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How to Write AP Lang Synthesis Essay

AP Lang test is the logical end to the first college English composition course. Any paper writing service is very much aware of its format. And its most significant (and frequently hardest) portion is the AP Lang synthesis essay. Despite being the primary layer of your future composing talents, approaching unprepared is a tremendously complex challenge. Besides, its details may vary from year to year. So it’s not as easy as buying an essay and remembering. So let’s look at what your AP Lang exam 2022 might look like.

What is AP Lang?

AP Lang is a relatively extensive test. There are various AP rubrics that a student must be well-versed in to hope to pass it. The first half includes reading and writing, while the second is slightly more freeform and includes three different types of essays.

Among those three, the AP Lang synthesis essay rubric is the most engaging and often the hardest to deal with. Today will focus on it mainly to ensure you know exactly what you will be experiencing during the test.

What is a synthesis essay AP Lang

At its core, the AP Lang synthesis essay is a specific element of the AP Lang test. It can look quite comparable to the reading section of the exam. Merely getting the appropriate information isn’t enough. It’s a lot like writing a research paper in college. When writing a synthesis essay, you should not only acquire the facts but also condense them into your personal opinion.

This thin line may appear challenging to notice, yet it is there. It’s this slight difference that can make or break your exam run. So try to follow the steps one by one and not lose focus. Writing an excellent synthesis essay is as straightforward as following the rules.

AP Lang synthesis essay outline

Looking over AP Lang essay samples, you might note that the main framework doesn’t change much from your typical essay outline. You have your introduction, your body, and your conclusion. But the crucial thing to note is where your arguments are intended to originate from.

You’re not supposed to go off on a rant. The challenge requires you to base your supporting evidence on at least three sources. And you will have to ensure your essay has firm roots. Here’s what a basic synthesis essay structure should look like:


Provide appropriate context for the issue you are about to address. You can make a fast overview of the dominant viewpoints you have gathered while browsing through your source materials.


Write a brief and engaging thesis statement. This will be your ground zero for the rest of the essay. So make sure it reflects your opinion.

Body Paragraphs

Dedicate at least one paragraph to every source you’re using. Start with presenting the evidence you have acquired from that source and explain how it formed your perspective on the topic and why it should be evaluated.


Quickly go through your line of reasoning and reiterate what you have already addressed. After all the evidence you have presented, finish by restating your thesis as you’re expected to arrive at it logically. That’s how you write a conclusion correctly.

Different forms and types of synthesis essays: explanatory vs. argumentative synthesis essays

When writing a synthesis essay AP Lang, you should consider various types of essays. The most prevalent ones are the AP Lang argument essay and explanation essay. The indications of how each of them should look are concealed within their names but let’s go over them to dispel any doubt.

An explanation essay’s purpose is to go through a given topic, examine it in detail, and finally show a high grasp of the specified issue. You don’t necessarily have to get into a heated battle with the reader trying to convince them of something. All you need to do is develop an objective perspective.

On the other hand, an argumentative essay has to do with personal opinions. And while there is a time and a place for bias, it still has to be as neutral and factual as possible. When establishing your case, try not to fall into emotional debates but stick to logic and objective truths. This will make your case considerably more robust.

Synthesis essay structure

In most cases, a synthesis essay AP Lang example is not necessary to understand the basic format of this type of paper. You can comfortably fall back on your high school essay writing knowledge and be generally safe.

What you should pay attention to is your writing style and topic. A synthesis essay is distinguished less by its structure and more by how you form and convey your ideas to the reader. When you acquire a specific essay kind (like an argumentative essay), you should pay attention to tiny modifications in format.

Argument essay structure

The easiest way to learn argumentative essay format is to examine any well-written AP Lang argument essay example. Standard AP Lang essays contain unique traits that are pretty easy to detect and duplicate. They follow a reasonably tight form and apply particular rhetorical tactics that you’ll be able to pick up once you evaluate them once or twice fast.

How many paragraphs should an AP Lang synthesis essay be

The number of paragraphs in an AP Lang synthesis essay can make a difference. Your arguments should be concise and pointed. Spreading them out among numerous sections may seem an excellent way to fill the space. But it’s damaging to your final score. Using a score calculator for the AP Language and Composition exam, you may get a rough idea of how well you will do.

Paragraph length is also an issue. Don’t even try to squeeze your entire stream of thought into a single body paragraph. Generally, the least number of sources you should handle is three. Any less, and you are earning a lesser score. Therefore, aim for a compromise. Three to five body paragraphs is an optimal number. Don’t forget to add an intro and a conclusion; you’re all set. A well-written essay has a clear and immediately identifiable structure.

How to write AP Lang synthesis essays

If you follow these guidelines, you should be able to produce a good essay or seek our synthesis essay writing services. For instance, if you need to know how an AP Lang synthesis essay rubric is constructed, AP language and composition won’t be able to help you. But looking at this list might.

