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How to Write a Synthesis Essay:  Complete Guide

When students hear “synthesis essay,” the first thing that comes to mind is confusion. This is a natural reaction because this task’s peculiarities are not apparent from the name. If you have been assigned to write an essay of this type and have no idea where to begin, you have come to the right place. You will  learn how to write a synthesis essay that will wow your teacher.

Synthesis Essay Definition

It is necessary to understand what a synthesis paper is to make the best choice from the synthesis essay topics presented to you. It’s simple to define a synthesis essay once you understand what “to synthesize” means: to combine separate parts to form a single whole. On the other hand, a synthesis essay requires students to piece together information or facts gathered from various sources to construct a single argument that reveals their position on the topic.

The difficulty of writing a synthesis essay stems from the fact that students must not only summarize the significant themes gleaned from their sources but also explain the specific relationships between them. Various synthesis essays can be written for multiple purposes.

How to write a synthesis essay ap lang

Whether you attend a community college or a prestigious university such as UC Berkeley, your professor may assign this type of synthesis paper early in the research process. The goal of writing background synthesis is to become an expert on the topic, which necessitates a thorough examination of available sources. To complete this type of paper, go through the sources and systematize the facts, grouping them into common themes.

While background synthesis papers lack thesis statements, they aim to improve one’s understanding of the topic by examining it from various perspectives. If you have a complex project to complete, we recommend doing a background synthesis even if it is not assigned. This activity will undoubtedly improve your understanding of the subject, allowing you to develop a compelling thesis statement for a future argumentative essay or another research project.

How to write a thesis for a synthesis essay paper

This type of synthesis paper should have strong thesis statements that present precise positions on the discussed argumentative synthesis paper topics. Students should, as with background synthesis writing, organize available facts by themes to support their position on the topic. You may pursue various goals while completing this type of writing.

For example, the task could ask you to argue a point of view on the subject, evaluate a text, compare and contrast some items (as in a compare and contrast essay), or explain cause-and-effect relationships. The purpose of a synthesis essay will influence how you approach sources, encouraging you to use specific techniques to present information in the paper.

Review of Literature of how to write a synthesis essay

Although literature reviews are most common in medicine and social sciences, students pursuing degrees in other fields may be required to conduct them as part of larger projects. This method of synthesis writing, like the previous two, requires you to examine and analyze previous research on the topic. You should outline critical themes in literature and distinguish between areas that have received extensive study and those that have received insufficient attention.

Even if this type of writing does not require a clear thesis statement, the implicit assumption is that research should be conducted to reveal specific aspects of the examined problem to address it adequately. This type of synthesis essay seeks to justify the proposed research.

Tips for Organizing a Synthesis Essay

The structure of your synthesis may differ depending on the type of writing. Some essays, mainly those written early in the research process, will not require strong thesis statements. Still, there are some standard structure requirements that we recommend students follow to ensure the best results.

Start with an introduction

Make a catchy introduction to your synthesis paper that explains the topic and purpose of writing. Essay Thesis statements that present specific positions are frequently required for argumentative synthesis essay topics.

Arrange the body paragraphs according to the themes

When writing the synthesis essay’s body, ensure each paragraph addresses a different theme. If you want to write a sophisticated essay, avoid summarizing sources one by one. Facts collected from the reviewed sources should be united into groups based on the particular features or themes. Each paragraph is obligated to include information from multiple sources.

If your essay includes a thesis statement, each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that addresses the idea in some way.

Include phrases that represent the relationships between various pieces of information

Synthesis papers are primarily informative; it is critical to clearly explain how the discovered facts interact in the context of the investigated topic. You should demonstrate similarities and differences in how different sources approach the issue. Argumentative synthesis essay topics frequently require students to present opposing views and refute the opposing argument.

 Include a conclusion

Finish the synthesis with a concluding paragraph covering all major themes. The Conclusion should also explain how each outlined theme relates to the essay’s topic. If these activities are relevant to the task, you may offer your interpretation of the themes and points or suggest directions for further research in this paragraph.

Synthesis Essay Outline

The first thing you should do before you begin is to write a synthesis essay outline. It is not a waste of time to create an outline. Even if you are not required to show it to the teacher, you should do so to ensure that you write a well-organized paper.

A good outline is the foundation of your essay, keeping you focused and on track throughout the writing process. Writing without an outline increases the likelihood of producing a rambling, disorganized paper.

