in the in-text citation. If the title appears in italics in the reference list, put it in italics in the in-text citation. Please note that the title is written in the title case here, in contrast to how it was written in the reference list. If space is limited, only the initial few words of the title should be used.

Title of the page in APA format (year, monthly, and daily) site name. URL

Reference entry from the APA

A prophecy, crowds, and a TikTok takedown are included in the countdown. (October 19, 2020) news from BBC. Https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54596667

APA citation inside the text (the countdown, 2019)

Websites that do not have a date.

If a website page or article does not specify a publication or revision date, the date should be replaced in all citations with “n.d.” (which stands for “no date”).

It is advised that you specify the date you accessed an online source, especially if that source is expected to change over time.

How to Quote APA from a Website

Initials followed by last name (n.d.). Title of the page site name. Month, day, and year obtained from the URL you provided

Reference entry from the APA

Amsterdam University, to be exact (n.d.). About the uva. The information was retrieved on October 19, 2020, from the website at https://www.uva.nl/en/about-the-uva/about-the-university/about-the-university.html.

Apa citation inside the text (the university of Amsterdam, n.d.)

How to Correctly Reference Content Taken from Social Media

Use the first twenty words of the post, italicized, as the title because most postings on social media platforms do not have tags. Include, between square brackets, any pertinent information about the type of post as well as any multimedia features of the post (for example, videos, photographs, sound, and links).

How to Cite a Government Website APA 7th Edition

Initials followed by last name (year, monthly, and daily) the initial twenty words of the post [description of several characteristics of multimedia] [format of the post]. Site name.URL

American psychological association, as cited in the APA reference entry (2020, October 14). After adjusting for the effects of inflation, those with a Ph.D. in psychology might anticipate the biggest gain in their median wage between 2014 and 2018. [hyperlink with accompanying thumbnail] [status update]. Facebook. Https://www.facebook.com/americanpsychologicalassociation/posts/10158794205682579

APA citation inside the text (American psychological association, 2020)

When using social media platforms, such as Twitter, individuals are more commonly referred to by their usernames rather than their real names. Include the author’s true name wherever it is known, along with their username, which should be enclosed in square brackets:

Obama, b. [@barackobama]. (2020, September 7). On the occasion of labor day, let us express our gratitude to all the people who have contributed to the success of our nation over the past year, including teachers, delivery drivers, nurses, and those working in food

In some circumstances, it may be more appropriate to quote an entire social media profile rather than a single post. In situations like these, you should provide an access date because it is certain that a profile may evolve:

Dorsey, j. [@jack] (n.d.). Tweets (also known as a Twitter profile). Twitter. Retrieved November 14, 2019, from https://twitter.com/jack

When Will People Start Adopting the APA Manual’s 7th Edition?

The American psychological association expects that the 7th edition will become the standard textbook beginning in the spring of 2020 or shortly afterward.

If you want to find out which APA rules you should be following, the easiest thing to do is ask your supervisor about it or visit the website of the magazine you intend to publish.

Final Remarks

Citing works by multiple authors in APA format requires following specific guidelines. Use the guidelines below to determine correctly how to cite APA from a website by multiple authors within a text. See our website at nursingpapersmarket.com for in-text citations in the APA style and grammar guidelines for more information on adequately referencing works written by more than one author.

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