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How to write a satirical essay and satirical essay topics

How to write a satirical essay and satirical essay topics

Do you feel compelled to speak out about a vital topic involving politics, celebrities, or bizarre situations? In this scenario, a sarcastic essay comes in help to deter bad blood. You get to express your emotions and influence others while having fun.

The objective of a satirical essay is to provide constructive social criticism. It employs wit to call attention to specific and bigger societal issues. Unlike other sorts of academic writing, satiric essays give you the opportunity to express your thoughts on a controversial topic.

What is a satirical essay?

A satiric essay is a kind of writing that makes fun of or criticizes a topic through satire. To make your argument, you must employ techniques such as hyperbole and irony. Satiric articles are frequently directed against politicians, celebrities, or ridiculous events.

Within the limits of your essay, you are expected to search for and give relevant, useful, and eye-opening information. Learning ‘how to write a satirical essay’ is simple once you understand the tactics employed to style and aim your text.

Why do you adopt satire in a satiric essay?

In writing, satire is a literal device. It’s the art of exposing vices or people’s foolishness through humour, irony, exaggeration, or mockery. It’s mostly utilized in the context of current politics and other hot topics.

In a satiric essay, you employ satire to make someone look stupid, thereby shaming, humbling, or discrediting their vices or acts. Political cartoons are the most popular form of satire. For example, the animated series Family Guy mocks American middle-class life and norms.

If you’re unsure what a satirical essay is, keep reading. You should look up “satirical essay definition” on Google. Through you, society will become aware of concerns and disparities that affect them. Writing a satiric essay brings these difficulties to the reader’s notice, informing them if they were previously unaware.

What are the techniques used to achieve satire?

Satire is the most intellectual type comedy, and it tries to persuade the audience to act by pointing out flaws in a given subject. As a result, it’s accomplished by

Identifying your objective

To utilize satire in your writing, make sure you know what you want to achieve and who your audience is. If you’re dealing with a political subject, for example, what a liberal finds amusing may be offensive to a conservative.

  • Being sarcastic

All varieties of irony are the most often utilized satirical device in writing. Irony is a witty technique that presents a satirical essay topic notion while implying the exact opposite. The following are examples of irony.

  • Dramatic irony

When you tell your reader something that a character in your satiric essay doesn’t know, you’re using dramatic irony, also known as tragic irony.

  • Comic irony

This type of irony is used in satire to produce a humorous impact. Lunch, for example, is referred to as a crucial pressing role in Henry Barlow’s poem Building the Nation. This is a satirical piece.

  • Situational irony

Only when the outcome is subverted is this form of irony applied. For example, in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo goes to the ball to meet Rosaline, whom he believes he loves, only to discover that whatever he feels for Rosaline is not love when he falls for Juliet.

  • Verbal irony

A statement that you mean the exact opposite of what you’re saying is referred to as verbal irony. In the Pardoner’s story, for example, his admission of hypocrisy and greed is a sort of verbal irony in and of itself; he says, “Yes, I can preach against the vice of avarice that is my own devise: for though I’m guilty of that precise sin.”

Using extreme exaggeration

To create satire, authors frequently use exaggeration. This strategy is used in satiric essays to present something that is outside of the ordinary and to point out its flaws. Cartoons, for example, frequently use caricatures that exaggerate a physical attribute.

Making it laughable

You can use satire to point out a subject’s shortcomings by comically representing them. Ridiculousness is achieved by;

  • Anachronism – putting a thought or thing in the wrong place at the wrong moment
  • Malapropism – when a term is purposefully mispronounced for humorous effect.
  • Incongruent elements – used to make something appear ludicrous in comparison to its surroundings.
  • Parody – a mocking imitation of someone or something.
  • Travesty – presenting a serious topic in a lighthearted manner.
  • Burlesque – the art of elevating the ludicrous or trivializing the essential.

Getting bitter

Use sarcasm as a satire approach if you want to take a go at a specific subject. Sarcasm is a cutting comment made with the goal to mock. To get a large audience to your humorous pieces, use this technique.

The satirical tone

The author’s attitude toward the subject matter is referred to as tone. Because every other author does, you should have an attitude toward your subject. In writing, different words or phrases convey tone or attitude.

Satire is a literary genre in which the author employs sarcasm, criticism, and a desire to see society’s defects addressed. You must wish to see reform and utilize a lot of sarcasm in your satirical essay if you want your tone to be satirical.

Horatian satire, which is light and amusing, and Juvenalian satire, which is dark and harsh, are the two most well-known styles of satire. Satire in other forms includes:

  • Parody: This is a lighthearted take on a serious topic.
  • Caricature is a comical exaggeration of a person’s, group’s, or thing’s feature, attribute, or trait.
  • Burlesque portrays a serious issue in a lighthearted manner, or a minor subject in a serious light.

