Gerald M

Grand Canyon – PSY 663 Topic 8 Discussions

PSY 663 Topic 8 Discussions GCU Topic 8 DQ Explain how happiness is effected by social relationships, work, leisure, and religion. Topic 8 DQ 2 Select a scholarly article that discusses religion and happiness. Discuss the effect that religious belief has on people’s happiness or unhappiness as it relates to their behaviors and attitudes. What…

Grand Canyon – PSY 663 Topic 7 Discussions

PSY 663 Topic 7 Discussions GCU Topic 7 DQ 1 What is groupthink? How does it affect the decisions made by a group? Identify the critical factors that are believed to lead to groupthink. Explain how you could reduce groupthink in terms of these factors. Topic 7 DQ 2 Consider how being part of a…

Grand Canyon – PSY 663 Topic 6 Discussions

PSY 663 Topic 6 Discussions GCU Topic 6 DQ 1 When is frustration more likely to lead to aggression? When is it more likely to produce stronger reactions (e.g., violence)? Discuss possible solutions to this problem, including anger management programs. Topic 6 DQ 2 How do people’s attributions regarding the causes of another person’s unfortunate…

Grand Canyon – PSY 663 Topic 5 Discussions

PSY 663 Topic 5 Discussions GCU Topic 5 DQ 1 How do different perspectives impact relationship development and maintenance particularly, in terms of exchange versus communal factors? Have you ever experienced these different perspectives? Provide examples. Topic 5 DQ 2 Using the social exchange theory, equity theory and penetration theory, describe how relationships are maintained…

Grand Canyon – PSY 663 Topic 3 Discussions

PSY 663 Topic 3 Discussions GCU Topic 3 DQ 1 Provide a real-life example of informational social influences impacting a person’s decision or behavior.  Provide a real-life example of normative social influences impacting a person’s decision or behavior.  Can the influence of conformity, compliance, or obedience be decreased?   How would this impact the situations you…

Grand Canyon – PSY 663 Topic 2 Discussions

PSY 663 Topic 2 Discussions GCU Topic 2 DQ 1 In what ways do the typical attributions of people from collectivistic cultures differ from those of people from individualistic cultures? Why do these differences exist? Provide empirical evidence supporting your explanations. Topic 2 DQ 2 Human beings often speculate as to the causes of others’…

Grand Canyon – PSY 663 Topic 1 Discussions

PSY 663 Topic 1 Discussions GCU Topic 1 DQ 1 Explain how social psychology is different from sociology, psychology, and other subfields of psychology. Why is there a need for social psychology as a unique scientific field different from the subfields of psychology? Topic 1 DQ 2 Discuss some of the research methods that social…

Grand Canyon – MKT 450 Week 1 Complete Work

MKT 450 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work MKT450 Grand Canyon MKT 450  Week 1 Discussion 1 What potential issues could a business encounter if the marketing team has not adequately researched and constructed marketing strategies that incorporate product-marketing strategies, cash-flow and income projections? How much emphasis must be on income projections? Could these projections…

Grand Canyon – MKT 450 Entire Course

MKT 450 Grand Canyon Entire Course MKT450 Grand Canyon MKT 450 Week 1 Discussion 1 What potential issues could a business encounter if the marketing team has not adequately researched and constructed marketing strategies that incorporate product-marketing strategies, cash-flow and income projections? How much emphasis must be on income projections? Could these projections alter the…

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