Gerald M

Grand Canyon – JUS 620 Week 3 Complete Work

JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work JUS 620 Grand Canyon – Week 3 Module 3 Discussion 1 Do you believe an active police presence in a community actively deters crime? Why or why not? JUS 620 Grand Canyon – Week 3 Module 3 Discussion 2 If the provision of policing and law enforcement…

Grand Canyon – JUS 620 Week 2 Complete Work

JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week 2 Complete Work JUS620 JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week 2 Module 2 Discussion 1 What is your definition of “justice”? Is justice a value or a principle? Is it personal or is it a societal goal? JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week 2 Module 2 Discussion 2 Do special interest minority…

Grand Canyon – JUS 620 Week 1 Complete Work

JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week – 1 Module 1 Discussion 1 Do you believe that the issue of “crime” in the United States is a significant issue, or a lesser issue? Why? JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week – 1 Module 1 Discussion 1 In comparison to other…

Grand Canyon – JUS 620 Entire Course

JUS 620 Grand Canyon Entire Course JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week 1 Module 1 Discussion 1 Do you believe that the issue of “crime” in the United States is a significant issue, or a lesser issue? Why? JUS 620 Grand Canyon Week 1 Module 1 Discussion 1 In comparison to other industrialized nations, do you…

Grand Canyon – ESL 223N Entire Course SEI English Language Teaching

ESL 223N Entire Course SEI English Language Teaching-GCU Foundations and Methodologies ESL 223N Full Course ESL 223N Week 1 Discussion 1 Recently, Sheltered English Instruction, also known as Structured English Immersion (SEI), has replaced bilingual education in a few states. Arizona is one of those states. Looking at the SEI model and bilingual education model,…

Grand Canyon – ESL 223N Entire Course Discussions

ESL 223N Entire Course Discussions – GCU ESL 223N Entire Course SEI English Language Teaching-GCU ESL 223N Full Course Discussion ESL 223N Week 1 Discussion 1 Recently, Sheltered English Instruction, also known as Structured English Immersion (SEI), has replaced bilingual education in a few states. Arizona is one of those states. Looking at the SEI…

Grand Canyon – MAT 150 Topic 7 Final Project GCU

MAT 150 Topic 7 Final Project GCU MAT 150 Topic 7 Final Project: Lesson Plan and Presentation-Online Design a lesson plan and presentation on one subject from Topics 1-6, provided in the list of topics from your instructor. This is a group assignment consisting at most three students per group. You will also create and give…

Grand Canyon – MAT 150 Topic 7 Discussions GCU

MAT 150 Topic 7 Discussions GCU Mat 150 Topic 7 DQ 1 Out of the concepts you have studied in this course, choose one that you feel would be particularly difficult for students to understand. Provide a concrete real-world situation or example to help illustrate this concept. Mat 150 Topic 7 DQ 2 It is…

Grand Canyon – MAT 150 Topic 6 Discussions

MAT 150 Topic 6 Discussions GCU Mat 150 Topic 6 DQ 1 In your own words, explain the concept of a variable. Discuss how you can teach a class about the use of variables and how they can be used to create an algebraic expression. Mat 150 Topic 6 DQ 2 In your own words,…

Grand Canyon – MAT 150 Topic 5 Project 2 Lesson Plan

MAT 150 Topic 5 Project 2 Lesson Plan GCU Design a lesson plan on one subject from Topic 3, 4 or 5 from the list that is provided by your instructor. Include the following: Overview: Write an introduction to the class activity. Include the purpose of the activity and desired outcome. Objectives: The objectives should…

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