Gerald M

Grand Canyon – EMM 641 Week 5 Discussion

EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion EMM641   EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 1 The U.S. media tends to cover an incident as it happens. Does the “greater impact for the greater good” way the United States covers certain incidents present the stark facts, or stand back and give the public a…

Grand Canyon – EMM 641 Week 4 Discussion

EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion EMM641   EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1 Cyber terrorism is a serious threat to securing intelligence. From an emergency management perspective, how can cyber terrorism be a threat to mitigation efforts? Explain if the WikiLeaks intelligence leak scandal of 2010 can be considered cyber terrorism…

Grand Canyon – EMM 641 Week 3 Complete Work

EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 3 Complete Work EMM641   EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1 Would a settling of the Arab/Israeli conflict solve the problem of terrorism against the Western nations? Why or why not? EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2 Islam’s jihad is considered a defensive doctrine and violence…

Grand Canyon – EMM 641 Week 1 Complete Work

EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work EMM641   EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Several definitions of terrorism have been examined in this module. What is the difference between a criminal and a terrorist? How can they be the same? EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2 How does the…

Grand Canyon – EMM 641 All Week Discussions

EMM 641 Grand Canyon All Week Discussions EMM641 EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Several definitions of terrorism have been examined in this module. What is the difference between a criminal and a terrorist? How can they be the same? EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2 How does the terrorist threat…

Grand Canyon – EMM 641 All Week Assignments

EMM 641 Grand Canyon All Week Assignments EMM641   EMM 641 Grand Canyon Week 1 Assignment Latest Details: Terrorists and violent extremists impose a nearly constant threat to communities around the globe. For this reason, it is vitally important for emergency managers to understand the threat of terrorism. This assignment requires you to examine the…

Grand Canyon – PSY 510 Entire Course

PSY 510 GCU Entire Course PSY 510 GCU Entire Course PSY510 PSY 510 Complete Course PSY 510 Full Course PSY 510 Topic 1 DQ1 In the past, researchers in psychology used some “ethically questionable” research techniques. Do you believe that some of these techniques were useful despite their ethical shortcomings? Explain. How did these “ethically…

Grand Canyon – PHI 105 Week 7 Complete Work

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 7 Complete Work PHI105   PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 1 Grand Canyon University’s slogan is “Find Your Purpose.” How have you used, or could you use critical thinking in finding your purpose? PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 7 Discussion 2 What do you think it means to…

Grand Canyon – PHI 105 Week 6 Complete Work

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Complete Work PHI105   PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 1 What is the difference between persuasion and manipulation? Describe a time when you have encountered or used one or both of these. PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 2 Think of a metaphor for something that…

Grand Canyon – PHI 105 Week 5 Complete Work

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 5 Complete Work PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 1 What is the relationship between thinking and language? PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 5 Discussion 2 What are some words that have had a traditional meaning but have been redefined by more recent culture? Think in terms of your…

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