Tag Archives: How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay


Compare and Contrast Essay: Step by Step Guide

Compare and contrast essay is very common among college and university students. Professors encourage their students to use their analytical and comparative skills while paying close attention to the subjects of their comparisons. This type of essay tests observance and analysis helps establish a frame of reference and makes meaningful arguments about a subject.

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

Compare and contrast essays are academic papers in which students compare and contrast two or more topics. To compare means to look for similarities between subjects, whereas to contrast means to look for differences. It could be two movies, two universities, two cars, or something else.

A good compare and contrast paper focuses on a central point and explains the significance and implications of the analysis. A thesis for a compare and contrast essay must make a meaningful comparison. Find the key theme of your essay and do some brainstorming for your thesis.

Tips on Choosing a Compare and Contrast Topic

When selecting a topic for your essay, remember that subjects cannot be drastically different because there would be few to no points of comparison. The same is true for having too many similarities, resulting in poor contrasts. It is preferable, for example, to write about two composers rather than one composer and one singer.

It is significant to select a topic that you are passionate about. Here are some great ways to generate ideas for a topic:

  • Discover Categories: Choose a category
  • Surprising Random Fact: Look for exciting facts that could make interesting topics.
  • Movie vs Book: Unless it’s Blade Runner or Lord of the Rings, the book is usually better than the movie. Suppose you enjoy pop culture and contrast movies with books, video games, comic books, etc.
  • Attending a college course versus distance learning
  • Research paper vs creative writing paper What are the differences and similarities?
  • The similarities and differences in behaviour between married and unmarried couples
  • What are the differences between US colleges and EU colleges?

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay and the Purpose of a compare and contrast essay

When you’ve decided on a topic, you are first obligated to grab a piece of paper and scribble a list with two columns: similarities and differences. Make a list of the most important details first. Making a Venn diagram might be a good idea if you are a visual learner. Draw two circles that overlap to make it. Please take note of the similarities in the sections where they overlap.

These characteristics are unique to oranges and should be placed in the part of the circle that does not overlap.

Let’s put in the overlap section that they are both fruits, can be juiced, and grow on trees. This simple but effective example shows how the same concept can be applied to various more complex topics, with additional points of comparison and contrast.

This visual aid format aids the organization and perception of similarities and differences. Your diagram will give you a good idea of what you can write about.

Another best way to brainstorm for your comparison contrast essay is to make a list with two columns, one for each subject, and compare the same characteristics simultaneously. This format will make writing the comparison contrast paper essay much easier because you will have all of your ideas ready and organized.

One mistake to avoid is simply listing the differences and similarities for each subject. Sometimes students get so caught up in looking for similarities and differences that their compare and contrast essays sound like grocery lists.

Compare and Contrast Essay Structure and Outline

The factual analysis is heavily weighted in compare and contrast papers. You can organize your facts using two outline methods: To create a compare and contrast essay outline, use the block method or the point-by-point method.

Using the block structure, all of the information for the first subject is presented, as well as its characteristics and specific details. This concludes one block. The second subject is approached in the same way as the first.

The point-by-point structure lists each similarity and difference simultaneously, taking notes on both subjects. For example, you could list a characteristic unique to one subject, followed by its similarity or difference to another.

Each format has advantages and disadvantages. Below is a detailed structure of each type.

a) Method of Points

  • Introduce the topic
  • Be specific with your theme;
  • Present your thesis

b) 1st Body Paragraph – LIFESTYLE

  • Topic Sentence: Motorcycles have a minor impact on the owner’s lifestyle
  • Topic 1 – Motorcycles • Argument: Motorcycles are smaller and easier to store. • Argument: Motorcycles are simple to learn and use.
  • Topic 2 – Cars • Argument: Cars are essential – like a second home.
  • Topic sentence: Cars are much more
  • way expensive than motorcycles.

c) Conclusion

Use the final paragraph to evaluate the comparisons and explain why they are essential. Giving a lot of facts can be exhausting. To make it more palatable, show the reader real-world applications of these facts.

You can start creating an outline for your essay based on your chosen structure. The typical structure for any essay is an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion — you can also feel free to include an extra paragraph to all of the most critical points.

We recommend using transition words and phrases to improve the flow of your compare and contrast essay. They will spice up your paper and make it more interesting.

d) Display the Evidence

Arguments for any essay, including compare and contrast essays and psychology essay writing, must be supported by sufficient evidence. Use your personal experiences, books, scholarly articles, magazine and newspaper articles, movies, or anything else to help your argument sound credible.

For example, suppose you were to compare attending college on campus vs distance-based learning in your essay. In that case, you could include your personal experiences as a student and how frequently students attend class daily. You could also discuss your experience taking online classes, which adds credibility to your argument.

Compare and Contrast Topic Ideas

Your topics will be two ideas or theories that can be compared, as the name implies. This could be anything from two different books, people, ideas, or events. For example, you could be asked to compare and contrast Tesla and Edison.

Best Compare  and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Compare and contrast essay topics for high school
  • Compare and contrast essay topics on economics
  • Healthcare: Compare and contrast essay topics
  • Latest compare and contrast essays on literature

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Here are some examples of compare and contrast essays that you can try writing:

  • American football and rugby
  • Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh
  • Rehabilitation and incarceration
  • Undergraduate and graduate studies

Give them a shot to hone your essay writing skills. You’ll feel more at ease when you get an authentic essay to write.

You now have the tools to write an excellent compare and contrast essay. Remember to do your research and write slowly. That way, you can get an A+.

Examples of

Examples of Contrast and Comparison Essays

The following is a good example of  contrast and comparison essay. It it a contrast between the united kingdom and china

Contrast Between the United Kingdom and China

Different countries around the world have different cultural practices, which have an impact on work relationships and development. Geert Hofstede devised a method for comparing the cultural dimensions of various countries. The theory explains how a community’s culture influences its members’ values and how these values influence their behaviour.

He assigns scores to help distinguish people from different countries based on the various dimensions: long-term orientation, individualism, power distance, indulgence, necessity avoidance, and masculinity. Using Hofstede’s Six Dimensions of Culture, let us compare two countries, the United Kingdom and China.


When writing a compare and contrast essay, the most important tip paper writing services can give you is to have the right attitude and actively engage the reader in the discussion. If you find it interesting, your reader will as well!

  • Strong transitions are required in comparing and contrasting essay topics. Learn more about custom writing transition sentences using the words we provided in the “Compare and Contrast Structure and Outline” section.
  • Always explain the concepts you introduce in your essay. Never assume that the reader knows less well-known information.
  • Don’t forget to proofread. Minor errors, but in large quantities, can result in a low grade. Pay close attention to your grammar and punctuation.
  • Allow a friend or family member to review your essay; they may notice errors you have missed.

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