Step 1. Read the prompt

It may sound like a no-brainer. But it’s more significant than you can imagine. Don’t skip right past this stage. It’s pretty easy to misunderstand the work under stress. And if you do screw up in the beginning – the entirety of your labor after that is wasted.

Step 2. Analyze the sources carefully

The same goes for your sources. Take your time reading them. Try to detect every tiniest element since even a single one will assist you in better combining your evidence into the body of your essay. You can begin outlining the general points of your paper in your brain at this stage.

Step 3. Come up with a strong thesis statement

Your thesis statement is the baseline of your writing. Make it short and precise. Please do your best not to dwell on it too much in your mind.

Step 4. Fill up your essay outline

Start filling out your outline step by step. You don’t have to go from top to bottom. If you’re struggling – skip to the next part and return to the issue paragraph later. The use of rhetorical devices in AP Lang is also fairly essential. So once you flesh out your essay, spend some time developing the appropriate language.

Step 5. Finalize

A draft is the first complete version of your essay. Be patient, and don’t rush to hand things in. Read over it a couple of times. Make sure everything is in order. You can alter some elements or redo some sections if you have the time. It would help if you had enough time at this point to correct any remaining grammatical mistakes in your essay. Polish it to perfection.

Valuable tips to write AP Lang synthesis essays

Here are some suggestions that could help you streamline your writing process:

  • Use either APA or Chicago style to cite your sources
  • Make a plan to see how much time you devote to each part.
  • Always make room in your schedule for the last round of editing and proofreading.
  • You can never overstudy the source material. Spend as much time as you can looking into it
  • Avoid dwelling merely on the most superficial aspects of your topic in the essay. Dive in and show your sophisticated comprehension of the content
  • When writing an essay, unless the prompt specifies otherwise, you should not use personal examples to back up your argument. These don’t make for a convincing case.
  • If you’re going to use a lot of evidence to back up your claim, at least make sure it’s excellent and related to your thesis.
  • Keep your argument in mind every once in a while. Your entire text needs to be consistent with it.
  • Have a question about a school assignment?
  • Are you procrastinating on your due dates? Consider hiring a professional essay writer if you need time off to collect.

AP Lang essay examples

In 1979, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum were opened in his honor, housing records from his presidency. On June 24, 1985, then-President Ronald Reagan joined members of the Kennedy family for a fundraising event to help the Kennedy Library Foundation develop an endowment to fund and support the presidential library. Here is a snippet of Reagan’s speech he delivered to the gathering. Have a good read of the paragraph. Create an article that delves into Reagan’s use of rhetoric to honor Kennedy and the former president’s legacy.

Former President Barack Obama delivered a eulogy for Senator Ted Kennedy in Boston, Massachusetts, on August 29, 2009. From 1962 until he died in 1963, Kennedy was a senator for the United States. The two men served together in the Senate from 2005 until Obama was elected president in 2008. Here is a snippet from one of Obama’s speeches. Have a good read of the paragraph. Do some research and write an article critiquing Obama’s use of rhetoric to honor and remember Kennedy.

Former First Lady Claudia “Lady Bird” Johnson delivered the following remarks at the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation’s first-anniversary luncheon on April 9, 1964. Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt passed away in 1962, and her legacy is being preserved by the Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation, a non-profit arm of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. Have a good read of the paragraph. Create an essay that dissects Johnson’s rhetorical moves in honoring Roosevelt’s legacy.

AP Lang essay prompts

  • Provide a thesis statement in response to the prompt that evaluates the author’s use of rhetoric.
  • Pick and choose evidence that best fits your argument.
  • Defend your position by detailing the evidence that backs it up.
  • Prove that you have grasped the rhetorical circumstance.
  • Make sure your argument is communicated correctly by using correct grammar and punctuation.

Sample essay for the AP language and composition exam

Here is a good, if abridged, a sample of an AP language and composition rhetorical analysis essay. An AP English language and composition prep course focusing on the rhetorical analysis of environmental activists’ literature

And here’s a collection of excellent AP language and composition books to peruse as you study for the exam. Even though not all of them will be immediately applicable, the vast majority will assist you in developing your analytical and composing skills, which will ultimately result in a higher grade.

“The Odyssey”

Included in this list are: Don Quixote, King Lear’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Pride and Prejudice in Othello

Eyre, Jane

The Wuthering Heights

“Oliver Twist”

As it pertains to criminal activity and its attendant penalties

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Moby-Dick Saga

A small afterword

While AP Scores can improve your weighted GPA and provide the option to earn college credit, they do not significantly affect your chances of being accepted. You should not automatically send scores to colleges if they are lower than a 3, but schools can still see what you report. However, admissions officers place much more weight on how well you performed in the AP course than they do on your AP exam score. If you want an expert writer to help you with your AP essay and get an A+ “help me with AP Lang synthesis essay” service, at nursingpapersmarket.com.

Also Visit: How To Write A Chronological Essay


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