Gerald M

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 Week 8 Complete Work

ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 8 Complete Work ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion Find the financial statements for a publicly traded company, and calculate the company’s z-score. Identify (approximately 100 words) whether you think the company is at risk for financial failure, based upon its z-score and other factors that you find about…

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 Week 6 Complete Work

ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 6 Complete Work ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion Find the financial statements for a publicly traded company, and examine its financial statements from the perspective of a potential investor. Find or prepare the price/earnings ratio, the dividend payout ratio, the dividend yield, book value, and earnings per share,…

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 Week 5 Complete Work

ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 5 Complete Work ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion Find the financial statements for a publicly traded company that provides segmented financial information. Prepare an overview (approximately 300 words) of what is revealed about the company through its segmented data. Post a link to the financial statements with your…

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 Week 4 Complete Work

ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 4 Complete Work ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion Find a journal article online about managing or analyzing long-term debt-paying ability (solvency). In the subject line of your post, include the name of the article that you read. Post a link to that article with your initial post, and…

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 Week 3 Complete Work

ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion Choose a publicly traded company, and identify the resources that you would use (besides the financial statements) to analyze the financial position of this corporation. Find at least two resources, other than the financial statements, that provide information regarding your…

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 Week 2 Complete Work

ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 2 Complete Work ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion Find the financial statements for a publicly traded company, and examine its balance sheet and income statement. Prepare an overview (approximately 300 words) of what is revealed about the company by its balance sheet and income statement, including any items…

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 Week 1 Complete Work

ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion Find a journal article online about the convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In the subject line of your post, include the name of the article that you read. Post a link to that article with your initial post,…

Grand Canyon – ACC 486 All Week Discussions

ACC 486 Grand Canyon All Week Discussions ACC 486 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion Find a journal article online about the convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In the subject line of your post, include the name of the article that you read. Post a link to that article with your initial post, and…

Grand Canyon – LDR 461 Topic 3 Discussions

LDR 461 Topic 3 Discussions LDR 461 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1 Meet with the human resources director or the hiring person at your site. (If there is no one with that title, speak with whoever does some of the interviews of prospective new employees.) Ask that person at least five questions to find out…

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