Sure, writing an outline can take a long time, but it can be done if you follow these guidelines:

a) Introduction

Create a thesis statement that includes one to three of your ideas on the subject.

b) The Main Body (three to four paragraphs)

Using the standard outline structure, write at least three paragraphs for the essay’s body, each beginning with a new thought. Make sure the evidence you use to support your ideas comes from a credible source, and if you use another author’s exact words, put them in quotes. Cite all non-original information and list all of your sources in your bibliography or works cited page.

c) The Conclusion (one paragraph)

This is where you wrap up your paper and bring it to a logical close. Do not raise any new issues; summarize what you discussed in the introduction and body.

Structure of a Synthesis Essay

Before you begin working on the structure of your synthesis essay, you must first conduct an in-depth analysis of the data you gathered. Keep in mind that only well-structured papers receive high marks. Even if you write an excellent essay, the teacher will not give it a high grade if it is not correctly formatted. That is why you must ensure you understand how to write a synthesis essay.

Remember that the outline above recommends the basic five-to-six paragraph structure. In rare cases, the main body may contain more paragraphs. Remember to cite the evidence in these paragraphs following your professor’s instructions.

Make sure your transitions between paragraphs and ideas are smooth. A paper without smooth transitions from paragraph to section will be blocky and poorly written.

Synthesis Essay Introduction

Putting pen to paper is often the most challenging part of writing. Many students spend hours brainstorming ideas for paper topics. Answering the question, “What would attract my attention if I were the reader?” is the most effective way to begin a synthesis essay.

When brainstorming ideas for how to write a synthesis essay paper, keep the peculiarities of the synthesis essay in mind. There are several options for getting started. The first is to present an intriguing fact that not everyone knows.

The second method is to begin the essay with a quote from a famous person related to the topic. Try to grab the reader’s attention right away because the success of your paper will be determined by the first impression you make on the reader.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Conclusion

The next roadblock that almost every student encounter is completing the paper because, for some reason, writing the introduction and main body is always easier than writing the Conclusion. The best way to write this section of your essay is to restate your thesis statement and summarize your main points from the paper. Also, try to write a solid final sentence that will help you persuade your audience.

Synthesis Essay Writing Guide

You have a better chance of soaring high now that you understand how to begin a synthesis essay. Follow these synthesis essay tips if you want a 100% guarantee that your paper will receive a high grade.

a) Select the appropriate topic

As a student or researcher, you may be tempted to write about a topic with which you are unfamiliar to broaden your horizons. There is nothing wrong with wanting to learn new things; however, you should do so on your own time, not while writing a paper for a grade.

Write about what you know—and believe us, you will learn a lot when you research the subject. Your goal should be to improve your writing skills and receive a high grade; writing about an entirely new topic increases your chances of not receiving an A.

b) Use reputable sources

One of the most severe issues in academia today is that incoming students have no idea what a credible source is. Hence, they cite Facebook, blogs, and other untrustworthy media in their papers. When writing an essay, stick to academic journals, websites, books, and other similar sources.

c) Correctly cite your sources

Making incorrect or missing citations and bibliographies will always result in a failing paper. Another thing that frequently gets students in trouble is failing to follow the professor’s instructions. One typical example is when the professor prefers a specific citation format, such as MLA, and the student prefers to cite in APA or Harvard.

Never, ever do this. Always follow your professor’s instructions, whether you agree with them.

d) Proofread your essay

Another standard error students make failing to proofread their work for grammar and spelling errors. They finish the essay, print it, and turn it in; when they get it back in a week, they get a C or a B. They received such a low grade not because they lacked brilliant ideas in their papers but because their documents were riddled with errors.

Once you’ve finished your essay, review it several times to ensure there are no grammatical errors and that it flows logically. It would also not hurt to double-check that all of your citations are correct. Consider having someone else look at it, such as your professor or a friend, to get a different perspective.


Writing a synthesis essay is a great opportunity for you to shine and showcase your writing skills. You are going through some synthesis examples to grasp the writing tips and structure in a better way. On a scale of one to ten, the difficulty level of this type of essay would most likely be an eight or nine.

This assignment should also be viewed as an opportunity to improve your writing skills and impress your professor. If you impress your professor, you may be able to obtain recommendations from him, or he may want to take you under his wing when you start graduate school. We hope you are now more confident and passionate about writing an excellent paper after going through this article on how to write a synthesis essay. Believe in yourself and give it all!

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