Gerald M

Grand Canyon – COM 231 Entire Course Latest

COM 231 Grand Canyon Entire Course Latest COM231 COM 231 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Does persuasion have a limit? Are there elements of what persuasion is not? COM 231 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2 Why is leadership naturally persuasive? Give examples of instances when leadership has been persuasive. When have you been…

Grand Canyon – COM 231 Complete Discussions All Week

COM 231 Grand Canyon Complete Discussions All Week COM231 COM 231 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Does persuasion have a limit? Are there elements of what persuasion is not? COM 231 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2 Why is leadership naturally persuasive? Give examples of instances when leadership has been persuasive. When have you…

Grand Canyon – ECS 555 Topic 6 Social Emotional Development Presentation

ECS 555 Topic 6 Social Emotional Development Presentation GCU You have been asked to create a professional development presentation for early childhood educators on the topics of mental health and bullying. Create a 15-20 slide presentation that includes a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes. Within your presentation include: A child’s social-emotional developmental milestones…

Grand Canyon – ECS 555 Topic 6 Discussions

ECS 555 Topic 6 Discussions GCU ECS 555 Topic 6 DQ 1 Discuss environmental factors that can affect the mental health of early childhood students. Identify possible signs of mental health issues and a recommended resource to share with families or other educators in properly dealing with concerns. ECS 555 Topic 6 DQ 2 In…

Grand Canyon – ECS 555 Topic 5 Discussions

ECS 555 Topic 5 Discussions GCU ECS 555 Topic 5 DQ 1 Reflect upon the saying “failing to plan is planning to fail” in regards to effective lesson planning. Explain how an unprepared teacher negatively affects a teacher’s instruction and his or her students. ECS 555 Topic 5 DQ 2 Conduct research relating to  differentiated…

Grand Canyon – ECS 555 Topic 5 Benchmark Wellness Fair

ECS 555 Topic 5 Benchmark Wellness Fair GCU In this benchmark assignment, you will be planning a Wellness Fair for the students and families of your kindergarten class. The Wellness Fair will incorporate the mini-lesson plans you previously created in this course. You will also create a digital invitation to the Wellness Fair. Part 1:…

Grand Canyon – ECS 555 Topic 4 Discussions

ECS 555 Topic 4 Discussions GCU ECS 555 Topic 4 DQ 1 What are your personal thoughts on the use of electronics by children in and out of the classroom? At what ages do you find electronic use most appropriate? What advice would you give parents regarding the appropriate amount of time for electronic use?…

Grand Canyon – ECS 555 Topic 2 Discussions

ECS 555 Topic 2 Discussions GCU ECS 555 Topic 2 DQ 1 Educators sometimes need access to student’s medical information when it relates to their performance and safety in school. Describe how you plan to gather and keep medical information regarding your students. What are some of the possible concerns in the gathering and storage…

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