Gerald M

Grand Canyon – LDR 463 All Week Assignments Latest

LDR 463 All Week Assignments Latest LDR643 LDR 463-Professional Applications in Service Learning III LDR 463 Week 1 GCU Information Sheet for GCU Volunteer Placement Details: Complete the “Grand Canyon University Information Sheet for GCU Student Volunteer Placement” and submit it to your site supervisor and the instructor. You are not required to submit this…

Grand Canyon – HLT 308V Week 5 Complete Latest

HLT 308V Week 5 Complete Latest HLT308V HLT 308V Week 5 DQ 1 Health care organizations are facing many challenges from various regulatory and government agencies. For insight, to the challenges of health care reform, view the video “College of Nursing and Health Care Professions: Do we know what our future is?” Based on…

Grand Canyon – HLT 308V Week 4 Complete Latest

HLT 308V Week 4 Complete Latest HLT308V HLT 308V Week 4 DQ 1 The Joint Commission introduced the National Patient Safety Goals to address patient safety issues within health care organizations. Determine three patient safety issues that are being addressed by your health care organization. Identify the actions the organization is taking or identify three…

Grand Canyon – HLT 308V Week 3 Complete Latest

HLT 308V Week 3 Complete Latest HLT308V HLT 308V Week 3 DQ 1 The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) was implemented to allow patients to state “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNS), or to assign a surrogate decision maker in the event the individual is unable to make the decision. What relationship does an ethics committee have in…

Grand Canyon – HLT 308V Week 2 Complete Latest

HLT 308V Week 2 Complete Latest HLT308V HLT 308V Week 2 DQ 1 Review your organization’s risk management policies as they relate to the Americans With Disabilities Act and workers’ compensation. What is the process for reporting an incident? If there is not a policy, detail how you would go about getting a policy developed…

Grand Canyon – HLT 308V Week 1 Complete Latest

HLT 308V Week 1 Complete Latest HLT308V HLT 308V Week 1 DQ 1 The American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) has outlined the minimal components of a risk management program. Describe a minimum of three of those elements and evaluate if the elements are present in your organization’s risk management program, or describe how…

HLT 308V All Weeks Assignment Solutions

HLT 308V All Weeks Assignment Package HLT308V Week 1 – Elements of a Risk Management Program Details: In 1,000-1,250 word paper, conduct a review of the risk management program for new employees in a health organization. Include the following: Explain the steps for presenting a risk management program to new employees. Evaluate the presentation for…

Grand Canyon – HLT 308V All Discussions Solutions

HLT 308V All Discussions Solutions HLT308V HLT 308V Week 1 DQ 1 The American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) has outlined the minimal components of a risk management program. Describe a minimum of three of those elements and evaluate if the elements are present in your organization’s risk management program, or describe how they…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 8 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 8 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 8 Discussions DQ 1 Which science-based theories do you think are the most useful to advanced practice nurses, and why? DQ 2 Explore various science-based theories. Select two theories to describe to your peers. How is each of these theories relevant to application for…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 7 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 7 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 7 Discussions DQ 1 How can the DNP-prepared nurse apply the concepts of a complex adaptive system to individual patient care? Provide examples. DQ 2 Research change theories in scholarly literature and on the Internet. Develop a scenario and describe application of a change…

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