Gerald M

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 7 Complete Assignment

DNP 815 Week 7 Complete Assignment Grand Canyon NP 815 Week 7 Case Report: Application of Theory Details: In this assignment, learners are required to write a case report addressing the personal knowledge and skills gained in this course and potentially solving an identified practice problem. General Guidelines: Use the following information to ensure successful…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 6 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 6 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 6 Discussions DQ 1 Discuss “Envisioning Recovery” as an overarching framework for practice development and focus for all health care treatment. DQ 2 How can the knowledge of economic theory be utilized by advanced practice nurses? How can economic theory be applied in analysis…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 5 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 5 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 5 Discussions DQ 1 Learning theories have implications for advanced practice nurses outside the classroom. Share an example describing the application of learning theory or theories to develop a program targeting change to a specific organizational issue, patient lifestyle, or specific unhealthy behaviors. DQ…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 4 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 4 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 4 Discussions DQ 1 Describe a recent or current ethical issue you have faced in nursing practice or which has attained national attention. Discuss the application of ethical theories or principles to the issue. Support the application with sound reasoning. DQ 2 Consider yourself…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 3 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 3 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 3 Discussions DQ 1 Compare and contrast a minimum of two middle-range theories and discuss potential applications in your specific area of nursing practice. DQ 2 Conduct a literature search in the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) using the terms…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 3 Complete Assignment

DNP 815 Week 3 Complete Assignment Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 3 Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Structure (CTE) Evaluation Details: Conceptual models, theories, and empirical indicators are linked and provide a nursing knowledge system to apply the model or theory to nursing practice, research, and education. Advanced-practice nurses are required to understand the linkages as applied to nursing…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 2 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 2 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 2 Discussions DQ 1 Define the process of theory building. Discuss the differences in approach based on inductive versus deductive reasoning. Describe how you would build and test theory in your practice area. DQ 2 Select a nursing model or theory described in your…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 2 Complete Assignment

DNP 815 Week 2 Complete Assignment Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 2 Topic Selection DPI Project Milestone: Outline of 10 Strategic Points Details: The Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project incorporates 10 key or strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the project is doable, valuable, and credible. These points,…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 1 Complete Discussions

DNP 815 Week 1 Complete Discussions Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 1 Discussions DQ 1 Identify a historical change or event that had a significant impact on the development of nursing theory.  Discuss the effect of the change/event on nursing from that point forward, the contribution(s) to nursing that resulted, and how it relates now…

Grand Canyon – DNP 815 Week 1 Complete Assignment

DNP 815 Week 1 Complete Assignment Grand Canyon DNP 815 Week 1 Individual Success Plan (ISP) Details: The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires your collaboration with the course faculty early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed upon specific deliverables for your programmatic requirements. Programmatic requirements are: (1)…

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