The methodology used by authors to write satiric essays

You employ the following steps when writing satire or a satirical essay.

  • Wit – A keen intellect and excellent conversational ability.
  • Sarcasm is a sort of irony meant to offend and wound.
  • Repartee – This is the ability to respond quickly and sarcastically.
  • Allusion – This is when you refer to something without actually saying it.
  • Understatement is when you say something and make it sound less important than it really is.
  • Exaggeration – This is accomplished by exaggerating something to make it appear more important than it is.

The five-minute rule of writing a satiric essay

Ironically, some satiric essays call for a certain level of irrelevance, the ultimate kind of comedy. Satirical artists utilize it to express themselves and influence or prevent social or political change. It is not necessary for satirical writing to be humorous. Even yet, as you can see from a satirical essay example, there is a lot of exaggeration when you strive to make your point.

What is a sarcastic essay?

Satirical essays fascinate readers, thus you should be familiar with satirical writing styles. Here are some pointers for writing a wonderful satiric essay.

1. Pick a topic.

When writing a satirical essay, the topic must be sardonic and absurd. This is because you want to convey your subject’s ridiculousness. A caricature’s face features are exaggerated by the artist, and you should do the same while choosing a theme.

2. Use exaggeration to emphasize your point.

Hyperbole, often known as exaggeration, is a literary device that exaggerates facts; in a satiric essay, you must stick to facts while using hyperbole to emphasize the ridiculousness of those facts.

For example, the lyrics to Savage Garden’s song “To the Moon and Back” are as follows.

“I would fly to the moon and back if you’ll be…

If you’ll be my baby

Got a ticket for a world where we belong

So would you be my baby?”

Are you aware that the moon’s environment is hostile to humans? Since the dawn of time, celestial bodies have held a special appeal for lovers. It makes no sense for someone to ‘fly to the moon and back’ in order to persuade the other party to declare their love for you, but many individuals have been persuaded.

3. Present your thoughts with irony.

The use of language to express the polar opposite of what you genuinely intend is known as irony. It also reflects a discrepancy between what one expects and what really happens. Because of its caustic tone, irony is an excellent technique in a satirical essay.

For example, Oedipus the King is the best example of dramatic irony because the play revolves around Oedipus unwittingly condemning himself by demanding to know the truth about the former king’s murderer. The play’s whole plot is based on the dramatic irony that Oedipus is the murderer he hunts.

4. In your sarcastic essay, aim for comedy.

Satire isn’t always funny, but pointing out the ludicrous aspects of your topic draws your readers in. It can be difficult for the reader to understand the comedy employed at times, therefore calling it out in your satiric essay helps them understand.

How to come up with interesting satirical essay topics

Thinking on a topic is the first stage in creating a decent satirical essay. You have several options when it comes to good satire essay ideas.

  • Yourself
  • A well-known individual
  • A well-known figure
  • Politicians
  • Strange or unusual facts

The following are some of the best sources for satirical essay topics.

  • Things nearby

Writing a satirical essay on people and things you see on a daily basis can be an excellent place to start for a satirical essay topic.

  • Your school’s satire

Which aspect of your school is deserving of ridicule? To express your satirical essay ideas with permission, you can write about your school. Of course, the subject will be popular.

  • Satire of your family life

You might be hesitant to mock your own family in an essay, but how about ridiculing family life in general? You can focus your ridicule on a single topic, such as family vacation planning.

  • Satire of a local scene

Do you have a favorite local hangout that you think is a touch ridiculous? You may create a satirical article about the elements of that local joint that make it appear ludicrous.

  • Politics

If you’re learning how to create a satiric essay, politics should be your source of inspiration. You are familiar with local, national, and international politicians and political concerns, so you can write about them without offending anyone. The subject should be interesting.

  • Local audience

It takes some study to write a satirical essay about a local official, such as a mayor, Congressperson, or municipal council member. The research aids in the comprehension of the leader’s personality and politics, making it a valuable learning experience.

  • President

Presidents have been the focus of satirists since the establishment of presidential positions. You can create satirical essays about a certain speech or incident given by an armed forces commander in chief. Keep your attention on your topic and be cautious.

  • Political discussion

During local and national election seasons, you can hone your satirical skills by ridiculing political arguments. Concentrate on the actual words individuals say in the discussion and then demonstrate how they might be exaggerated and manipulated to increase the satirical effect.

Examples of satirical essay topics

Here are some intriguing categories of satirical essay topics.

