Gerald M

Grand Canyon – NUR 502 Week 4 Complete Work

NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 4 Complete Work NUR502 NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1 Explain, in your own words, the difference between the three paradigms: human needs, interactive, and unitary process. Which of these best fits your philosophy of nursing? NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2 Select one of the…

Grand Canyon – NUR 502 Week 3 Complete Work

NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work NUR502 NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1 Discuss the value of nursing theory to the profession of nursing. Identify one way in which you could use nursing theory to improve your practice (present or future role). Provide a reference for your response. NUR 502 Grand…

Grand Canyon – NUR 502 Week 2 Complete Work

NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 2 Complete Work NUR502 NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1 Discuss several aspects of professional communication as it relates to the use of language in terms of form (e.g., clarity, accuracy) and content (culture and/or ethics). Cite the references you used to compose your response (from required readings)….

Grand Canyon – NUR 502 Week 1 Complete Work

NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work NUR502 NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 What comparisons can be found between the GCU Mission and Domains/CON Mission and Program Competencies (for your selected specialty track, links located in the Course Materials) with the AACN’s Essentials for Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing.  (link…

Grand Canyon NUR 502 Entire Course

NUR 502 Grand Canyon Entire Course NUR502 NUR 502 Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Roles and Practice NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 What comparisons can be found between the GCU Mission and Domains/CON Mission and Program Competencies (for your selected specialty track, links located in the Course Materials) with the AACN’s Essentials for…

Grand Canyon – NUR 502 All Week Discussions

NUR 502 All Week Discussions NUR502 NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 What comparisons can be found between the GCU Mission and Domains/CON Mission and Program Competencies (for your selected specialty track, links located in the Course Materials) with the AACN’s Essentials for Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing (link located in the…

Grand Canyon – NUR 502 All Week Assignments

NUR 502 All Week Assignments NUR502 NUR 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Assignment Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview Details: Refer to the “Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview Guide_student” as you prepare this assignment. Interview a nurse who is master’s-prepared in nursing and is using this education in a present position. Preferably, select someone who is in a…

Grand Canyon – HCA 675 Week 8 Complete Work

HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 8 Complete Work HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 1 What are the major positives that you see in the PPACA legislation? What are the major negatives that you see in the PPACA legislation? Provide rationale for your answer. HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 8 Discussion 2 What are…

Grand Canyon – HCA 675 Week 7 Complete Work

HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 7 Complete Work HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 1 Your hospital has been placed on alert for receiving patients from a local explosion at a large factory. Reports from the scene are spotty in terms of numbers killed or injured, and you do not know how many patients…

Grand Canyon – HCA 675 Week 6 Complete Work

HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 6 Complete Work HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 1 Given the different perspectives on change by those who like it and those who dread it, discuss how you would develop readiness for change in a group that mixes both types of people. HCA 675 Grand Canyon Week 6…

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