Tag Archives: phases of how to write a report


How to Write a Report with Example

A report is a factual summary of an event, topic, or issue that details what happened afterward. With any luck, a well-written essay will contain all the information a reader needs, even if they know nothing about the topic.

Although reports make it simple to bring someone up to speed, report writing is a challenging task in and of itself. So, to assist you, we’ve included a mini-report that we wrote about producing reports for your perusal.

Format on How to Write a Report Book

A report can be any verbal or written description of events or circumstances related to a particular discussion topic. Any written work, from a book report written by a fifth grader to a deposition given by a high-profile witness, fits this description.

When people talk about “reports,” they usually mean formal documents describing the facts of a topic, usually produced by an expert on the subject or someone appointed to examine it. As we’ll see in the following section, there are a few variations on reports, but generally, they look like this.

In what ways do reports facilitate communication? The following categories of information are prevalent in reports. However, any will do.

  • Information about a specific instance
  • The aftereffects, or results, of anything
  • Analytical or statistical evaluation
  • Taking the report’s data at face value
  • The report’s conclusions or suggestions
  • What role does this data play in light of previous findings or reports

How to Write an Report with an Example

Reports are similar to essays in many ways, but several key differences exist. Despite their shared reliance on evidence, pieces also incorporate the writers’ perspectives and arguments. Reports usually only comprise hard, cold facts, but the author’s interpretation of those data is not unheard of, especially in the report’s conclusion. Below is a guide to writing a report example and also a format on how to write an essay, often quite well structured, with detailed tables of contents and several headings and subheadings. This facilitates quicker scanning and discovery of pertinent data in lengthy reports. Instead of skimming for relevant information, essays should be read entirely.

What is a Report Format

The format for writing a report is determined by the report’s purpose and the assignment’s specifications. Although words can take on a variety of structures, you can check online how to write a report example; the ones most commonly used are as follows:

How to Write a Report Format

An executive summary is a stand-alone section that summarizes your report’s results, just like an abstract for a research paper. These are more appropriate for government or corporate reports than academic ones.

  • In the introduction, you will provide the groundwork for the report’s main body by giving a synopsis of the topic you’ll cover, a thesis statement, and any relevant background information the reader will need to understand your results.
  • The report’s body contains a detailed explanation of your key findings, organized under several headings and subheadings. The report’s body is often much longer than the report’s opening and conclusion.
  • The report’s conclusion is where the author synthesizes the findings and draws firm conclusions. In most cases, the author will inject their thoughts, judgments, or observations here.

You may compare the format of a report to that of a research paper by looking at the three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. As we’ll see in the following section, reports also have unique needs, such as title pages and tables of content.

What Information must a Report Have, and what Steps for Writing a Report?

A report does not have to feature anything in particular. Every institution of higher learning, business, laboratory, project manager, and educator can develop its format to suit their demands. Since a rule of thumb, though, keep an eye out for the following specific needs, as they seem to pop up frequently:

When reading many reports, it is helpful to have a title page for each one to keep track of where you left off. This is especially true of official information.

Similarly to a book’s table of contents, an online version provides a quick way for readers to locate the specific portion they’re interested in reading.

If you are preparing a lengthy report, it is polite to number your pages so that they may be found in the correct sequence in case of a typo.

Reports are often organized into subsections with their headings and subheadings to make them easier to read and navigate.

Guidelines for Referencing Sources Provide Advice on the Best Way to do so in your Work

Bibliography/works cited your paper should conclude with a bibliography, which includes citations and any applicable legal notices for any outside resources you may have used.

Specific instructions on how to do each should be found itself. It would help if you asked those who will be reading the report what layout and style guidelines they prefer.

Phases of How to Write a Report

Let’s go deeper into report writing now. The following seven phases will help you with how to write a report essay from beginning to end.

Step one is to select a topic depending on the task’s requirements

The first step in creating a report is deciding on a topic. Most corporate reports have a preset theme, and in scientific reports, the topic is often determined by the nature of the job. If that’s the case, skip over this procedure.

In many academic reports, the student is responsible for selecting their topic, making this a crucial part of the writing process. Choose a subject that meets both of the following guidelines:

Sufficient data exists: pick a subject that is narrow enough to allow you to cover all the bases in your report yet broad enough that you don’t feel rushed.

It piques your curiosity because: even if it’s not required, it helps the quality of a report if you’re interested in what you’re writing about.

Remember the assignment’s guidelines, particularly its required length, while you choose your choice.

The second step: do your homework

While some of the research for business and scientific reports may come from internal sources, the bulk will likely come from the author(s) or the company’s other employees.

Unless specifically instructed otherwise, you will likely be on your own while conducting research for academic papers. That’s why it’s essential to perform some preliminary research to make sure your topic has adequate material to work with.

The trick is to look at reliable resources such as government records, other reports, academic papers, case studies, books by reputed writers, etc. You are welcome to quote studies found in other documents of this type. Search engines are an excellent resource for finding information, but a trip to the library is always a good backup plan.