History satirical essay topics

  1. What function does history play in today’s society?
  2. What may have happened if World War II had gone differently
  3. What may have happened if slavery had never been abolished?
  4. How great was Alexander the Great?
  5. How did Adolf Hitler rise to become Germany’s leader?
  6. The royal family’s role from time to time
  7. The most significant historical events
  8. America’s greatest world leaders

Political satirical essay topics

  1. Should we continue to pay attention to politicians?
  2. Should the US build a wall with Mexico footing the bill?
  3. Is abortion a legal procedure?
  4. Do concealed weapons pose a threat?
  5. Is the death penalty a fading tradition?
  6. Is it necessary to decrease the voting age?

Satirical essay topics on sport

  1. Footballers or rugby players: who is tougher?
  2. Is the World Cup the most important sporting event on the planet?
  3. Is anyone aware of the football off-side rule?
  4. Should advertisements be placed on jerseys?
  5. MMA or boxing: which is more powerful?
  6. Why not let steroids be used in sports?
  7. Are athletes truly role models for us?

Social satirical essay topics

  1. Is gun control necessary?
  2. Does veganism exist?
  3. Is there an obesity alert in our country?
  4. Is universal healthcare a good idea?
  5. Should marijuana be made legal?
  6. What are the benefits of legalizing euthanasia?
  7. How to stay current with lingo as you age
  8. The drabness of contemporary music
  9. Gender identity: you can be anyone you want.
  10. Ten reasons why public nursing should be prohibited
  11. There are seven reasons why women should avoid becoming pregnant.
  12. Why isn’t poverty a third problem?

Satirical essay topics about love

  1. Is it possible to find true love?
  2. How to prevent appearing strange on your first date.
  3. When should you utilize pick-up lines and when should you avoid them?
  4. Why do we care so much if love is blind?
  5. What would happen if there was no love in the world?
  6. Does love have an age limit?
  7. Can you romantically love more than one person?
  8. Is love at first sight a myth or a reality?

Satirical essay topics  on marriage

  1. The average wedding budget.
  2. Is it possible that the marriage vows contain a lie?
  3. Before you go down the aisle, ask yourself these questions.
  4. Why I refuse to marry in a church.
  5. Is marriage truly worthwhile?

Satirical essay topics about money

  1. Is money really so crucial?
  2. Working hard does not imply more money.
  3. Is money nothing more than a piece of paper?
  4. Is money preferable than copulation?
  5. Isn’t being broke all that bad?
  6. Do you prefer to cry in a Ferrari or on a scooter?
  7. Is money really the source of all evil?
  8. Is being broke holy if money is the foundation of all evil?

Media Satirical essay topics

  1. Is any publicity valuable?
  2. Is censorship necessary?
  3. Is privacy still a thing?
  4. Does the media have an impact on our thinking?
  5. Is there such a thing as a news hoax?

School satirical essay topics

  1. Are grades really so important?
  2. School dropouts make a wise choice.
  3. What the professors don’t tell you Is it really necessary to wear uniforms?
  4. Teachers appreciate giving their students assignments.
  5. How to Fail Your Exams

Satirical essay topics about Education

  1. Are educated individuals the only ones who are wealthy?
  2. Is education the most important factor in achieving success?
  3. Environment-related issues
  4. Is the ozone layer truly necessary?
  5. Is global warming a reality?
  6. Doesn’t recycling make a significant difference?

 Examples of funny satirical essay topics

  1. Common problems in the first world
  2. Are you ready to chop down trees just to get a toothpick?
  3. New technology says you’re guilty until you’re proven innocent.
  4. What women truly desire
  5. What your girlfriend says and what she means are two different things.
  6. You are what you consume.
  7. How do we eventually become our parents?
  8. Why do women take so long to get ready?
  9. Who teaches politicians to deceive the public?
  10. How to avoid boredom during a family dinner
  11. How to consume a lot of food and not gain weight.
  12. There are several ways to avoid going to the dentist.
  13. Why do you think shopping malls would make ideal prisons?
  14. Is it even necessary for us to attend school?
  15. Tips for creating sarcastic essays
  16. How can I get my child to eat more healthily?

How to introduce a satiric essay

If you want to attract a large number of readers, you must write an excellent introduction. Your satiric essay’s introduction paragraph should explain why your topic is important and provide background information.

As a result, the following aspects should be included in your satirical essay:

  • A fascinating, eye-opening statistic intended to pique your reader’s interest in your topic.
  • A setting that accentuates the importance of your subject
  • The main point of discussion in your essay should be your thesis statement.
  • A transition sentence connects the initial paragraph of your essay to the body of the essay.

A satirical essay body

Because you need to address your topic completely, your body should have as many paragraphs as possible. The structure of your paragraph should match your satirical essay outline, which includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The following is how each satirical essay paragraph should be constructed:

-A topic sentence, which serves as a brief introduction to your argument.

-The most important point

-A brief overview to build a connection to the following paragraph

The MEAL method is the most prevalent method for composing body paragraphs. The basic idea, evidence, analysis, and lead-out are all represented in this method. Its components are

-A theme sentence, which is the major idea.

-The major argument is supported by evidence and analysis. As a result, the evidence serves as the argument, while analysis adds a layer of explanation.

-A lead-out combines a summary and a transition. Because you need to address your topic completely, your body should have as many paragraphs as possible. The structure of your paragraph should match your satirical essay outline, which includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The following is how each satirical essay paragraph should be constructed:

-A topic sentence, which serves as a brief introduction to your argument.

-The most important point

-A brief overview to build a connection to the following paragraph

The MEAL method is the most prevalent method for composing body paragraphs. The basic idea, evidence, analysis, and lead-out are all represented in this method. Its components are

-A theme sentence, which is the major idea.

-The major argument is supported by evidence and analysis. As a result, the evidence serves as the argument, while analysis adds a layer of explanation.

-A lead-out combines a summary and a transition.

A satirical essay conclusion

There are various aspects to a satirical essay conclusion.

A revised thesis statement – Do you recall what your essay’s major argument was in the introduction? One should be rewritten with new connotations. Assuming all of the facts, reasoning, and statistics stated in your satiric essay, you must make your reader reevaluate your thesis statement.

The key section of your conclusion is a summary of your arguments. Your supporting evidence should be linked to the thesis statement, and their significance within your topic should be explained.

A concluding line that gives your article a sense of completion

Tips for selecting a satirical essay topic

Are you looking for satirical essay ideas? Remember that a well-chosen topic is crucial to your writing success. Here are some suggestions for good satirical essay themes.

  1. Choose controversial issues, such as is there a fine line between love and hate?
  2. Concentrate on something that irritates you. If you choose a topic that bothers you personally, you will create a fantastic satirical essay full of sarcasm and black humour.
  3. Refer to time-tested themes like politics and government while also addressing current challenges.
  4. Look for topics on the internet. There’s no better way to come up with hundreds of satire essay ideas than to go online and search for them. As a result, you can start with distinctive and, most importantly, innovative themes.

Do’s and don’ts  when writing a satirical essay

If you believe that writing a sarcastic essay is easy, think again. Satirical fiction is entertaining, but combining it into a plot that is relevant is difficult. If you’re interested in dipping your toe into the unexplored waters of how to write a satirical essay, keep these pointers in mind.

  1. Don’t be afraid to use exaggeration.

Exaggeration is satire’s lifeblood, thus you should work hard to come up with topics to satirize. Emphasizing the characters’ actions, emotions, or inactivity adds an additional layer of humor to your satirical essay.

A cardiologist, for example, is methodical, perceptive, and careful. Make him develop an obsessive-compulsive disorder by exaggerating his looks. He gets up at dusk to take his family’s temperature while they are sleeping since they may have been exposed to pathogens when using the microwave.

  1. Make unusual to be the new normal.

If you can spot contradictions and inconsistencies, you’re ready to write a satiric essay. Things that are out of place and disrupt the harmony of agreed expectations. To create aberrant events out of the ordinary, you’ll need a good observational eye.

  1. Turn things around and subvert them.

This is similar to incongruity, except it emphasizes the reversal concept. It is more concerned with lampooning social order or social practices than with minute hilarious observations in the usual sense.

  1. Make fun of yourself through mimicry.

Satire is incomplete without parody, but that doesn’t imply it has to be overt. You should be subtle, but it will be satirical enough if you emulate an author’s writing style or mock a specific genre in which your narrative might be classified.

  1. Don’t be concerned about getting ridiculed.

The notion that satires must contain a large number of jokes and seek to be laugh-out-loud funny is incorrect. Although satires can be entertaining, don’t confuse being humorous with being funny. If you remember these key themes, you’ll be able to produce a fantastic satiric essay.

Typical sarcastic essay examples

Look it up if you need to produce an excellent satirical essay so you know what you’re up against. Here are some satirical essay examples.

  • The nose by Nikolai Gogol
  • The trial by Franz Kafka
  • Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
  • The angel of the odd by Edgar Allan Poe


A satirical essay is the perfect way to expose atrocities committed by bigwigs against the common people. You must start your trip by following the above tips on how to write a satirical essay.

If you get stuck, reach out to those who can assist and coach you in creating a fantastic satirical essay. Nothing is more satisfying than expressing yourself and having an impact on others.


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