Know how to write a report letter thesis statement

Create a thesis statement to focus your thinking on the report’s central argument before you continue. The thesis statement, like the topic sentence of a paragraph, condenses the report’s main idea.

After amassing sufficient data, patterns and trends should become apparent. Thesis statements are created when a series of observations imply or builds to a central claim.

Thesis: “although salaries used to be comparable with living expenditures, after years of stagnation, they are no longer adequate” might be used in a study on fast-food workers’ pay. After establishing your thesis, you may spend the rest of your report developing it using relevant examples and arguments.

Even though your thesis statement should be included in the report’s executive summary and introduction, you should still come up with it early so that you may use it as a guide while creating your outline.

Outline your thinking

A well-written plan is helpful for any writing, but it is especially beneficial for reports because of their focus on structure. Since reports are typically broken down into sections with their own

Headers and subheadings, having an outline can help you remain on track and not forget anything important.

It would help if you began considering your outline as soon as you detect patterns and trends in your study. If you’re having trouble getting started, it may help to write out all the information you know you’ll need to include, such as the main points, supporting facts, and proof. If you can group them into broad and narrow headers and subheadings, it will be easier to organize the information.

Five, jot down the first draft

Most of your time will likely be spent on the first or rough draft. In the writing stage, you put your investigation findings into words. If you’re worried about forgetting something crucial, sticking to your outline’s step-by-step instructions might help you stay calm and get the job done.

The first guideline for writing a rough draft is not to worry about perfecting it. The pressure to produce a flawless first draft is enormous. Avoid overthinking your writing and focus on getting your ideas down in an effortless, casual style. That’s what the latter two procedures are for.

6 make necessary changes to your report

When writing a report sample first, it’s time to go back and repair the things you missed. (before diving back in, though, sleeping on it helps to start editing fresh, or at least taking a brief pause to decompress after writing the rough copy.)

By reading it through, check your report for severe problems, including missing or rearranged information. Occasionally, you may discover inconsistencies in your data or that a critical piece of evidence was misunderstood. Now is the moment to edit any particularly lengthy passages or correct any “big picture” errors that have been made.

Learn more sophisticated self-editing techniques and what to look for while editing by reading our previous tutorial.

Seven, double-check your work for errors

After you’ve finished writing your report, it’s a good idea to read it over one last time to ensure it’s perfectly polished and free of typos. Making sure there weren’t any “big picture” flaws in the previous phase involves searching for more particular, albeit minor, issues.

How to Write a Lab Report

Lab reports follow a defined format. Each section of a lab report is crucial, so do it carefully. The lab report comprises the title, abstract, introduction, techniques and materials, findings, discussion, conclusion, and references.


The lab report title should describe the experiment and what it assessed.

“calculating pool water’s free chlorine.”


Abstracts summarize the experiment and explain its objective. Even though they’re the opening paragraph of a lab report, abstracts are always written last.

Abstracts aren’t required for all lab reports. Upper-level lab results typically include them, so study them carefully. Answer these questions in your abstract:

  • Why did the research/experiment?
  • What’s the problem?
  • Results?
  • Result meaning?
  • How does the situation differ from before?


Lab report introductions describe the topic and associated concepts.

This section contains the experiment’s hypothesis and rationale.

Personalize the intro. Copying lab manuals or other recommendations are discouraged. Instead, describe the experiment’s flaw.


The procedures and materials section describes the experiment’s equipment, chemicals, and steps. Specify the number of materials used.

List the experiment’s stages as they transpired, not as planned.

If described well, another researcher should be able to reproduce the experiment and achieve identical findings.


Results display experiment data.

Describe the data.

The lab report’s findings include graphs, charts, and other figures.

Number tables “table 1,” “table 2,” etc. Figures should be numbered “1, 2,” etc.

Results might include data-understanding calculations.


The lab report’s discussion portion is crucial. It discusses experiment findings and data.

Explain unexpected outcomes and how they affected the data.

Compare your experiment’s design and outcomes to comparable ones.

Analyze experimental mistakes.

Discuss your results using terminology and theories.

Answer these questions when writing a discussion.

  • The results show what
  • The results’ relevance
  • Knowledge gaps?
  • New questions?


Summary of the experiment. It should state what was taught and why. Conclusions can explain future work.


Using other sources to support a claim or clarify background knowledge, cite them in the lab report. The references section may be omitted if no other sources are consulted.

Final Remarks

A report explains why an experiment was conducted, how the data was collected, and what conclusions were drawn. Writing a lab report is a great way to show that you’ve got the hang of the scientific method by documenting your work in a real-world lab setting. Compared to a research article, this form of homework is typically much shorter. Report writing might be difficult, but if you hire us at nursingpapersmarket.com to write a laboratory report for you.

Also Read: How to Write Letter of Intent


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